Quick Takeaway [1]:
Why do we hate getting advice from others?
Yet we act as if it's our own epiphany when the same exact things are realized from the initial advice?
Is it the case of 'none of your business' or simply the ego's talking?
It has to do with your ego and problem is the obsession of being right.
Humans have the urge to be right and hate confrontation even though they clearly know they're wrong.
This psychological phenomenon shows that the person at fault wants to maintain his/her psychological stability, even though you can't be correct all the time but you'd like to believe you are to stroke your ego, image, and reputation.
Just as much as we hate hearing 'I told you so.'
He who can't be advised, can also not be helped. — Latin proverb
Source: [1]
Image credit: All public domain images are taken from Pexels, unless stated otherwise.

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@originalworks @qurator
Here comes the shower thoughts! Yes, everyone wants to be right - but how can there ever be rights and no wrongs?
true to that, but if everybody admits their wrongs, won't this world be more peaceful? <3@aaronmcheong you're like my most ardent fan for the showerthoughts jajaja.
Because it's shower thoughts jajaja. Well, guess you're not too busy afterall since you still can take a shower once a day hahahaha!
You're so funny yeah ;p not posting makes me seemed like i'm not taking a shower, hence no shower thoughts LOL
Because to be given advice means you're doing something wrong. And to be wrong means you're not good enough. And most of us have self worth issues. Or at least that's what I think :P
But I agree.
Life would be so much easier if everyone just admitted their faults and we could all just progress along in a happy utopia!
@branlee87 always makes sense <3 ;)
I agree and in the end, it's their loss :)
When someone is giving me advice, even if I asked for it, I sometimes listen with the the purpose of rebuttal instead of listening for content and learning....one day I'll get over that!
We all will. Life's a learning process <3 :) @ray4u
"I told you so" - as much as it may sound to be discouraging, but sometimes we just need those extra dose of tough love. Advice from besties are not to be missed! :)
Though it comes in another form sometimes instead of 'i told you so' :p but yeah BFFs are the best haha ... @heartscally