My Favourite Alan Watts Quote ~

in #quotes7 years ago

in order to admit and understand the evil in one self one had to do it without being at enemy to it.
in other words you had to accept your own dark side.
he had this pre eminently in his own character.

i had long talk with him back in 1958 and i was enormously impressed, with a man who’s obviously very great, but at the same time with whom everyone could be completely at ease.
there are so many great people,
great in knowledge or great in what is called holiness,
with whom the ordinary individual feels quite embarrassed, forced to sit on the edge of his chair and to feel immediately judged by this persons wisdom or sanctity.

Jung managed to have wisdom and sanctity in such way that when other people came into its presence they didn’t feel judged.
they felt enhanced, encouraged and invited to share in a common light.
it was a sort of twinkle in Jungs eye

it gave me the impression that he knew himself to be just as much a villain as everybody else.