Subjecting your being to a bunch of needless negativity or individuals that tend to start up pity parties is a sure way to get your psyche dragged down! The people you put around you and the energies they give off can have an effect on your happiness, productivity, creativity and outlook of life. Surround yourself with pleasant and motivated individuals and you'll slowly begin to emulate their demeanor. Same goes with the opposite side of that, keeping grinchy, callous or miserable bastards will ultimately align you to be less content.
The people you choose to allow in your life will ultimately compliment or complicate your existance. Don't allow people to paint your day dark with their own inabilities to cope with the reality they've made. Listen and have compassion, but know when people are simply put being a drain top your energies and well being.
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All we can do to prevent the disease is to either wear a mask that protects us from the BS or don’t allow that negative energy in your life
Excellent piece, thanks for the daily inspiration...
Regarding your quote, one "blinding glimpse of the obvious" I just had is that politics is full of weepers and complainers.
That's given me something to think about.
interesting and good quotes
Pity parties are the worst. whiners annoy the shit out of me. Those glass half empty people definitely need a new outlook
Yeah, they say that you're an average of your 5 closest friends.
But it's also true that birds of the same feather flock together, right?
Maybe if we work on ourselves, it'll help our closest become a better version of themselves too ? Thinking intensifies
If you are not willing to work for it don't complain about not having it.
Stop complaining.
Thanks for sharing this inspirational quote of the day.
Wow!Amazing post my dear..I like it..Thanks for sharing this post..Best of luck.
Keeping toxic people at bay makes for a great day!
Surround yourself with pleasant and motivated individuals and you'll slowly begin to emulate their demeanor.
Very well said.
Another lovely piece I see! @klye thanks for share
True bro. I realised from an early age that the kind of friends/company we keep has a direct effect on our psyche. Personally, I try not to get overly worked up by events that occur to me, trying to take as much of it in my stride and seeing every dissapointment/failure as an opportunity to improve an area of my life
Thank you very useful today's motivation @klye, our way of thinking is the same so I am principled that the process will not betray the results
Excellent inspiration , very beautiful writing, great post, thanks for sharing
Very true, if you spend too much time thinking about negativity, or letting negativity sink into your soul, you'll be a negative person overall no matter what.
thanks a lot for your valuable post sharing......
i like your writing, best of luck dear......
I've always consciously trimmed my circle of friends over the years, for starters, I hate negativity and so I often drift away from negative minded people, people who constantly and consciously talk failure rather success. From a very young age I knew I had to surround myself with the right people always.
Beautifull Words Thanks for sharing @klye Resteemed
Oh Yes! This is one I strive to live by everyday. Keep those grinchy, callous and miserable bastards as far away as possible. Thanks for the daily dose, @klye!
Quotable quote. Is quite understanding that too much complaining demoralises another's faith.
Very true. Stay around those people for long enough and all we start seeing is the problem instead of the solution. This is also self inclusive. We should not only avoid saying around those set of people we should further strive to NOT BE THOSE TYPE OF PEOPLE
good writing
Listening to them just dulls your mentality, cause the human mind is like a chameleon
Easily adapts
I like to tell those hair brains to piss up a rope.
Whoever talking against you or complaining you,you have to keep clam and take a deep breath by thinking that i will make you more famous one day.
thanks to @Klye for this awesome post.
So true. Thanks for the reminder