Today's Motivational Quote:Saturday February 17, 2018

Today's quote makes an interesting comparison.

If both roads lead to a struggle which one should you choose?

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“Achieving success is a challenge but so is struggling so you may as well choose success.”  

Rob Liano

I once knew a man who was sleeping in the basement on a bare concrete floor.

I offered to get him a mattress so he’d be less uncomfortable .

"I don’t mind suffering.” He said. “You might as well suffer in comfort.” I replied. He thought it over, accepted the mattress and kept working towards improving his situation!

Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!



I posted about a beggar i encounter last week.Almost same scenario but different situation that made me realized that teaching them to live is way better than keep giving them something they need.The thing is if you teach them,even if you are not around them they will keep improving.but if you keep giving them they will just stock there self from getting and begging.If you give,you only helped them that time(same time),but if you teached them you helped them til the day after that day and so on.

If you give=good
If you teach=better

So much dillema on earth,but if you need to make a choice then go for the ethical and moral one that will make you succeed.

What your write is so true. As the famous saying goes: "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for the rest of his life!"

By lao tzu,that is also the line I wrote at the last part of my blog.

Wow, this thought at first can be complicated to interpret but it have an deep message, in my opinion we should not freeze our thoughts, means sometimes people presume everything, means they will think like i can't achieve it, or what if i fail, so they want to stay in one shell only and they get used to live in that shell and they can't think or they will have fear of thinking something out of the box there onwards. So first of all we have to understand that, we have to shape our thoughts to shape our life and fear is not an choice. If you can't change your life then no one can. At last i want say that always live life as you want not as your fear wants. Thanks for sharing this post with us. 🙂

Stay Blessed.

"If you can't change your life then no one can."

Your comments always contain gems!

Thank you so much for your kind appreciation. 🙂

If this was not a true story, this could be almost a joke :/ IT makes me really sad when i see homeless people on the street and i always try to give some coins when they request. It could easily be one of us one day if we got caught in really bad circunstances.
I struggle each day at work to make enough income so i can give a good life to my sons, but the tought that something might go wrong one day worries me...the real motivation i have is to work hard to keep on succeeding :)

I admire you as you continue to struggle!

Thank you for sharing not only these phrases but your experiences; each one interprets it to its form from the situation that each one lives. Personally I liked the phrase " You might as well suffer in comfort. " Greetings.

Keep on going @loresb! I know that things are not easy where you live but you are an inspiration!

That was a really nice gesture that you made :)
Sometimes all it takes for a big change in life, is take the first step and have family and friends that support you in your path.

Yes, we can all help support others with whom we cross paths!

I know what you mean with your story about the homeless man that was sleeping in a concrete floor, i once was involved in a project about homeless people and most of them are so stuck in the situation that very outside help that is presented to them they don't accept and it takes a lot of time to gain trust and change their perception.
Life is not always easy, but i believe there are more good people in the world than bad and thats why throughout the centuries life has been improving :)

Thanks for sharing your experience!

First of all this was a really nice gesture of you.
And his situation show us how determined you must be in order to reach your goal.Suffering....i guess everyone suffers in his own way to succeed
Brother you make my day each and every time i read your quotes.Sometimes i read them again from top to bottom just to get motivation dope

Success is born of struggle
Great words i appereciating you keep it up You are doing a great effort

Thanks for your visit!

I am strongly agree with you success is not easy to gain hard work and struggle is the first step of success great motivation

It is good to recognize that fact!

There may be many hurdles in your life.But getting out from this hurdles is key.And thats we call as 'LIFE' :)Very well said @goodvibrations

Your right. Jump over them, slide under them or go around them!

Many people want to achieve success without fighting. They think that it will come without effort. To achieve it, you must work hard and learn every day, especially from your mistakes. @goodvibrations

Yes struggle but have fun in doing it!

if one doesn't struggle along the journey it simply means either they don't wanna achieve it or they are thinking success will come to them everyone need to hustle in their life at once its the time to make it count time to grind to shine

"time to grind to shine"

Love it!

There are some privileged people who achieve success with out going through any success. At the same time there are many people who go through hardships and face challenges to their road to success.

If both road lead to struggle in my search of success, then i would choose a road that has less thorns on the way.

The path of least resistance!

If I read between the lines, it's really very deep indeed. Most people who are suffering life are facing struggling too, then why not to struggle towards achieving a life where we don't have to suffer.
In the written story, you helped a guy who was suffering and he accepted the mattress after your words and then slept again, but how did he keep improving his situation? I didn't get what the last line mean.

To continue the story, step by step he realized that many small things could improve his life and he kept taking steps toward that goal.

Oh okay. Finally he realized at least.

Motivates me ... A must resteem quote.

There is no success without the suffering of this basic base, who sows must be harvested and quarter on the basis of effort

You're right, sow with a view to success!

Waiting for the rest of your posts on these topics that benefit many

My Mission Here on Earth

I love helping homeless people , but I was rejected by some also because they want a bigger amount( such food, and some wants money). At that time I realized that not all of them accepted our little help and dont appreciate our kindness.

But I keep on helping some untill this time, because I believe we are used by our God father as an instrument to others, to be inspired and respected.

Have a Blessed Sunday 😇

i liket it, nice post.
done resteem u.

lovely day enjoy with enjoi, keep on struggling and always try the best thanks

Yes let's continuously improve!

yes you are right, success is not easy to get, because we have to pass the challenge, can we pass the challenge, if able then we will succeed, essentially never afraid to face the challenge, face the challenge with full confidence @goodvibrations

Your right, we need to face the challenges!

I agree. thanks @goodvibrations, congratulations on the move

Sometimes it is for better ,to go through both the situation buddy !

If we fight for what we want and we achieve it, I think we have achieved success. That struggle and that success comes from hard work.

You are right!

Life is not easy as well as the path for sucess is made up of hard climbs and lots of falls.
Your gesture towards the man who was sleeping in the basement on a bare concrete floor is a gesture of a nice person who has values and respect for others and knows that love and care for others is the path of happiness.

It seemed like the natural thing to do and you would surely have done the same or better.

A very good motivation to keep it vigorous to success and the success of that very meaning full, thank you very much a very useful post for us to contemplate, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your comment. Love your username and your avatar by the way!

we must always strive to achieve a successful, good motivation for today @ goodvibrations. I will share this post

I really like your post, all the good motivation.

Thanks for your visit!

When the same goal. no need to choose. I think like it

we find ourselves with so many challenges every day, that sometimes we simply say about them, regardless of whether the goal is success or struggle.

Nice consejo

Good today's quote

i love to struggle because hard times only make me better and those previous difficulty are no longer difficult to and i overcome them easily

Nothing worth in life comes easy, every sucess is a well earned pay from sacrifices and hardwork.

And by hoping someone to be suscessful is not by providing him everything that he needs from time to time.
What is sucess in that situation?

I remember one of my cousins, a mama's boy. Gave everything he wanted in life. And now he's 29 and lost. Doesn't know what sarifice means, what hard earned money means, everything is spoon fed. And now he comes asking for money to anyone from his relatives and doesnt pay them back. Until they shove him away. Spoonfeeding someone isn't helping anyone at all. If you really care for them, teach them the real value of life. Teach them the reality.

Indeed that In every success,struggles always comes with it. This keeps as strong though its hard but never give up stand on our feet and never lost hope😊

I'll choose the one who has more struggle because the more you struggle the more you gain experience, the more you gain experience the more failour your face, the more strong you'll be by learning from their mistoke,

we are human's and we all are the same,
We can do the same handwork as the other's are doing.
But some people don't even try to do hard work and they start begging or thinking themselves Disdained.
So try to teach these people.
Giving them is also not bad,
let me explain it, if someone is asking for help, help him because God has choose you to help someone :) never ever misbehave with them :)