Congratulations to @stormriderstudio who solved this less than 30 minutes.
image by pixabay
I developed it in a sleepless night, is not so strong but anyway
This is the message:
- You have as many tries as you want but don't spam incorrect answers (i can ban any spammer to my discretion).
- You have to decrypt the whole text to be the winner
- Any method is valid, even social engineering
- I will be adding hints so be sure to check constantly
- 100% SBD earnings of this post will be added to the prize
- The quest will last until the payment of this post BUT if there's no winner i will make a second post until a solution is found or everybody quits
- You can pay for hints and that amount will be added to the prize, you can chose to keep the hint for yourself or made it public, if you want the hint for yourself please contact me on discord-> Argih#1861
- The prize are 2 SBD for a while, 1 SBD for a dolphin and 0.5 for a fellow minnow.
- If not solution is found and everybody quits all of the paid hints will be reimbursed (unless you want me to keep it)
- You will not be required to make your solution public but it will be appreciated if you do so
- The letters are not used in alphabetic order.
- Even spaces are encrypted.
- You know in the octal numeration the 8 actually don't exist, in a noneal numeration the 9 could not exist either??
I think I've made some progress on breaking this but I'll be pondering it over the weekend :)
Solved it :)
Hey can you change your First Name on the Poker League to your Steemit username with the "@" sign included please. Thanks!