How to do Market-Make & Auto-Trading STEEM/BTC & SBD/BTC on #bittrex using the Quatloo-Trader

in #quatlootrader9 years ago

The Bot requires no scripting-skills or technical skills, we made it so that the Public would be able to do what skilled programmers can do, and I will explain how to game it.

A bit of history first:

Two years ago me and Markus Romanus, the CEO & Developer of the Non-Profit Project Quatloocoin created the Quatloo-Trader. A Windows-Bot that lets you trade automatically on Bittrex using the Bittrex API-Key. I Designed the functionalities and Markus Romanus programmed it and compiled it and it became an instant hit among traders in altcoins back then.

Quatloo-Trader is conditional freeware, you only have to hold Quatloocoin on Bittrex in order for the bot to work, no hidden fees or dirty tricks - the bot is free on condition that you hold a few coins in your account so it is a pleasure to introduce the Quatloo-Trader now to new users, I hope you make a lot of money using it!

So, let´s trade SBD (Steem Backed Dollars) as the first example

Set the bot to automatically buy at $0.80 and sell above $1.20 in Bitcoin-value. And now it will be doing that 24/7 until you stop it or change the parameters. Maybe the spread is getting tighter so you might go for $0.90/$1.10 for example. All of this is very easy to set up with Quatloo-Trader.

Then you might also trade Steem, so you doubleclick on the Quatloo-Trader again and open a new one that you set up dedicated to trade Steem for you.

There is much much more you can do with the Quatloo-Trader

Once you have become comfortable with the simple methods, you will soon understand how to do more complex auto-trading by just simply filling out the parameters and if you are holding big bags of coins, you can instantly list them up and down the book as you want - there is no limit to what you can do, only your imagination.

How do I power up Quatloo-Trader?

To Power up the Quatloo-Trader you need to purchase and hold Quatloos on Bittrex. The Quatloo-Trader will ask Bittrex over the API-Trade Key what your quatloo-balance is in order to work, and when you don´t need the Quatloo-Trader anymore, you just sell the Quatloos back to the market (there is about 5 million quatloos in circulation total)

What do I need? Quatloo Trader 1 or Quatloo Trader 2?

For most things you only need Quatloo Trader 1 to do automatic tasks as described above. Quatloo-Trader 2 has a bit more functions dealing with arbitrage, but due to Cryptsy going bust and Poloniex just changed their API-calls it only works for Bittrex at the moment, but it is being updated by Markus in his spare time, and a new Quatloo-Trader 2 version will be released by Markus soon.

Markus Romanus demonstrates Quatloo-Trader 2

Where do I download Quatloo-Trader from?

Always use the official website to download Quatloo-Trader:

Quatloo-Trader 1 is free to use for all who hold at least 100 QTL on Bittrex
Quatloo-Trader 2 is free to use for all who hold at least 1000 QTL on Bittrex or Poloniex

Happy Market-Making & Auto-Trading on Bittrex!


Ill switch it back on and give it a whirl!!

Awesome - the more #steemit users who market-make, the more stability the two currencies will have.

Wow thanks for the info!!!
Im gonna try it out!!!

please do, according to Markus, Quatloo 2 should be updated in a week or so, his laptop died so he had to get a new one.

Awesome, I love Quatloo trader!

I got 15,000 QTL but somehow the bot does not arbitrage Poloniex- Bittrex. Any idea what I could do?

yes, the Quatloo-Trader 2 has to be updated for poloniex, they changed their API-calls when they added the margin-markets. It should work fine for Bittrex, both the versions - but to trade #steem & #sbd you only really need Quatloo-Trader 1

If the post gets a lot of upvotes I´ll send some of it to Markus to hurry him up and get him on Steemit as well.

He is a great guy

Hello! Prompt as it is possible to use a boat for trade at the internal exchange steemit!? What changes need to be entered into a code? Yours faithfully Irina =)

Great information! Thank you

thank you... its so useful man...

Can you help me to setup this
So, let´s trade SBD (Steem Backed Dollars) as the first example

Set the bot to automatically buy at $0.80 and sell above $1.20 in Bitcoin-value. And now it will be doing that 24/7 until you stop it or change the parameters. Maybe the spread is getting tighter so you might go for $0.90/$1.10 for example. All of this is very easy to set up with Quatloo-Trader.

is there a linux version?

There is not, and as far as I know there will never be a linux or OSX version, as .NET is required to run this bot.

i have not tested it but you could try to run it with wine or in a virtual machine inside linux if wine does not works

I am a big fan of the Quatloo Trader and here's. It was only last august that I discovered bitcoin and cryptocurrencys. I started trading on Polo and the site's UI is really badly laid out, pages take forever to load. It's slow and cumbersome. Looking for a better solution for trading I came across the Quatloo Trader which was/ is still underdevelopment if it isn't dead! I bought enough coins on Polo to activate the app in advanced mode. I tried it out and looked for info on Youtube and on the site. The videos on YouTube are few and the developer recorded a few demo videos which where just Ok. So I tabled and forgot about the app but kept the coins just because. A few months went by and when I checked QTL Coin I think I more than doubled.

Alright so let me put this in a nutshell. Hold enough of the coins and use the app for free. In my case I bought the coins but didn't like the app at the time. Go to cash out and got double my initial investment! I had to pinch myself. Where can you find a deal like that! Go buy a new car and take it back 3 months later and tell the dealer you did't like it. See if he givers you double your money back.

Ok now Quatloo has paid for itself 2x and I didn't even use it. I decided I should take the time to learn more about it's function and how to execute trades using it. I bought in again this time 10,000 QTL plus 5k more just for trading. I eventually got to +1.4 BTC of QTL and I'm ready for a Quatloo rally. Then Polo pulls the plug on QTL and 16 other coins. The market crashes and inside of 15 minutes I'm 80% down in value. Crap Polo just f-ed me over. I had to think fast and I doubled down and bought an additional BTC at the very bottom and sold near the top of the slingback. I started out looking for a faster way to make trades. That was my only reason for getting into Quatloo however I've hardly used the program and I've made close to 4 BTC within the past year.

Honestly I don't think the developer or Mr. Fyrstikken realize what it is that they have created. This is a Perfect Money Engine.

  1. Buy the coins to have use of the app.
  2. Save time when trading across multiple exchanges.
  3. Save time when checking positions and open/closed orders across multi-exchanges using a single desktop interface.
  4. Use the Quatloo app to game the QTL coin.
  5. Make 17 million dollars, retire and sell the QTL coin at a profit.
  6. This can be real!
  7. Create a market place for Quatloo Coins where they can be used to purchase Quatloo related stuff or whatever. Thanks

Im a guy in business and entertainment..I just wanted to say that you guys are beyond beyond genius and the business model and the wast you create value is amazing 🔥🔥📈📈

Hello! I know it's one year after you made this post, I hope it is still relevant. I just learnt about Quatloo Auto Trader and it's interesting. However, I can't find QTL on Bittrex exchange or coin wallet list. How do I buy and hold? Thank you.

Good post and interesting topic, I didnt know

I want to use this tool, however qtl is not available anymore on bittrex.