In the current COVID situation virtual learning or online learning is gaining more popularity. School kids and college students have started using online as their medium of education where their teachers do a video class room session or post videos on Youtube for them to watch and learn. This is gaining more popularity everywhere. I know this is common already in many countries. But do you think the future would become this way and people will get more inclined towards online learning instead of physical learning medium? Share your thoughts on this.
It will became future, but the problem is in India a lot of people does not have smartphone and a lot of homes have only one phone, thus to make it a success we need to have accessories available to all the students. This can be a future for Private schools but government schools, it is just a dream in my opinion.
Yes I agree. Even if government schools try to do this, the authorities are fully filled with ignorance. Two years back my government distributed laptop to all the students. The specs or configuration was so outdated by like 3 or 5 years during the distribution itself. And when it actually reached all the individuals it was not very useful and long lasting. I had a look at one my cousin had. It was dead slow and the config was very basic. They couldn't even use.
Thats the problem with government utilities or actually freebees, its good on the paper but very bad at the execution.
That's right. It is just waste of government funds for their own benefits.
It may be the future with older students. When there isn't a reason to be sitting in the same room as other students, I don't see why you have to leave your house and go to school. However, teaching kids via online learning is an absolute nightmare. It is virtually impossible to get them all to behave and they are all making noise. In a classroom, the teacher can help to take care of them but you can't expect children to stay put in their own home without a parent having to participate.
Yes I heard the exact same feedback from people who try to make their kids attend online classes everyday. 😀