
By you focusing on earning, you will lose. Earning comes as a result of creating true value for the community.

The first thing you need to do is stop stealing people's ID. Steemit contains a very large community of very intelligent cyber security and IT professionals.

The second thing you need to do is get honest about yourself. Tell your story. You will never get anywhere in life without a radical assessment of yourself. Do not try to fake it. We are too smart for your games.

Contribute something of honesty. You can start to regain yourself by admitting that you stole the identities of various attractive women to try to trick us. Give us the entire details of how you mistakenly thought your ill-conceived plan would work. Be yourself and admit exactly who you are.

You create value here by being radically honest.

Nicely said @stellabelle

THANKS. Sometimes I do try very hard to make a difference. the faking of young girls ID's is very dumb.

Is not Faking, it's SERIOUS CRIME for stealing someone ID and stealing photos contents that not belong to them, then repeating admitted is their. That's what WRONG!!!

well said it's obviously illegal to use others name and contents but by asking question above in post i did not mean that..
i'm a real guy behind this account and creating potential quality contents in other social plate forms. i just want help from members of this community to batter understand this site.