
Great show! That reaction to @frankbacon calling in was most excellent! Thanks for sharing these @allseeingewe!

I love your avi. It reminds me of the Amazing Kreskin.

I am still trying to figure out who this mysterious frank bacon character much mysteriousness around here its like a scooby doo episode :)


hes like the james bond of steemit

More like a James Bond villain!

stop scaring me!

Awesome! I am going to check this out. It was cool talking with you guys last night on the Steempunk Discord! I'll be seeing ya'll around :)

I offer you the Eggplant of Friendship

eggplant.png's large.

If the size has any correlation to the level of friendship, that is huge! I graciously accept this eggplant of friendship. Thanks friend!!!!!!!!

Here's some extras to pass out to your group. Tell 'em they're from me.

big big bunch.png

Yessss! Moar eggplants. You can never have enough of those. You are too thoughtful. They will be very appreciative!!!!! ;)

Getting my feet wet- ewe seem to have a knack for growing minnows into real steemfish. I am going to steampunk a LARP and I can use the guidence. I plan to hang in a chat room, once i increase bandwidth, on Thursday. See ewe soon.

The first bit of guidance I can offer is: don't broadcast your punches. Announcing future LARP plans is generally best relegated to discord DMs. Sneakiness counts! That said, if you need some ornamentation for said LARP, I know a terrific graphic artist!