In my opinion, reverence is the foundation of all virtues.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman lawyer, politician, philosopher and writer. He was also consul in 63 B.C. and the most famous speaker of Rome.
He was extremely versatile. His writings were already considered stylistic models in antiquity, and his works were imitated as models of perfect Latinity. Cicero's reputation in the philosophical field is based less on his independent insights. Rather, it was the transmission of Greek philosophical thought to the Latin-speaking world that brought him fame. Often his Greek sources have been preserved exclusively in his own work since they have not been passed down in any other place.
His extensive correspondence, especially with Atticus, influenced the European letter culture enormously. These letters, as well as the rest of his work, provide a detailed picture of the situation in Rome towards the end of the Republic.
pixabay and wikipedia
Meines Erachtens ist die Ehrfurcht die Grundlage aller Tugenden.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero war ein römischer Anwalt, Politiker, Philosoph und Schriftsteller. Außerdem war er Konsul im Jahr 63 v. Chr. und der berühmteste Redner Roms.
Er war ausgesprochen vielseitig. Seine Schriften galten bereits in der Antike als stilistisches Vorbild und seine Werke wurden als Muster einer perfekten Latinität nachgeahmt. Ciceros Ansehen auf philosophischem Gebiet gründet weniger in seinen eigenständigen Erkenntnissen. Vielmehr ist es die Vermittlung des griechischen philosophischen Gedankenguts an die lateinischsprachige Welt, welche ihm Ruhm einbrachte. Oft sind seine griechischen Quellen ausschließlich in seiner Bearbeitung erhalten, da sie an keiner anderen Stelle überliefert sind.
Sein umfangreicher Briefverkehr, insbesondere mit Atticus, beeinflussten die europäische Briefkultur enorm. Besagte Briefe wie auch sein restliches Werk, liefern ein detailliertes Bild der Situation in Rom gegen Ende der Republik.
Wow.....awesome photography @ lovely post 📪
Thank you very much.
Great..Marcus Tullius Cicero was a very good lawyer and philosopher. Good quote & post. Thanks for the information.
Thanks for the comment, mate.
Thank you.
Good post i like it friend
Thank you, friend.
Nice post and good quote.
Thank you very much.
Beautiful quote and lovely post. I always appreciate your good post.
Thank you so much.
Beautiful quote and tremendous post. I liked it.
Have a great day!
Thank you very much. Have a great day, too.
Another great quote and superb photography. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading, my friend.
wow Beautiful lines by Marcus Tullius Cicero...
Nice post my friend..
Thank you very much, my friend.