- What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?

in #question6 years ago
  • What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?

    Image source: Pixabay.nl

    I love nicknames, to give them and to get them! I have had a lot of nicknames given to me in the past but only a few really staid! People from way back, from the time that I was just a baby snek, still call me the same way now. There is a different nickname for me online and offline and I will share both here on the platform!

    In the offline world people call me Toetje! Translated to English this means dessert! I have always been a sweet tooth and eating dessert was something I made into art! I think I could still live on just eating those marvelous desserts this world has to offer. My mom gave me this name many years back and after just a few weeks everyone started to call me Toetje! So, If you see me walking on the streets and you call Toetje, I will stop and know that you meant me!

    Now, the ONline world where I got my name from someone else as well! Most people here call me Snekky and I do believe we can all blame @ma1neevent for that matter! Not that I blame him in a bad way because I really LOVE the name! My online handle is Poeticsnake and I had the same name on Discord. People started to joke with Don't step on snek etc and Ma1ne took it a tad further. He started to call me Snekky and the name got stuck to me! During shows on Pal and chats everywhere my name became Snekky. I changed my name to fit the profile! I even made a hand puppet and names her Snekky! You can find her hidden on my account every now and then!

    I would love to know your nicknames as well! So, feel free to tell me all about it in the replies under my post! Your answers are very much appreciated and I will do my best to answer to all replies!

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Thank you for reading my post!

Best wishes



No nick names for me just pseudonyms like my Steemit tag.

My nickname is flori, before I did not use it in steemit but people asked me my name, I told them my nickname: flori, because it is the diminutive of my name in reality. I ended up putting it in the header of my blog :D

Well my Nick name is obest where
O: stands for original and the.
BEST: been to the fact that I always put my best in all that I do @poeticsnake

How about Crypticat? My real name is Elle and sometimes hoomans call me Elle Cato 😸

My nickname has changed because of love.😊

My nickname Sahini Still, people call me cute baby.

My steemit nickname lol! That's my friends support me lol.....

In fact, there are many changes in human life. In a word, man is changing!

My nickname Sagor. My friends call me Sagor.😊

Toetje - "dessert"
That's a good nickname.
I had a nickname "the show" back in high school. Doesn't have a nice ring to it, but it was a nickname or a time. My wife used to call me leaky20 for a while until I adopted it on this platform.

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My nickname Ripon. But everyone called me crazy Ripon.

@poeticsnake What's your real nickname?

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment