How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like?

in #question6 years ago
  • How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like?


    HA! A question that really comes close to my old doodlers heart! Anyone who had been following my accounts here and on Steemit should know that I Doodle a whole lot! And I mean a wholeeee lot! Like a massive lot and more!

    A lot you say? Oh yes! I doodle every single day! And that means nothing is safe from me and my black ink! I doodle on anything I can get my hands on when I need to doodle! And I do need to doodle because it calms my chaotic mind. There are days that I don't doodle and those are the days you know that I am not feeling well! When I get sick or when I am too stressed it seems that I stop doodling and for me that is the first sign that something is not going well in my own head!

    I doodle in many different ways. Sometimes I like to doodle things no one can name and other days I like to draw with things we all know like a car, a bike or a flower. It really depends on my mood that day I guess. Fantasy doodles are by far my most favorite to create. Staring with a few lines here and there and just go with the flow of my pen and hand! This is the most free style of doodling that I do and it gives me the most pleasure as well! I like not knowing what I am making in a way! The surprise at the end when you look at your doodle and think OOhh did I make that? This looks like a.....Fill in the blanks!


    To answer what my doodles look like is a hard one because most of them never look the same. They all have a special something that makes them stand out! If you want to see doodles I made you can see a few here on Whaleshares and even more on Steemit! I do hope to share way more of my doodles here on the platform as well soon. Just takes time to create them. When I really doodle, it takes me at least 12 hours to a few days to finish the drawing! Yes, I like to take my time with them. Plus, I also make more drawings at ones! So... Stay tuned!

    Do you doodle? And what do you love to doodle? I would really enjoy reading your answers in the replies below! Feel free to contact me on discord and or here if you have any questions as well! Your replies are very much appreciated!

    50297791_525166867996058_7419474648569479168_n (1).jpg

    All the above drawings/doodles are my own work. The last one is the one I am working on right now! I would love to see some of your work as well!

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    Thank you for reading my post!

    Best wishes


I like doodles with floral motifs, or figures. They are very nice to make in free time, in the notebooks.

I like doodle with car structure.

I like doodle. Sketch of my choice palace.

Have you made post sketches?

I'm also a sketch lover But I did not learn to draw. I'm interested in learning the sketches.

Those doodles are really good. I especially like the colorful one of the faces. Very nice. I mostly doodle when I'm talking on the phone. I think it helps me pay attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

You can create a very good sketch. Your sketch has been very beautiful.

This is free time work! There is no pressure in mind to do this.

My original village sketch!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hous sketch.jpg
I like to doodle more about buildings and structures but most times I doodle about any imaginative figure or structure that comes to my mind