We are in savings mode. With the money that comes, we spend it on food. This time with the first change of Hive we buy more food. Nothing like being sure that we will not go hungry. Today we buy more corn flour, wheat flour, sugar, yeast, spaghetti, brown sugar, some medicines and some things for my cakes like dyes, dulce de leche and chocolate.
Lately all the money was just for food. Today I was able to buy something for my cakes. Well, it had no dyes and take advantage of buying some and that makes me very happy. I am like a girl with new toys when I can buy something to decorate my cakes.
We were also able to buy some medicines for my mom, she suffers from a lot of pain in her knees and these medicines help her with the pain. She is also diabetic but we have not gotten her pills to control her blood sugar.
I also bought an anti-dandruff shampoo for $ 10 but I lost the money it is an imitation of this brand of shampoo and instead of helping with the problem of dandruff it makes it worse.
I can only say that I am grateful because everything has improved and for the most part thanks to you.
So happy for you. Now you can create your beautiful cakes again. Fabulous
So is. My cakes make me happy! And they bring joy to my life! Thanks to all of you for helping me and making me see how lucky I am. In my prayers you are always and I will always appreciate the help I had from all of you❤
It must feel so good to have your pantry stocked up! I know that I feel more secure when mine is full.
The head and shoulders shampoo label looks real. I am sorry that you spent so much money on a product that does not work for you. It is very disappointing, I'm sure.
Having food makes me and my mom feel safe. Here everything is so complicated, the government intervened some of the food companies and that meant a shortage. So it is another problem besides the virus. So it is good to have food at home as well so I help some of my relatives and it feels so good. If it was disappointing that the shampoo was not the original.
They have been reporting that we can expect to start seeing meat shortages because of processing plant employees getting hit hard with the virus and facilities closing. It makes me wonder what will be next.
It is true. Something I saw in the news about it, it is incredible how this virus changed our lives. By the way, how are your kids?
Everyone is fine so far. Working from home and missing their friends. Lauren sends me 'Hi Grandma, I miss you' videos. Alli stops by and fills the bird feeders and we talk from a distance.
A friends 31 year old stepson died this week from the virus. That is pretty terrifying, especially when I see people out there not following the rules.
If it is difficult to be away from our friends. Lauren is so sweet, they can at least speak from a distance. It is so sad to see how people die from the virus. On Saturday I went with my mom to buy food and many people do not meet the standards
I don't understand people who are not following the precautions. I hope your mom can stay safe at home. With her health challenges she needs to be extra cautious.
Te mereces esto y mucho mas mi pequeña. Como te extraño❤
Gracias pequeña de mi vida💕 pronto todo va a mejorar y nos volveremos a ver
It's great to hear that you are doing pretty good. Now that you have the supplies that you need to start baking again, I can't wait to see another one of your masterpieces. Don't forget to enter @fff tomorrow, you always produce award-winning posts. God bless you @denissemata and all of your loved ones.
I know I already said that but thank you very much for the help. And if I can start baking delicious cakes, that's right I already have something delicious for tomorrow. Thanks for the help friend❤💕