This has been a problem for me since I started splinterland 3 months ago..I get my league up to the higher levels and then turn around a drop drastically to bronze again... Does any one have any advice... I even rent higher cards but still seem to drop down... I'm wanting to get to gold league but a quest always knocks me on my I'm still learning but it seems to be the life quest that messes me up the most. Please help! Also please vote me all you can I need hive power alot.
I have the same problem sometimes depending on the quest. I started recently not focusing on the quest, which may sound weird. If you focus on the quest, you build your deck for the quest but not to beat you opponent. I check what my opponent played recently and build a deck for that as usual and if it fits the quest too, perfect. This may take longer to finish the quest, but you will not drop as much in the leagues.