As many of you know, I have a sizable following already on Medium: 1.5K. I publish everywhere and don't really discriminate too much between platforms. I must say, that I do prefer the user experience of Medium because it's just easier to use. So I write on Medium before Steemit, then I copy and paste it here.
I write most of my articles for Hackernoon now. Why? Because they have 105,000 followers. I get most of my reads from that one publication. I get a ton of exposure, too. I was recently named in a Venture Beat article and the writer also did a brief phone interview with me. He found me on Hackernoon.
Anyway, back to the amazing idea that I don't think anyone has done yet (that I know of):
At the bottom of your Medium article, put a screenshot of your earnings on Steemit. I did that above as you can see.
So, when people read the Medium article, they can see clearly that this same article has generated $73. Then I put the link to Steemit and the same article right below that. They can see with their own eyes that the same article has generated money!
How many of you are Medium writers? How many of you write for other publications in Medium?
This seems like such a no brainer move.
If people on Medium can see that we are getting paid to post the exact same articles, then why wouldn't they come and post here too?
Anyway, if any of you are on Medium, or other blogging platforms, PLEASE DO THIS.
(I'm thinking about doing this on facebook too!) It's the most non-invasive, helpful marketing ever!!!!!
Yes @stellabelle
You are a genius queen!
It is finally proven beyond any doubt.
What can I do for you in return?
Have a nice day.
hmmmmmmm.....not sure how you can help me....I'm sure I'll think of something dear.
Thank you for your kindness.
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @stellabelle!
I'll do that and people will be like "Oh SHIT! Aggroed made forty!! Forty Dollars? No, forty Cents. Fuck yeah. I need to do that shit too!!!"
hey, forty cents is better than zero.
I like your posts better than @gordoncole's Stella! They function as a great mood relaxant. Thanks my Steemit friend :)
Great idea
Cleva Stella...
ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahaha
Hot diggitty. That is a good idea!
you've wounderfull experince and i welcome to your marketing skills.
awesome info, thanks for posts are very weird and apparently lack format and proper grammar but I got billllssss staring at me and not blinking
Your posts function as a great mood relaxant @battleaxe :)
I see what you did there @stellabelle smart woman you:)
I have been doing something similar with Facebook. I've been posting a couple of blogs I've written to Facebook and talking about how much they're earning on Steemit. It's started to create a buzz and I have a few people who have signed up or want to join and start writing!
This is genius. I will try it.
And you starring in your own gif meme!?!?!
why yes, fatface and all.
Oh stahp. You look great!
Steemicide hotline?
@stellabelle, love the idea. can you teach me how to achieve greatness on steemit? How can I contact you personally for learning purposes? Please kindly open my profile and view my posts and render your opinion, as I wish to become a better writer. Thanks I really want to learn. hope to hear from you soon.
of course I can, mainly because I hear in your words a really deep desire to do this. We can speak privately, eh? Do you know of the website? It's like steemit but has private messages. Perhaps we should meet in there?
do you have a user name i can use to locate you in there?
you use your same Steemit logins to get onto
okay thanks
I have logged in, how do i locate you
ok i'll be there in a sec.
I have replied your message on please attend to my messages I sent to you on when you are chanced. I mentioned you in a post I wrote about setting life goals, kindly review it and give you opinion. Please do not forget to upvote and resteem it. Thank you
I wrote a post with you in mind, please read it as i think it might answer your questions:
so sorry I took so long, saw your message on saying a prayer then. Kindly reply to my messages on
This is a great idea! Truly genius. I don't know how the share button works here but this should be somehow implemented to it. Having updating reward counter would be cool to have as you share steemit posts around the web.
Great Idea, I will start to do the same!
yes, dear. Thank you.
This is an excellent idea ! people have to just see the $$$ again and again and again until it "sinks in from itself" = best marketing idea ive seen for a long time! congrats!
I just checked out your post. Brilliant idea like usual. No double work just copying and pasting. Definitely going to try this.
Just trying to think in a collaborative, intersectional way. I'm surprised no one has thought of this before. It seems obvious.
Ha does!
Genius marketing and genius queen amazing.
This is a great idea @stellabelle. Only a smart lady like you can think of that. I love your meme video of yourself too...and that ring! :)
I love the energy in this post! :D
Great idea.
Thank you!
When you figure out a method by which you can track what each platform and each article brings precisely by adding something unique in your links for each article and each platform and finding ways to to count up all of those items of info THEN you will have a very explicit way to focus your efforts on where they truly count the most.
It will also allow you to quantitatively assess one type of content over others. It's what marketing from more of a scientific, objective perspective is all about, reducing the subjective to maximize the objective info upon which you can make rational decisions.
yes if steemit had analytics like Medium does, i could figure this out easily.
You're a smart person, put your McGyver hat on and come up with your own methods to get that info, it's not impossible by any stretch.
So much good idea doge coin make.
Definetly doing this on facebook, steemit is bound to grow!
This is a great idea, that's the best way to maximize the eyes on your article .
Done that on Facebook too - but not on other platforms - people tend to say No way - you are kidding
Great idea, don't forget to add ?r=stellabelle to the embedded link so you get a referral out of it if they sign up.
I have been away for quite a while, but last I heard this was not functional. Has it been implemented yet? Is there anything in place for rewarding referrers?
I keep hearing it too but I don't think it exists.
Didn't know about this. Any literature?
I don't think it works right now.
it's ok. My reward comes in the form of helping people find this place. That's enough reward for me.
Now we just need a Canonical Field on Steemit so there aren't duplicate content violations.
Maybe at the bottom of any post you make on Medium, leave a link for a steemit copy of the article and just say "See how much this same article is making on steemit." and leave a link.
I think money talks in a more direct way......we should test both ways and see what happens.
Couldn't hurt, any promotion is good promotion. I get to wear a t-shirt with @papa-pepper and on it now :) If that doesn't get people on the site nothing will.
yes, but is your t-shirt exposed to 105,000 people? There is a difference, bro.
I see your point. I shall do what streakers do but with a papa pepper shirt on. Let me google the nearest stadium.
strip down to a tattoo and have one of your friends film it. See how that puppy will go viral.....
Hmmmm, come to think of it, he did spray paint those shirts. Maybe I could do like a full body paint thing and run through the field of a Saints game.
We could negotiate a @stellabelle tag for a small fee. Price based on location and size of tag.
That way it encourages them to give you views and keeps an active real time comparison.
Cool idea.. good job!
What is medium though? Does it pay to create content like steemit?
no it doesn't pay. It doesn't understand how to monetize.
Attention from influential players in the market. Sounds good to me :)
A lot of the big time publishing players and journalists have migrated over to Medium. It has the best articles really, with no advertising. I get a lot of tech news from this site because intellectuals are on it. For example, this is the best writing about the new distributed cloud computing project,
I see. But you do not make money in there?
I know about medium but can't access it because of my stupid government... Actually that's no excuse it's because its a hassle to use proxy.
From what I understand, people post on medium to get content out to make money. So I think this is absolutely a foolproof plan. There are already great writers who are native to medium just waiting for an opportunity to make better money. Why not steemit?
Because when Steemit first started, the articles were lame.....
people were attacked, flagged, and pushed off this platform.....
there were social problems that almost ruined it. That's why the quality writers left.....i think they will be back now.
Wow, never knew about the early history of steem. I guess I can imagine what happened in the early days.
It was a fucking disaster socially. Not so much right now though.
sorry about your government.....VPN is your friend.
Looking to install exactly that!
A couple questions for you:@stellabelle :) I write on medium first too then copy and paste here.
great work
Very good marketing information! Thank you.
Just out of curiosity and because I don't know what hackermoon is. I was wondering if they pay something? By the way I love the gif! YES!
no they don't pay, but they have a big following that is getting bigger by the day....
Nice one!
This is an amazing Idea! thanks a lot.