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RE: Whitelist Process

in #quarkchain7 years ago

for those avid of details, thank Michael Srb for this Here's how QuarkChain's lottery worked:
line 74: total_score = sum(c.score for c in candidates) — sum of all scores of all not-yet-whitelisted candidates
line 75: chosen = random.random() * total_score — pick random number between 0 - total_score
line 76: for i, c in enumerate(candidates): — let's iterate over sorted list of all candidates
line 77: if chosen <= c.score: — check if chosen number is <= than the score of the currently selected candidate (this is important as if the first candidate had 100 then he/she would be whitelisted if chosen number is <= 100; but if the first candidate had only 60 points then the chosen number would need to be <= 60 —- and this is why people with higher score had greater chance to win)
line 78: whitelist.append(c) — whitelist candidate if the condition on line 77 was true
line 79: candidates.pop(i) — remove the candidate from the sorted list so he/she will not be whitelisted twice
line 80: break — we've already whitelisted one candidate this round so let's start over and jump to line 74
line 81: chosen -= c.score — this line gets executed if the condition on line 77 is false, i.e. chosen number is not <= than score of the currently selected candidate; so we will subtract candidate's score from the chosen number and we will jump to line 76 where we select another candidate and repeat the process from there