It really is a grind this thing, it's hard to get used to but has already become strangely normal. It's crazy how quickly we adapt to new life circumstances. Just under two weeks ago we we wandering around the busy city, walking to the beach, enjoying the sun.
I had a dream that I was surfing last night. It drove me crazy when I woke up. This winter sucked for waves in Barcelona. I mean we get pretty much the crappiest, most sporadic surf you can imagine here anyhow, but usually it's a bit consistent in the winter. Not this winter though, weeks on end without a swell. Then out of nowhere the biggest storm of the century (literally) smashes into the coast and there are actual 35 foot waves crashing. Of course you can't surf in that, it was a death wish, a meat grinder out there, but cool to see.
Unfortunately the massive swell completely changed the sand on the beaches, and not for the better. My old surf spot that was usually pretty consistent disappeared, I surfed it the day after the storm because the swell was still coming in, but I have only seen it breaking once since then. The sand all got pushed way up the beach and made the wave breaking area too deep.
Of course just when we got locked down was when an entire week of actual breaking swell comes through. I'm sitting here in my flat having surfed a hand full of days all winter watching awesome waves breaking on an empty beach on a webcam. Oh, and another big swell is coming through next week too. I imagine with this timing it will probably disappear just in time for the lockdown to open up, hahaha.
Oh well, what can you do? Literally tons of people in much worse situations than me.
Just before the lockdown a friend borrowed us a board game called Pandemic and we played it yesterday. It is so much fun!! If you ever get the chance you should definitely check it out. The rules are a bit complicated at first but once you get the hang of it it becomes really enjoyable and challenging. It's a cool concept too because it's a board game but all the players work together to try to win the game as a team.
Also good news, my pipe patch worked!! I officially averted disaster with a little epoxy resin and fiberglass. I had one screw clamp hanging around and I salvaged another one off of our portable A/C which I could replace with a zip tie. Left it sit overnight and turned the water on this afternoon, so far it hasn't leaked a drop! I hope it holds out at least until the lockdown is over so we can get it fixed properly, but in reality the patch I made is probably a lot stronger than the god knows how old pipe it is wrapped around. I just hope another pipe doesn't break.
Anyhow here are a few more photos that I've edited, these are from a day out a month or so before the lockdown happened. Hope everyone is keeping safe and busy!