When it comes to the hard decisions in life, what are your 'goto' tools? Do you ask the audience? Phone a friend? Just give your final answer? I suppose, ask Google is a legit methodology nowadays. How do you make a decision that really matters? Do you do a lot of thinking inside your own head? Or do you need to verbalize everything and have someone there for a sounding board. Are you a leader or a follower? Can you dissect someone's advice and pick out the good and the bad?
I think my methods have varied over the years in different times and different situations. Navigating tough issues or decisions also does not necessarily mean that time is your friend. You may be put on the spot and need to make an instant decision which could affect you for a very long time.
The best tool in my tool bag is time. When I am confronted with an important decision, the very first thing I ask myself is this: Do I have to make this decision now? And, if not, how much time do I have to make it? Time. Food, coffee, friends, sleep cycles, showers. These are the things that good decisions are made of. If you could just see another angle, or receive an injection of faith from a friend that success is just around the next corner.
I am looking at the positive part of each choice.
Time... That is a good one! Taking the effort to step back and put things in perspective, it's a tough lesson, but a worthwhile skill to learn!
For me, it really depends on the type of decision. For trivial things, I like to immediately do them... So they aren't hanging around. For larger things, more information is always a good thing!
In a musical setting, I like to lead by example... However, often you do need to take on board the various quirks, preferences and limitations of your musical partners!