My quote of the day (and my take)

in #quote8 years ago (edited)

I was looking for something to motivate me, and hopefully my friends today! This is the one that stood out immediately.

I recall so many times when I was hired at a new job, or started something new (like when I decided to go back to school around 15 years after I had stopped for example) initially I was on cloud nine, high as a kite, but soon... always very soon panic sets in. Doubt would always rear it's ugly head. For those that know me, REALLY know me, (and I honestly try very hard to keep this close to the vest) they probably know that I am very bi polar. My highs aren't that high, but my lows can be scary as hell. When I am depressed, or worried about something it can be something to behold.

Fear can stop you dead in your tracks if you let it. I have let it do that to me far to often. I am trying to day by day change that, and it is something I will probably struggle with for all my life. There is something though to be said for looking something fear dead in the face, and spitting right in it's face so to speak. There is something to be said for saying to hell with it, I may be afraid but I am not going to let my fear win. If you think about all your victories, I bet many of them initially worried you or scared you. Or maybe I am all lone in this? Your thoughts?

Thanks for reading!