Also, noted from someone call Thomas Wictor, the placement of the spent rounds far back in the room would suggest that he wasn't standing near the window. Theories are that he planned on escaping dressed as a police officer, so he concealed his location by not sticking the rifles outside of the window.
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It certainly doesn't help the situation for the 'police' to totally fail to release any CCTV footage. When this occurs I find it typically means they are covering something up and maybe doctoring the footage. It would be quite plausible for someone to set him up in several different possible ways, shoot him with a suppressed weapon, do the shooting and then escape. It sounds crazy in many ways, but then the whole thing is pretty crazy anyway.
Here's the suicide theory and the breakdown of why they didn't see the muzzle flashes from the street.
I will ask my friends who are much more knowledgeable about such weapons than I am whether it is plausible to hide such flashes with a bit of fabric. I can see that the visible weapons have muzzle breaks attached to them but they don't appear to be flash hiders - from what I do know.
I think the idea of him accidentally killing himself is the least plausible theory I have heard so far - he was described as a highly strategic and thoughtful guy - I appreciate he may have been panicking but unless the claim is that his panic made him give up and kill himself then I think it was not an accident. Accident to me means that at no point did he deliberately intend to shoot himself, but he did.
Being that he could easily hold off anyone coming through the hallway to his room, I can't see him going down without a single shot fired at him. It would seem that a standoff would give him the opportunity to shoot more police officers.
if that was the aim, yeah - although I can appreciate he would have a fear of being caught alive. given that he allegedly had bomb equipment, he could have easily rigged a bomb to take down half the building with him at the end. For many reasons it seems that the official narrative is either a total lie or he was acting due to a highly unusual stimulus, such as perhaps mind control or bizarre beliefs.