KLYE's Quote of the Day #5

in #quote7 years ago

While I've honestly not a damn clue how Miss Monroe ended up in the history books besides some shenanigans and possible sexual favours to some high weighted big wigs back in the day... but I can't help but give nod to this little excerpt above which resonates deeply with me.

If you regret something it's time to forgive yourself and move on, life is too short to beat yourself up over things you can't change.. The whole world is going to try and beat you anyways, no sense having the internal conflict too. More quotes to come!


for Witness!


Haha, I (am trying to) live by 'YOLO' and 'Think less, do more'. But the quote above adds perfectly to my list! Maybe even as the source of my first two quotes haha.

<3 Good to get a Boosje reply everytime.

Tomi, When you fall, when you fail, you pick yourself up, dust off the dirts and move on. Life goes on, don't stay locked up past events which you regret. I'm motivated! Thank you sir

fear is stupid, so it's regret

Then if you are afraid of your regrets then you are? 😑😑

Marilyn Monroe was right, fear stop You from doing the things You are afraid, sometimes missing a good oportunity.

Good write-up dear. It's good to forgive when people offend us. And to take all worries off from one As life is short.

It has been drummed over and over and over how fear is our biggest hindrance in moving to bigger better things but I think the negative effects of regrets hasn't been emphasised enough. Regret holds us back in so many ways and sadly I was a victim of the vice at some point in my life. Realising that life is a learn-as-you-go affair would help us realise and accept that at some points we would all fall and while most people encourage and force us to get up they might not remember to remind us that as we get up, we should also dust our clothes, take a deep breath and TRULY leave that pitfall in the past. Until we do this we would keep lagging behind no matter how much drive and determination we have. Thank you

Bruuuuh, I keep meaning to hit you up in chat to see how you are.
Hope all is well with you - Hopefully you haven't frozen your balls off up there yet, it's been fairly chilly here in Idaho, so I can't imagine what it is there.