What is Steem power?
Steem power is how much influence you have on the network. Your upvotes will be worth more if you have more Steem power.
How to get Steem power?
You can get Steem power in several ways. The easist way would probably be by buying it using other digital currencies on a crypto exchange site such as bittrex.com.
If you have Steem coins already, you can also use them to directly purchase more Steem power. To do this, simply go to your wallet and you will find the option there.
Also just being involved with the community will increase your Steem power aswell. For example by posting high-quality content that gets upvoted.
It is also possible to mime Steem power with your computer.
Thank you for your answer ..... tell me please how I can get steem power with my computer
Check out this guide on how to do it on Windows.