
It's a nice post...

Thanks brother 😍

Posted using Partiko Android

As I lived my life the feeling of giving feels different. For some reason whenever I share something it really feels good but your not the only one who will feel good it is the person who you are sharing with. Imagine if a mom was selfish and she won't tend to her childs needs, what will happen to that child as he/she grows? Anyway, I think it's better to share your blessings than to keep it to yourself

A mother take care of her children bcz she loves them. Love is one kind of selfishness bcz she loves them for further benefit or their happiness makes her happy too. Happiness is such kind of selfishness. You need spiritual freshness so you need to be selfish. Think positively

Posted using Partiko Android

We should not be selfish and only think off ourselves, we must be humble and also respect other people. The sun can shine over all of us, it will not take anything away from me if I give others space in the sun too.

You respect and love others bcz you have interest there. A good karma depends on our activities. And you expect good karma for you also. Do better for others bcz you want to be happy atleast as I think 😊

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