Yo Mr J-Ryze! Thanks for tag, I'll just apply some of my thoughts on this, I am but one guy on the internet though!
I think the issue is a multi-layered one that taps in to many aspects such as:
- culture (online and offline),
- people like to either follow vs being followers themselves,
- humans being hardwired to find shortcuts,
- previous biases/beliefs leading to gravitating towards those of similar mindset
- looking for a place of belonging...
The list really does go on but when you have the perfect blend of all these aspects being channeled into an "influencer" then it's going to have profound effects whenever they start tweeting or sharing content. Will followers blindly follow what that person will say? Will they apply their own take on what was said?
It is only until the follower's core belief for the reason to follow is broken for one reason that they will likely start to move elsewhere. Whether they have the capability to adopt critical and open thinking to form more rounded view points to a discussion varies from individual to individual. Or they may look for shortcuts or sense of belonging or something else.
For a challenger/speaker to come in, as outlined in Robert Caldini's book "Persuasion", they will need to be likeable, be an authority and word needs to get out they exist - there are 3 other aspects to make someone/something influential such as scarcity, reciprocity and consistency.
So if the challenger can do all this with integrity then they may be able to make an impact but trying to fight fire with fire, or megaphone to megaphone, is not the way to do it in my opinion. The challenger will need to offer something different and not play the same games.
Either way, if you are going to invest in one of the highest risk asset classes going purely because of what you read on twitter or from someone' tweeting habits, you will have an "interesting adventure" 😃
I personally believe actions speak louder than words so I always look at what these companies/influencers are doing, how they are doing it and why. It's easy to say one thing online and then be doing the opposite (e.g. OG investors and banks saying "Bitcoin is terrible", yet, they've been buying it and holding it for years)!
Anyway, don't know if I answered any of your questions, I just went off lol
Woo! Epic reply here bro!
I love your assessment of the key layers involved: (culture, 'follower-avoidance', shortcut-focus, biases, need for belonging, etc.) all channeled into an influencer.
I see this as a 'perfect storm' take on it. Bravo.
As well you do a great job of addressing the myriad of reasons a person might 'hop' from one influencer to another, all while referencing Cialdini, lol.
HAHAHA, love it. So true.
I also believe actions trump words, and I feel you added a lot to the discussion with your 'going off.'
Thanks man! 🙏