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RE: Today's Motivational Quote: Wednesday February 7, 2018

in #quoteoftheday7 years ago

Yes, absolutely right, we have an great example of day and night, means if we have only day, then we cannot enjoy the feel of peaceful darkness and if we have only night, then we can't wake up with enthusiasm for new day and new hope, same way change is really important aspect of our life because one change can change our vision and inturn can help us in expanding of our vision. Sometimes change can be prove as an magical effect, because at a constant position we have the particular vision according to the environment, when we change our position to next, our thoughts changes according to the environment. Thanks for sharing this post with us.

Stay Blessed.


"Sometimes change can be prove as an magical effect,"

This is a beautiful thought!

Thank you so much for the appreciation. 🙂

Stay Blessed.