Quit Smoking Day 0

in #quitsmoking7 years ago

I just had my last cigarette... Again

This time, I'm sticking to it and my plan is to post every day how many days that I've gone without a cigarette.

Why am I quitting

Smoking prevents me from seeing the beauty in life. The effect it has on my body is subtle but I see it. I'm agitated and my disposition is negative. It's preventing me from gaining out of life the joy that is offered every day that I spend with my children, my future wife and the amazing job I have at my favorite hotel in downtown Napa.

If you're a smoker and want to quit I invite you to join me by simply commenting each day that you have also gone without a cigarette. If you don't want to quit and it doesn't have a negative impact on your life, then god bless you. I'm jealous. I wish I weren't so sensitive to the chemicals that I take in.

Here's to goal number one, 100 days!

Steem On!