I always thought that the number with my name represent my level on Steemit. Please someone help me? I don't understand what is that no. beside my name in clause.
I get confuse bcoz i saw a person with negative no. How is it possible to have rank below the Zero. I need someone to explain me what is that no. for? And the people on Steemit with negative no. What that means?
And Sorry For My English I am Not Good Enough.
Thanks For Wasting Your Time
Your Annoying Friend
Abhay P.
The number is your reputation number. -25 is lowest end of the scale and around 75 on the high end. +25 is in the middle of that scale. Your score can go negative if you get flag a lot. This is my quick explanation, and I only been on steemit 2 weeks, so you might want get an second opinion.
Oh I never noticed that before! Thanx