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RE: Thoughts on quote by Lucille Ball

in #quotelast year

It's good to have you here! Welcome.

That's what I think.

Also, "cryptocurrency" has become a very loaded term recently, yet this hasn't come from nowhere. The 'fields' of crypto are full of human treachery — scams, fraud, all manner of deception. Hive is tarred by the same brush in the eyes of many, but I can honestly say it's a little different. Not to say that everyone here is the perfect ideal of human goodness (that includes me) but this is one of a very few places where the technological promise of blockchain won out over greed. Not perfect, just better than. Though, my knowledge of how everything works is still incomplete, so of course take it all with a critical eye.

I was hesitant to write the above, but then I thought I'd take what you relayed in your post to heart and go for it — come what may.

It took me a little while to figure out what RCs mean, and I mean months and months, so from where I'm standing you're already ahead of the curve — congrats!
