I also got put on the flat earth boat. How did that happen? 😅
[edit: now strangely this particularly accusation has been removed 😆]
I believe it was my latest post about calling people to action on losing their freedoms that caused this upheaval. Because well, that makes sense. 🙃
@frot We could all build a boat and call it Noah's Ark and sail to the edge of the world! What fun that would be! 😆
This is a strange world where narcissists of every form are convoluting and invading this internet thing.
This @quackwatch it seems, wants some attention.
Well I suppose he/she has it now.
Merry Christmas! @quackwatch
Obviously you forgot one user -
Type of quackery - inability to read articles and make sound assessments based on what is actually in the content. Fails to initiate dialogue aka direct communication with surprisingly rational regular participants of Hive. Instead, judges something immediately by first impressions made through a restrictive, narcissistic belief system. Prefers to touch things with a long stick so as not to have his/her limited belief system infected by potentially dangerous reality questioning information. Summary diagnosis: Opinion Narcissist
Yeah, me too, I'm not a flat earther and who knows what else I got on my list of things and I write so much, so he may have used a bot to find keywords. But just because I mention something, doesn't mean I believe it. Who knows, maybe he found some quotes I included on my blog or maybe I was playing Devil's advocate or joking or debating. I write so much each day, I don't even keep track. I publish a daily blog post for the past 2 years at least. And I will even include this comment here in my blog post. So, it is probably a bunch of things taken out of context as usual. Like for example, I could write, "My name is Santa Claus and the earth is totally flat." So, please stick your bot up my ass. I think you found out that I think the earth is flat and that I'm totally Santa Claus with a clause and a cause.
I got totally snubbed,...
Glad to have found you again freeborn :)
Perhaps QW doesn't wish to cross swords with you....or else yes, you did get snubbed :(
.........'and then there
was onewere many'11 hours until they get paided out on this comment.
11 hours until they get paided out on this comment.