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RE: Does society prefer 'Dumb & Rich' to 'Wise & Poor?'

in #questions4 years ago

I think too many people would rather be part of the sheeple and don't care to elevate intelligence. They'd rather go with what's "cool" or "trending". How many people bought Doge because Elon gave it his approval? How many of them even knew what it was before Elon tweeted about it? Probably not many.

I think it's the speaker's responsibility to make their value obvious enough ONLY because society cares far more for the megaphone. So what else can they do? Either be controversial for attention, be louder to be seen or be content with miming their message forever. I for one am tired of being the mime. I will take controversy and use it in my favor. I refuse to sit by and allow the megaphone to take over and let the world think they know all when they mostly don't know shit. (I know that's not true about all of them but most).

Society is DEFINITELY missing out on important voices and ideas. For example, Yours and mine. However, we are doing things to make ours known. But what about the genius mechanic who refuses to give in and stays off social media and no one hears about his incredible ideas because he won't take the time to build his platform or be controversial to the world? Or the child labeled as "weird" that everyone ignores and who becomes a "jobber" out of fear that he will continue being called weird for sharing his amazing thoughts and ideas.

It happens all the time. I for one am over it and the more people I meet like this the more I want to lift them up. It's part of why I want to meet those 8 billion people. I KNOW there's more out there like you. And if we can help each other ryze up then we can be louder than the megaphones, together. #TogetherWeRyze

oh and it's totally obvious to tell a truly smart advisor from an empty talking head. IF someone is listening. I intend to bring them in for the boobs and have them stay for the brains (Yours and mine). And...a 2-minute conversation with You is all the proof they would need.

~Love, Cyn


Hmm. Interesting. 'Fitting in with others' could definitely be a factor that affects who seeks out wisdom from whom.

Yes, that's a good point, if everyone is creating a sea of noise, there's very little option left other than be brighter/louder.

You're right, it does indeed happen, I often cite Van Gogh here.

It may be obvious to you, but many people buy into an influencer's fluff or inaccuracies, so I wonder just how obvious these things are in the end.

Lots to consider here, thanks for adding your thoughts.

#TogetherWeRyze ! 🙏

yes Van Gogh. it's true. He was one of the mimes.

People buy into the influencer's fluff because it's pretty and shiny. They're too "average" to think for themselves or research further. Better to go with the flow in their minds than it is to think for themselves lest they too become a mime. I think it's obvious for people who care or people who are "woke" (ugh I'm starting to hate that word but it conveys what I mean the quickest)

Thanks for asking these questions. I hope more and more people give thought to these and decide to lift others up who are more than fluff and have something to actually say.

Con todo mi amor,

All worthwhile considerations I'd say. It'd be interesting to talk to some of these people, in-depth and at-length, to see if they'd eventually reveal their true, honest, core motivations, but that may require more awareness than they'll possess in this lifetime.

Happy to provoke some thought, and thanks for your contributions to the discussion! :)

Loud Applause. May your voice be heard widely.

We must remember however to always be humble, and in our words to judge the issue / information as opposed to being judgemental of the people themselves. After all, "the people" are actually reflections of aspects of or true self, they are not separate from us, they are, if you like, reflections of our consciousness. To judge another would therefor be to judge ourself.

I find it works best if we follow the three gatekeepers of the mouth:

“The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is it true? Is it kind? And is it necessary?”
― Arab proverb


I'm honored and appreciative. Thank you.

Yes, in my younger years I was hyper-judgmental of people, rather than information, and it brought me misery. As I've grown, embraced increased acceptance, and see others as aspects of self, my life has become drastically improved.

Wonderful proverb. I aim for truth, kindness, and necessity in all I communicate, as much as possible. How effective am I at this? I guess time will tell :D

Thanks again, namaste! 🙏

I agree. I do not judge. I prefer to let people be. Though I am not perfect and have judged in the past. People are able to do their own thing and I do mine. When we judge another we're just showing what we don't like about ourselves.

interesting proverb. thank you for sharing it with me.
