:DIt would be hilarious for me to say that yes, @penderis did tag you after he guessed it correctly, but the facts show the truth so... but it would really be hilarious! I would say something like: "Now @penderis, why would you do that?! You evil, evil, evil person."
Can't argue with the facts. :)
Well, that's not entirely true, lots of people argue with solid fact every day, but I won't. Because I believe in facts.
Well, that's not entirely true either because I also believe in fiction.
And maybe I should just leave this subject be and stop explaining. :D
Bull I tagged long before then he dropped the cockroach hint and I was like those damn americans.
Well I didn't see the tag!
I got it when she was carrying green.
I'm like 20 hours behind you!!! Lol
:DIt would be hilarious for me to say that yes, @penderis did tag you after he guessed it correctly, but the facts show the truth so... but it would really be hilarious! I would say something like: "Now @penderis, why would you do that?! You evil, evil, evil person."
he is pretty evil.
and i hope you're not covering for him
Can't argue with the facts. :)
Well, that's not entirely true, lots of people argue with solid fact every day, but I won't. Because I believe in facts.
Well, that's not entirely true either because I also believe in fiction.
And maybe I should just leave this subject be and stop explaining. :D
Hehehe ok then lol