Good Quotes, Chapter 19

in #quotes7 years ago

Gallicanism: A cluster of doctrines, favored by the French Church, that tended to limit the authority of the Pope in relation to the bishops, and to subordinate the rights of the Church to the power of the State. The first exponents of Gallicanism were the Franciscans William of Ockham, John of Jandun, and Marsilius of Padua in the fourteenth century, who denied the divine origin of the papal primacy and would subject its exercise to the will of civil authority. Gallicanism became Conciliarism after the Great Western Schism, claiming the superiority of council over the Pope, and promoted by John Gerson (1363-1429) and Peter d'Ailly (1350-1420). The French Revolution drove the bishops into the arms of the Pope and dealt a mortal blow to Gallicanism, but the basic idea was still alive until the First Vatican Council formally condemned it in 1870.

In order to better understand the meaning of penance and reparation, we have to look for a moment at what happens whenever we sin. Two things happen:
First: we incur guilt before God for the self-will that caused us to sin. We become more or less separated or estranged from God, depending on the gravity of our sin.
Second: We deserve punishment for the disorder we cause by our sinful conduct. We become liable to suffering pain, again more or less pain, depending on how seriously we have done wrong.
Against this background, we can more easily see the meaning of penance and reparation:
Penance is the repentance we must make to remove the guilt, or to reinstate ourselves in God's friendship.
Reparation is the pain we must endure to make up for the harm we brought about by our self-indulgence when we sinned.
What then do penance and reparation have in common? They have this in common: that they are absolutely necessary if the justice of God is to be satisfied after we have offended the divine Majesty. They also have this in common: that God now has a right to demand more of us than He would have required had we not committed sin. The word more is basic to any correct understanding of penance and reparation.
But if penance and reparation have this in common, how do they differ? They differ, as we have seen, in the two different ways that we do wrong whenever we sin. Because we have failed in loving God, we now owe Him more love than He would have required had we not offended Him.
We did wrong by our willful love of self. So now we have to make up by our selfless love of God. This is Penance.
And because we have brought disorder into the world by our sins, we must undergo pain to undo this harm we have caused. This is reparation.

As usual, I see signs of the split in Intel, since it makes no sense for those who manufactured this event to instruct kids to mention the drills and other things. You will say the press accidentally interviewed kids who weren't primary actors, but I don't think that is what is happening here. The event coordinators could have and would have controlled the players and press better than that. -- Miles Mathis

What it looks like to me is happening is that DHS ran this event so that they can install body scanners in schools, making a huge profit. Also to keep to gun sales high. We are told these events are run to destroy the 2nd Amendment, but that is misdirection. The truth is just the opposite: they aren't pushing gun control, they are pushing gun sales. They own these companies, and profit mightily from that as well. -- Miles Mathis

However, as we have seen in all the other major fake events, some faction of Intelligence, possibly CIA, is undercutting the event as part of a turf war with DHS. So I think some of these kids were inserted by CIA as event spoilers. As with Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, and all the others, the research here is just too easy. The first level of clues is composed of obvious danglers, choice bits of bait that we don't even have to swim around to find. They sort of hit us in the mouth. It is like fishing by dropping a worm down the fish's throat. Very few of the researchers at Youtube have any real acumen, but they are able to find these clues in the first days, basically just by rolling out of bed and opening their eyes. If Intelligence was all on the same page here, that would be impossible. These events coordinators can easily suppress information. The only information they can't suppress is information planted by fellow agents on opposing teams. Those agents also have access to and control of the press. -- Miles Mathis

We see this again with the mainstream reports that this is a hoax. Yes, they argue against that thesis, but they don't need to report it at all. Did they report that some thought the Moon landings were a hoax right after they happened back in 1969? Of course not. That isn't how it is done. You don't give your opposition face time. This would indicate that both Anderson Cooper and his interviewee David Hogg are blowing this event on purpose. -- Miles Mathis

“There is in each of us a shadow-self, and a real-self. The shadow-self seeks only its own will and pleasure. The more we keep the sun behind us, the greater the length of the shadow, the less Christ is in our lives. Every pain patiently borne, every blow to self, shapes the real eternal self. It was the Crucifixion of Our Lord that prepared the way for His resurrection and Glory. Our Lord is weaving your heavenly robes for the heavenly nuptials, though you know it not, in moments that seem so loveless. You cannot see entirely God’s Plan for you. The uncharted ocean is before you, as you toss in the narrow cabin of your suffering; but the Divine Pilot is bringing you to port.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

The three temptations were three short-cuts from the Cross: Feed the Hungry – Be a sociological Christ. Do breath taking wonders – Be a scientific Christ. Be a social revolutionist – Be a Communist Christ. --Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

“If the basis of Christianity were anything else than a God Who came from a tomb, then we would be without hope. If He were a worldly success, then we would have to imitate Him in worldliness. If He were a failure, and never rose from defeat, then we would be vindictive, and hate who symbolized the world that crucified Him. If He were only a man, He would be forgotten as all men are. If He wrote a book, we would all have to be professors, but since he came into this world to bring victory out of defeat, then the more hopeless the situation, the more certainly does the Divine Power operate. How long this conflict between good and evil will last we do not know.” --Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

So long as you think of Christ outside your aches, as the book of consolation that you read, or the healing medicine on the shelf, you will never be a part of the saving Cross. -Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

"THE best reason for a revival of philosophy is that unless a man has a philosophy certain horrible things will happen to him. He will be practical; he will be progressive; he will cultivate efficiency; he will trust in evolution; he will do the work that lies nearest; he will devote himself to deeds, not words. Thus struck down by blow after blow of blind stupidity and random fate, he will stagger on to a miserable death with no comfort but a series of catchwords; such as those which I have catalogued above. Those things are simply substitutes for thoughts. In some cases they are the tags and tail-ends of somebody else’s thinking." ~G.K. Chesterton

Catholics can NOT participate in Seder meals!

All ceremonies are professions of faith, in which the interior worship of God consists. Now man can make profession of his inward faith, by deeds as well as by words: and in either profession, if he make a false declaration, he sins mortally. Now, though our faith in Christ is the same as that of the fathers of old; yet, since they came before Christ, whereas we come after Him, the same faith is expressed in different words, by us and by them. For by them was it said: "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son," where the verbs are in the future tense: whereas we express the same by means of verbs in the past tense, and say that she "conceived and bore." In like manner the ceremonies of the Old Law betokened Christ as having yet to be born and to suffer: whereas our sacraments signify Him as already born and having suffered. Consequently, just as it would be a mortal sin now for anyone, in making a profession of faith, to say that Christ is yet to be born, which the fathers of old said devoutly and truthfully; so too it would be a mortal sin now to observe those ceremonies which the fathers of old fulfilled with devotion and fidelity. -- St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologicae, I-II, Q.103, Art. 4, co.

On October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII heard Satan ask God for 75-100 years to have dominion over mankind. According to Pope Leo XIII, Satan was granted the time to test mankind in unknown ways. Pope Leo fainted after he heard the conversation between God and Satan, and he personally composed the Saint Michael Prayer, which was said after every low Mass up to Vatican II in the mid 1960’s.

...just following the script: set up a controlled opposition and then destroy it with internal feuding. -- Miles Mathis

The counterculture is ineffective because it was created to be ineffective. As we have seen in my research, all these people we thought were radicals were actually CIA and MI6 agents. They were all set up to fail. -- Miles Mathis

It is a hypnosis by blood. Or a hypnosis by fake blood. -- Miles Mathis

...the bankers and industrialists have been running everything from the start. The only question then is, why weren't they as predatory in the past? The apparent answer is: only because they didn't think they could get away with it. They once feared a backlash, but they no longer do. Thanks to the media, they have far greater control over society than they had in the past. Now they can manipulate people in ways they never dreamed of then. -- Miles Mathis

There is no real counterculture, no real opposition, no real anything. Everyone has been hired as an extra. -- Miles Mathis

Curtis then admits, “No one opposed the bankers. The radicals and leftwingers who ten years earlier had dreamt of changing America through revolution did nothing.” That's because those “radicals” were fake radicals, planted by the bankers. Curtis proves that by using Patti Smith as an example. When was she born? 1946, year one of the CIA. We even get her birthyear stamped on the wall in the film, to remind us of this. She comes off as a moron in the film, which is the point: these people weren't disillusioned in the 1970s—They were paid to stand down. Their “cool detachment” and “individualism” was part of the script. She and Bob Dylan and Joan Baez and all the other fake leftists were more Jewish moles, child actors from the families trained to lead us all astray.
So it isn't that no one did anything in the 1970s. Many tried to do something, but the media only reported what Patti Smith and these other phonies were doing. The industrialists have planted all these fake leaders, and the real revolutionaries can't see how to get around them, to this day. The governors have very successfully marginalized all opposition, by control of the media, mass drugging, constant psyops, increasing levels of fear, and widespread buy-offs. They don't need to kill or threaten anyone anymore, since they can hire or buy off most revolutionaries. The rest they can just ignore. -- Miles Mathis

After Lawrence of Arabia installed Faisal as King of Syria in 1920, pretty much everything else has been manufactured there by the West to benefit themselves, including all the phony wars and suicide bombings. Orwell told us how it was done in 1948: create fake wars and fake enemies to keep military spending high and control the populace. But for some reason people keep thinking 1984 is in the future. -- Miles Mathis

In the section on Lockerbie, we are told the plane was downed by Syria, but the blame was pinned on Libya. We are told the experts knew it was Syria. No, that is just more spinning, because it was determined by a court that neither Syria nor Libya had anything to do with it. And it was actually reported later that in-house investigators at PanAm had come to the conclusion the plane was downed by. . . US Intelligence. In other words, it was another false flag. Curtis forgets to mention that, doesn't he? However, even that story was spun to make us think it was CIA offing its own rogue agents. No possibility that is true. It has better ways to do that. Following what we discovered from later similar projects, including 911, best guess is this was an old Pan Am plane they were ready to retire, and they simply crashed it empty in a remote field, making up the casualties later. US/British Intel then made up a lot of competing stories as misdirection and cover. This is how it is done. -- Miles Mathis

In the section on Kissinger, we are told he was interested in a “balance of power”. False. He was always interested in unilateral world domination by one sector, which is the opposite of a balance of power. Ask yourself who balanced the power of the US/Israel. The Russians, the Chinese, the Arabs? No, all are now owned/managed by the same few families that own/manage the rest of the world, so there is no balance of power like they are talking about. The only talk of a balance of power might be among these families. Do they share power, and if so how? But we know almost nothing of that, and the film never addresses it, of course. Curtis wishes to keep you in the old paradigm, where countries were important. But countries have been immaterial for a long time. Country outlines are only kept as useful fictions, but countries don't decide anything. The national governments of the world are just Punch and Judy shows, meant to keep your eyes off the real players.
After talking about the importance of balance of power, Curtis then sells us the idea that Kissinger purposely screwed over al-Assad, never foreseeing that this might upset things in the Middle East. But with hindsight, we can see that Kissinger pursued neither war nor any kind of meaningful diplomacy. What was pursued is what is still pursued: continuous manufactured controversy, via a Hollywood-style delivery of propaganda to all sides. Why? Because fake war is very profitable. With the rise of cinema, these guys finally figured out they didn't have to manufacture real wars. Fictional wars paid just as well, with fewer side effects for all involved. They now have the upside—draining the treasuries—without the downside—real murders that might cause bad karma for someone. Again, Orwell told us how it was done in 1948. Curtis admits that with Gaddafi, to a large extent. It is admitted that Gaddafi came out of England and was our created enemy. But you could say the same thing about Syria, Jordan, China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea. They are all created enemies, actors propped up by us. If you can't see that, you just aren't paying attention.
At minute 17:50, the narrator admits that the Palestinians and Syrians were ignored by Kissinger. They were irrelevant to the structure of the larger system. Yes. But do you know who else are irrelevant to the structure of the current system? The Africans, the Iranians, the Egyptians, the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians, the Europeans, the Israelis, and the Americans. All the citizens of the world are irrelevant to the current structure of the world, except for the very wealthiest families. The system was created to benefit them and them alone, since only they count. Everyone else is as relevant to the system as a gorilla in Tanzania. That is your true balance of power. -- Miles Mathis

The Communists were just a papermache front hiding the bankers. -- Miles Mathis

He is simplifying history for his stupid audience of children, boiling it down into a sugar-coated lie they can understand. -- Miles Mathis

People can easily imagine a better world. It isn't hard to do. What they can't see is how to start the revolution. They can't, because they have been so thoroughly miseducated about who the rulers are. When they talk about such things, they mention the President, or Congress, which is what they have been hynotized to do. But the President and Congress are just actors. You might as well attack Hollywood. Even if 100 million people marched on DC, the real rulers could ignore it, because they aren't there. There is no fortress to attack. Even the Pentagon generals are false targets: you could arrest all of them and it wouldn't make any difference. The old methods of warfare are useless, you see. -- Miles Mathis

It wasn't that NASA was simply lying right to your stupid face, it was that the world had become mysterious and disjointed by decades of confused politics, by eons of confused history, or by meddling aliens. This project continues, since it is the same thing we see from the mainstream science magazines to this day, with their monthly reports of “time is an illusion”, or “reality is a hologram”, etc. -- Miles Mathis

Reagan's Presidency was “a simple moral crusade, where America had a special destiny to fight evil”. Or, that was the script, at any rate, read by a doddering B-actor nincompoop who is even harder to watch now than he was then. By professional standards, he wouldn't even be considered a good pitchman for dogfood, since his voice is high and nasal, his mannerisms are ridiculous, and his ability to read cue cards is poor. Only compared to George Bush or Donald Trump could he now appear to be the most charming thing imaginable. -- Miles Mathis

But ask yourself this: if the Israelis are so strong, why shell this enclave of boys armed with plastic rifles from a distance? Why not march through on foot, round up every last rebel, and throw them all in a gulag? I will tell you why: 1) the Israeli army is mostly a phantom, 2) these conflicts are staged by both sides. In other words, Israel hires its opposition, and Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS are all fakes. -- Miles Mathis

In other words, Intel was trying to foment race wars, to take the focus off the bankers. -- Miles Mathis

Now, it is that Elon Musk is launching Tesla cars into space just for fun, and that the reality of that event can be judged by how fake it looks. The faker it looks, the more real it is. -- Miles Mathis

All of us are going to work everyday and paying enormous taxes, to subsidize worldwide theater and a military industrial complex that is nothing but a mirage. A very large part of our economy is a fetid mist. -- Miles Mathis

At minute 1:16:00, still following Beck, we are told it is now impossible to predict the outcome of anything we do. The world is just too complex. “The catalog of environmental disasters proves this”. What? So we are supposed to believe that the outcomes of environmental disasters couldn't have been foreseen or prevented? The various oil spills couldn't have been predicted? Mudslides caused by clearcutting couldn't have been predicted? Earth collapses caused by mining couldn't have been predicted? Rivers and oceans polluted by using them as dumps couldn't have been predicted? Air polluted by smokestacks and other emissions couldn't have been predicted? Food poisoned by Roundup couldn't have been predicted? You see what is happening here? It looks to me like Monsanto and BP and Exxon and others paid Beck and Curtis to insert this section, to make you think no one is to blame. We are going to get more and more environmental disasters, and no one will be to blame. The world is just too complex. Big companies have to make obscene profits, and it is impossible to expect them to act with reasonable care or consideration in pursuit of that. -- Miles Mathis

We are told the ruling class has been reduced to steering society into a dark and frightening future, their only aims being to avoid risks and keep society stable. That is true to an extent, if you read it right. Their only risks are being held accountable for their crimes, and they must keep society stable (read asleep) to make sure they never are held accountable. That is how they see their roles as governors, which means their future really is dark and frightening, despite all their yachts and polo ponies. They can never sleep well, since they have to sleep surrounded by a constant guard. They can never look in the mirror with any sense of ease, since a liar will always be peering back at them. And they must live in a constant fear of death, because the one judge they cannot bribe or drug is waiting for them. You and I (supposing you are honest) don't have those problems. We don't fear the mirror or the future or even death, because we know we have done our best. Yes, we have made mistakes, but we have not screwed over the entire world for personal profit. -- Miles Mathis

So just by being fed information by humans of the past 50 years, taken from books and newspapers and TV, no doubt, this computer is supposed to have developed some sort of intelligence? That is pretty hard to believe, since the humans brought up on the same diet have proved to be nothing but imbeciles. -- Miles Mathis

Since the markets are rigged, they don't need computers to foresee any problems. Yes, they use computers to rig the markets, but prediction has nothing to do with it. The markets do whatever the wealthy want them to do, and the computers don't have to make any decisions. The computers store and analyze information, but they don't control anything beyond the thermostat and the clocks (thank God). Blackrock wants you to think they do— hence the annoying commercials about the great Aladdin—but don't fear the Genie in the bottle. AI is no threat to you. The real threat is the same as it has always been: the wealthy robbing you blind with these fake projects. The computers are just a way for them to redirect your gaze in one more way. They want you talking about aliens or computers or the President or Congress or Russia or Libya or Syria or North Korea. Anything to keep you off the truth. -- Miles Mathis

A couple of oddballs like you and me will see how creepy all this is, but the majority of people will rush out and spend money to get even creepier than they already are. -- Miles Mathis

People could be diverted into thousands of hours of talking to themselves, while never getting anything done, never learning anything, and never having to question their previous attitudes. This appealed to people who felt that even monitored and policed chatrooms and forums weren't safe enough. They needed a constant validation, the kind of validation that only a mirror could give them. -- Miles Mathis

Curtis then admits the problem with all this suicide bombing stuff: the Koran forbids suicide, and Sunni Islam has no rituals of self-sacrifice. When I lived in Europe, I talked to a few nice Arabs, and they told me they didn't believe in these suicide bombings for this reason. The stories contradict themselves. Seeming to realize this was a problem, the theater directors back then rushed to hire their own Sheikhs, like Sheikh Qaradawi. He immmediately issued a fatwa in support of the suicide bombings. -- Miles Mathis

Do you really believe the Palestinians don't want peace? No, they want Israel to continue to shell them, bomb them, and steal their lands. Who wouldn't want that? None of the Arabs want peace. They want the US and UK to continue to invade like they did in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The greatest wish of all Arab countries is to be bombed into powder, looted, and lorded over by a puppet dictator. The Arabs are used to that, and they grow lonely without US troops to keep them company. How would the third world get along without our representatives there to steal from them at gunpoint every other week? They might go into painful withdrawal without our constant attentions. Yes, we are supposed to believe the peace process in the Middle East was destroyed by suicide bombers. Not by the US, UK, and Israel dominating the region for decades or centuries, destroying all local autonomy and stealing most natural resources. No, it was a few fake people blowing themselves up for the Western cameras that did it. -- Miles Mathis

Those who have seen through 911 can see through this shit much more easily, and as I said, that is 90% of the world population. Not even teenagers buy this mood-music harum-scarum anymore. They aren't spooked by a little fake blood or a Jaws soundtrack. You brought them up on Marilyn Manson and Nirvana and John Wick and The Matrix, so don't expect to fool them with some fake blood on the streets of Jerusalem or Rome. -- Miles Mathis

It looks to me like the rulers are in a real jam, since it is hard to see how they will continue to sell their fake projects in the future. Without belief in the military projects, the art projects, and the science projects, how do you justify continuing to tax us for them? I have said before that CIA should not have loaned DHS their media tools, since DHS has broken the tools inexorably. DHS has flubbed so many major projects, all belief in the governors is gone. People aren't watching the news, aren't reading newspapers, aren't buying magazines, and aren't biting on the propaganda. They simply aren't believing the lies. -- Miles Mathis

They thought if we didn't buy one big fake per year, maybe we would buy fifty smaller fakes, but that hasn't turned out to be true. They thought if we didn't buy one turn of the screw, maybe we would buy two turns, or three turns, but that hasn't worked either. We aren't buying the hologram gambit and we won't buy the life as an illusion gambit. I expect them to try a big alien gambit, but I can save them the time: this won't work either. This isn't 1938 and people are no longer that naïve. They are still just as stupid in many ways, but they are too technically savvy to fall for another War of the Worlds trick. -- Miles Mathis

“You have five senses which put you in touch with the material and sensate passing world about you. But did you ever notice that when you wish to do deep thinking you shut your eyes, close the doors of the ear to the rattles of earth, for the more you shut out the things of earth, the more the Spirit of God speaks within you. You will learn more truth from the Spirit than from books, as the Apostles on Pentecost learned more about the Life of Christ than they did from three years of living with Him in an earthly way.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

"WHEN such a critic says, for instance, that faith kept the world in darkness until doubt led to enlightenment, he is himself taking things on faith, things that he has never been sufficiently enlightened to doubt. That exceedingly crude simplification of human history is what he has been taught, and he believes it because he has been taught. I do not blame him for that; I merely remark that he is an unconscious example of everything that he reviles." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Illustrated London News", Feb. 13, 1926.

Despite shutting down other forms of dissent and so-called conspiracy theories, Youtube is not cracking down on Flat Earth at all. In fact, it seems to be promoting and uplisting Flat Earth like never before. That should tell you what to think of Flat Earth. The government seems to have no problem with it. It is an important part of the NASA and SpaceX promotion, as I have shown you before. It acts as the perfect manufactured opposition for NASA and SpaceX. -- Miles Mathis

No matter how nice and innocent the boy next door might look, he could be a serial bomber, killing people just for fun. Intelligence has been running events like this for centuries. Remember Leopold and Loeb, the two rich white college boys in 1924 who allegedly kidnapped and murdered a local boy just for the thrill? That was the same sort of event, and like this one it never happened. Back then they were just creating a general chaos, to help sell the police force and jails, but now we can see this event as part of the longrunning project to split the sexes. This will just confirm once again to women that men and boys are dangerous and untrustworthy. If you are a normal heterosexual having trouble meeting someone of the opposite sex, your trouble is not accidental or unplanned. Your misery is part of a long-intended project, one that enriches the billionaires mightily. It was discovered long ago that miserable single people spend far more money on worthless crap than happy couples. -- Miles Mathis

We know Intelligence is manufacturing many events, and we have seen that some of them are being scripted to increase distrust between whites and blacks. See the Trayvon Martin event, the Charleston event, and so on. So we know the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is paying people to be involved in these hoaxes. Therefore, the best bet is that is what is happening here. It has all the same earmarks as previous fakes, so we should just assume it is another one until proven otherwise. -- Miles Mathis

They are all repeating what they have heard on TV or read in the newspapers. Because they are trusting, they don't bother to research these claims, as I am doing. They don't have time for it, and wouldn't like to discover the truth anyway. Most people would prefer to believe what they are told. It is disorienting to discover you are being lied to on a grand scale, and most people would prefer not to have to deal with that discovery. -- Miles Mathis

Are you beginning to see how easy it is? When your family owns not only the stock markets, but the media and the DHS, you can manufacture events for any purpose.
Say your name is Rockefeller, and you are tired of playing golf and buying Rolls Royces this week. Since your family runs Blackrock/Blackstone, the biggest investment firm in the world, all it takes is one call to make anything happen in the market you like, as big as you want it. And since your family also owns the media and the Intelligence agencies, another call will get you any event you like, within a matter of days or weeks. Both CIA and DHS have all the Hollywood connections they can handle, and they can fake an event using the latest technology. So if you have ordered millions in put options on Fedex, say, you can include them in your event at the snap of your fingers. Just have your boys take some film of a Fedex store and some Fedex trucks, and then include those images in the media presentation. Nothing could be easier. The public will make the connection between that bad man and Fedex, the stocks will tumble, and you are millions richer. Beats the hell out of another 18 holes, doesn't it? -- Miles Mathis

Most of the famous events you know about were also fake, like Waco, the Unabomber, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, and so on. They were all manufactured, just like this current event. Kaczynski, Koresh, McVeigh, and all the rest were just agents themselves, and they aren't dead and aren't in jail. They were just relocated. All these events serve the same double-duty: keeping the populace frightened and entertained and keeping the budgets of FBI, ATF, CIA, and DHS fat. If you haven't figured that out by now, you simply aren't paying attention. -- Miles Mathis

"CRITICS were almost entirely complimentary to what they were pleased to call my brilliant paradoxes; until they discovered that I really meant what I said. Since then they have been more combative; and I do not blame them." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Autobiography"

“The news had spread that our blessed Lord had been given an honorable burial, by Joseph the rich man. Like a bolt out of the blue, the Pharisees run to Pilate to protest against the delivery of the body to Joseph. As they claimed His life, so they would claim His Death. In the history of the world, there was never a more ridiculous spectacle than that of a hundred soldiers stationed to keep an eye on a corpse. No other grave on the face of the earth was ever watched, because the dead man said that He would rise in three days. But here guards are set, lest the dead walk, the silent speak, and the pierced heart quicken to the throb of life. They say He is dead; they know He is dead; they will tell you that He will not rise again; but still they watch.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

"If a man is ever to enjoy communion with Christ, so as to have the blood of God running in his veins and the spirit of God throbbing in his soul, he must die to the lower life of the flesh. He must be born again. And hence the law of Calvary is the law of every Christian: unless there is a Cross there will never be the resurrection, unless there is the defeat of Calvary there will never be the victory of Easter, unless there are the nails there will never be the glorious wounds, unless there is the garment of scorn, there will never be the robes blazing like the sun, unless there is the crown of thorns there will never be the halo of light for the law laid down at the beginning of time which shall be effective until time shall be no more, is that no one shall be crowned unless he has struggled and overcome.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Moral Universe)

"THE only thing which is still old-fashioned enough to reject miracles is the New Theology. But in truth this notion that it is "free" to deny miracles has nothing to do with the evidence for or against them. It is a lifeless verbal prejudice of which the original life and beginning was not in the freedom of thought, but simply in the dogma of materialism. The man of the nineteenth century did not disbelieve in the Resurrection because his liberal Christianity allowed him to doubt it. He disbelieved in it because his very strict materialism did not allow him to believe it. Tennyson, a very typical nineteenth century man, uttered one of the instinctive truisms of his contemporaries when he said that there was faith in their honest doubt. There was indeed. Those words have a profound and even a horrible truth. In their doubt of miracles there was a faith in a fixed and godless fate; a deep and sincere faith in the incurable routine of the cosmos. The doubts of the agnostic were only the dogmas of the monist." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy," VIII.— The Romance of Orthodoxy.

The nationalization of all banks is one of the planks in the communist manifesto.

" a country with a central bank is 98% communist " / Lenin

Student loans use a system of compound interest, in other words, you are paying interest on your interest.

Anyway, the definition of snob has never made any sense to me, since it is used in a pejorative sense. Pejorative means looking down on something or someone. How can you look down on someone for looking down on others? So the word snob is hypocritical to start with. More than that, it is a contradiction. Calling someone a snob implies you know better than they do, since you are contemptuous or disapproving of their actions. But if you are claiming to know better than they do, you are perforce a snob. Contradiction. -- Miles Mathis

It seems to me that words like “snob” are only useful in a society like ours, where the governors are trying to push everyone down or toward the middle. A general resentment has been created and maintained against anyone who can do anything well, precisely to prevent anything from being done well. Only the ruling class is allowed to do things well, and if you aren't in the ruling class, you shouldn't have any such pretensions. Those in the ruling class dodge the snob epithet by pretending to be from middle class roots and by parading a phony humility all the time. See Hollywood for the perfect example of that. And now that the ruling class no longer can do anything well, they have all the more reason for shaming you into mediocrity. -- Miles Mathis

The children of the very rich are the only ones that become artists, but they tend to have zero creative talent. So of course they are going to come down hard on anyone not in the ruling class who still wishes to create real art. -- Miles Mathis

Only the ruling class would think to use the word snob, you know. It is not a word the middle class uses, ironically. And what the ruling class meant by calling me a snob was “how dare you dare to compete with us on an equal footing! How dare you think you have some right to be a poet or a painter or a scientist. Don't you know these titles are reserved for us? How dare you advance without our permissions!” That is how I see the word snob. As a raw word, it has no logic to it. It only makes sense as another bit of veiled propaganda. -- Miles Mathis

"Mean World Syndrome" is a term coined by George Gerbner to describe a phenomenon whereby violence-related content of mass media makes viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is. Mean World Syndrome is one of the main conclusions of cultivation theory.

"The Religious Education Congress is nothing short of a disaster. With insolent, gay-affirmative priests crying for change, and liberal Ph.D.’s with a soapbox and a bone to pick, it’s no wonder why so many poor and miserable souls are confused about the Church and what she actually teaches."

"THE men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged." ~G.K. Chesterton: 'Cleveland Press' interview, March 1, 1921.

"TO TRAIN a citizen is to train a critic. The whole point of education is that it should give a man abstract and eternal standards, by which he can judge material and fugitive conditions. If the citizen is to be a reformer, he must start with some ideal which he does not obtain merely by gazing reverently at the unreformed institutions." ~G.K. Chesterton: "All is Grist."

“Men think that evil must come in the disguise of a germ, or a bomb, or a raid, or an explosion, or a train wreck, or a bank failure, forgetful that the greatest grief can come to man under the disguise of human ideals.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (For God and Country)

There is no contradiction between ethnic identity and Catholic "universalism." Europe is proof of that. -- E Michael Jones

“It is one thing to observe facts, another thing to interpret them. Facts as facts mean nothing experience as experience means nothing. A cat walking through a laboratory sees the test tubes and retorts just as well as the scientist – in fact sees them better in the dark. But the cat can make no conclusions concerning the facts, simply because it lacks the power of reason. It is reasoning on experience, then, that makes interpretation, and therefore I say that we are no better equipped today to interpret facts than the ancients were; we have only better facts to interpret.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Old Errors and New Labels)

Medieval Christendom actually condemned Islam as a Christian heresy, not unlike Arianism, Nestorianism, or Gnosticism.

“The two most evident symptoms of the breakdown of the family are: divorce and voluntary or deliberate sterility, i.e. broken contracts and frustrated loves. Divorce destroys the stability of the family; voluntary sterility destroys its continuity, Divorce makes the right of living souls hang up the caprice of the senses and the terminable pact of selfish fancy; while voluntary sterility makes a covenant with death, extracting from love its most ephemeral gift while disclaiming all its responsibilities.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Philosophies at War)

" makes no difference what you believe; it’s how you makes no difference whether you have any rules in football; it depends upon how you makes no difference whether you believe triangles have three sides; it depends on how you draw..." Can we not see if we believe wrongly, we will act wrongly? -- Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Wartime Prayer Book)

If Trump hasn’t been skinned yet by the neocons in Washington, it’s because he judiciously brought into his camp the worst warmongers, John Bolton and Nikki Haley as human shields in the case of a neocon attack: nobody can accuse a man whose security adviser is Bolton and the UN ambassador is Haley of being soft on Putin. Now they can’t voice their indignation. As they say in the army, it’s better to have them inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in. -- Israel Shamir

Nothing like this has happened in human history. A combination of cultural preferences, government decree and modern medical technology in the world's two largest countries has created a gender imbalance on a continental scale. Men outnumber women by 70 million in China and India.

"THE disadvantage of men not knowing the past is that they do not know the present. History is a hill or high point of vantage, from which alone men see the town in which they live or the age in which they are living. Without some such contrast or comparison, without some such shifting of the point of view, we should see nothing whatever of our own social surroundings. We should take them for granted, as the only possible social surroundings." ~G.K. Chesterton: "All I Survey."

"Upon the whole, I came to the conclusion that the optimist thought everything good except the pessimist, and that the pessimist thought everything bad, except himself." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy."

The Jewish question does not deal with individual Jews. It deals with the mobilization of the Jewish people for political ends. Sts. John, Paul, and Peter refer to this group as "the Jews." -- E Michael Jones

“This is the great beauty of the Catholic Faith: its sense of proportion, or balance, or should we say, its humor. It does not handle the problem of death to the exclusion of sin, nor the problem of pain to the exclusion of matter; nor the problem of sin, to the exclusion of human freedom, nor the social use of property to the exclusion of personal right; nor the reality of the body and sex to the exclusion of the soul and its function, nor the reality of matter to the forgetfulness of the Spirit.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Preface to Religion)

They are just the handmaidens, the hired help, the fronts. They do what they are told and read from the scripts and Teleprompters and earpieces. The writers and talkers aren't hired because they know anything or have any talents. They are hired because they are young and have nice hair and are from the top families. The fat old spiders from the ruling class comb their youngest generation in search of pretty flesh they can put forward as the poster boys and girls who will fool us for another decade. So don't limit your disgust to these frontline poseurs. Remember that they are groomed by hidden hands. They don't make the rules and customs that bind you: they too are bound. They were to the manor born, and likely find it even harder to change than you do. You have been suckled on blue pills from birth, but their homes are built with blue pills, their clothes are sewn with blue pills, their very bodies are blue with ancient pillage. Resist them and pity them. -- Miles Mathis

Likewise, we have learned that the theories are fronts as well. You may think this is about Modernism or feminism or some other ism, but isn't. It is about money. These people discovered many decades ago that destroying art and destroying sex were profitable. Since these ruling families care nothing for art or health or sex, these things are much more useful to them as schemes of control and profit. Real art was replaced by Modern art because it was found that the latter was easier to launder. Much more money could be made by using art as a front than by selling art directly. A real straightforward art market might only gross the ruling families a few billion a year, while Modern art as a money laundering front makes them hundreds of billions. Since art means nothing to them, the math is easy. -- Miles Mathis

And since miserable sex-starved people spend much more money than happy couples, that math is also easy. The rulers decided long ago to purposely split the sexes, to keep them from gratifying eachother for free. The rulers could then insert their million products into that dry and dusty gap, selling the sad people everything except that which they wanted and needed. -- Miles Mathis

The theory of the “male gaze” is as sexist as anything that has ever been promoted, since it is an obvious false generalization. It is the pathetic and transparent bid to tarnish all males with the crimes of a few. A few men are creepy, therefore every time a man looks at something, he is being creepy. That's the basic argument, isn't it? -- Miles Mathis

Our culture doesn't proceed on laws, it proceeds on peer pressure and planted fears. -- Miles Mathis

There will always be a market for good work. There is a huge untapped market right now. There is nothing but room at the top, since the Moderns all exist in the basement. The moment you create the tiniest bit of real art, you are beyond and above them. -- Miles Mathis

Who gets in the car and drives to a museum or gallery to feel vaguely and pointlessly uncomfortable? No one except the sick and pathological. -- Miles Mathis

Do men ever talk about empowerment? No. Why not? Because we know that empowerment is a meaningless word. No one else empowers us. We power ourselves. Any power we have comes from within. I don't wait for any man or woman to empower me. -- Miles Mathis

If they hate one of my hats, I don't wear that hat, no big deal. This is what a relationship is. You try to please each other. -- Miles Mathis

It seems that neither side wishes you to know what is actually happening here or anywhere else, and I can only suppose it is because if you understood anything about physics or astronomy, you might be able to understand a lot of other things. The truth about everything has become a military secret, and that secret is kept by maintaining your ignorance on all topics and subtopics. Welcome to the brave new world order, where mass idiocy has become a prerequisite of governance, and where science is now anti-science. -- Miles Mathis

As we have seen, photons are neither massless nor dimensionless. Therefore, they must be affected by this traffic. You will say we know what happens when light moves through matter, and it isn't a redshift. It is a sumover that makes the speed of light seem to drop. But once the light clears the matter, it it returns to c. True, but that is only what we know of light here, where charge densities are fairly low. It isn't the matter density I am talking about here, it is the charge density. Yes, matter densities will cause deflections internally, not redshifts. But very high charge densities would act differently than very high matter densities. In the first, photons are interacting with baryons, mainly. In the second, photons are interacting with other photons. Photon-photon interactions don't cause a drop in c, they normally cause spin damping or augmentation—which would be expected to cause red or blueshifts. Why? Because the color of light is determined by its wavelength, and as I have shown that wavelength is actually a result of the spin radius of the photon. As I have proved in many many papers, the wave nature of light is not a field wave, but a spin wave. This is what explains superposition, entanglement, and every other mystery of light. So when the charge density becomes high enough, we begin to get appreciable photon-photon interaction. And by that, yes, I mean photons are colliding. But because they are so small, even at high densities they are very unlikely to collide head to head. They are much more likely to collide edge to edge, which is why we see spin changes, not velocity changes. -- Miles Mathis

All were and are promoted to serve up popular alternative theories that seem to question the establishment while doing them no real harm and threatening their hegemony in no real way. These theories are long on colorful historical examples, but never get around to addressing any specific problems. No one ever takes the time to slog through mainstream equations like I have, for instance, showing the specific errors and correcting them line by line. Instead, we have airy proposals which—although sometimes containing interesting ideas—never go anywhere. The proposals stay in the same state for decades, and no one in any century ever gets around to proving them or disproving them. -- Miles Mathis

As we have seen in my papers on both sites, the truth was classified a long time ago as something too dangerous for normal people. Therefore, they create a mainstream version of everything which is a believable fiction, and pound it into you from the crib. But they know that some people will gag on this fiction, eventually seeing through it. So they have to create a second fiction for these people. To do this, they test the wind, to see exactly what people aren't buying. They then create a second story, and in the first chapters of that story they tell you what you already know: much of the mainstream story is garbage. In this way they hook you into the alternative version. Because they have admitted the mainstream is wrong, you trust them as an ally. They then lead you back out into the bushes, and you are lost for another few decades. By the time you figure out the second con, you are too old to do anything about it. -- Miles Mathis

This is no accident. That is what controlled opposition always looks like, since it was created specifically to stall the revolution. -- Miles Mathis

They give you an alternative second path to travel, hoping you won't ever recognize there are always more than two paths. -- Miles Mathis

Conan Doyle told us, via Holmes, that it is always a mistake to begin theorizing before you have the facts, and Einstein simply didn't have all the facts. Regarding black holes, he had none of the facts, so building black hole theory on field theory is absurd.
The logical thing to do, obviously, is to build a theory on the data you have, not the data you assume is there. Modern physics preens itself on a strict empiricism, but then builds these models from previous math, instead of from current and conspicuous data. That is just bad science. -- Miles Mathis

To begin with, blackness just means that the visible light is not being produced, for some reason. But we know that X-rays are produced by black holes, so we know that all photons are not being attracted or accreted. Current theory has an illogical explanation for this X-ray production, but a much more logical explanation is that the black hole isn't a hole at all. For instance, we are told in one sentence that nothing, not even light, can escape from a black hole. In the very next sentence, we are told that “gas” from a companion star or object heats up as it spirals into the hole, emitting X-rays we can detect on the Earth. Well, if we can detect them, then they escaped, did they not? An X-ray is a light ray, so apparently light CAN escape from a black hole. I will be told that the first sentence only applied to light beneath the event horizon, but if light can escape from so near a black hole, then the beast loses much of its terror, I would say. -- Miles Mathis

To explain emissions you require an emission field, which is what the charge field is. -- Miles Mathis

Good equations would have no singularities, since Nature can contain no singularities. Zeros and infinities in solutions should not be read as event horizons or unidirectional membranes, they should be read as places where the equations fail most obviously and spectacularly. It is amazing to me that decades of physicists and mathematicians have ignored this elementary truth. Clearly they have ignored it because it was most efficient to ignore it. They were in love with their own equations, regardless of any data, and like any good lover they refused to look at the glaring faults of their beloved. Seeing no way to correct these obvious faults, they simply built the marriage around them. And anyone who noticed the faults was an interloper, a boor, and probably a misogynist. Only a hater of women would dare to look closely at them, right? Only a hater of math and physics would dare to criticize it. Only an enemy of science would point out its fat ankles and bad skin, its missing teeth and its chewed fingernails.

If you collapsed the Earth down to the size of the Moon, keeping the original mass, you would not only increase the density of the molecular structure, you would increase the density of the emitted charge field. This would increase the repulsion felt per unit area in the field around the object.
If we took this to an extreme, the charge field would overwhelm the gravity field. The object would become anti-gravitational, repelling all matter and bouncing all light that came near it. This could happen with any size object, as long as the density overwhelmed the radius.
So the question is, what density would the Earth have to have, keeping its current radius, to begin bouncing all light and energy? At what density would the charge field of the Earth equal its solo gravity? Well, solo gravity is 9.81, charge is .009545, and we want to bring the second number up to the first. Since the second number is a function of density, we just raise the density until that number is 9.81. So we increase the density by 1028x. What would the new mass be? M = DV, so 5670g/cm3 x 1.08 x 1027cm3 = 6.12 x 1027 kg. So if we compressed about three Jupiters down to the size of the Earth, we would create a zero gravity planet. Would this planet then act like a small quasar? No. To actually bounce all incoming energy and matter and light would require the charge field to exceed gravity by some amount, not just balance it. The energy at any point on the surface of the object would need to exceed the energy of the incoming matter or light, to bounce it. Our zero-gravity planet would have no energy on the surface, and would neither attract nor repel any incoming energy.
So if we took a planet about 1/5 the mass of the Sun and compressed it to the size of the Earth, we could bounce everything up to the energy of an X-ray.
We start with an object with 50 solar masses, say, and compress it by some mechanism down to the size of Jupiter. We will then have a fantastically bright object, with all the brightness coming from reflection and none coming from fusion.
This may be an explanation for super-brightness, but what about darkness? To explain darkness, we simply require a very great density, to squeeze photons into electrons, but also a very great gravity, so that the density does not overwhelm the radius and cause the charge field to overwhelm the gravity field. -- Miles Mathis

There is nothing they can do about a fake crisis, is there? No matter what they do, the fake activists will keep claiming the fake statistics, so why bother? -- Miles Mathis

Normally they just interview each other in the cubicles at Langley, then ask the computer to make up some names for them. Talking to real people is time-consuming and messy, and they have deadlines to meet. They don't have time for that crap. -- Miles Mathis

The governors figured out a long time ago that much more fear is created by making the boy next door the monster. They need girls to be very afraid of “nice guys”, since that is who they are actually running into. So they create movies and write books and make up news stories about nice kids going insane and raping and murdering their neighbors and schoolmates. As we have seen, the stories are always fake, but most people still don't realize that. -- Miles Mathis

"He couldn't get any dates and so went on a killing spree. This is just what young men do, you know." -- Miles Mathis

Which brings us back to the “hook-up culture” the media has been selling for the past 30 years. Yes, it isn't kids who invented this culture, although that is what you are expected to believe. It was created for them, like everything else. Why? Because the governors don't want women marrying anymore. They want women going to work for the corporations, making them money. The housewives of the 1960s weren't proper wage slaves. And they didn't spend enough money to suit the merchants because their husbands often controlled the pursestrings. Not any longer. By splitting the sexes, the merchants can prey on each sex separately, creating a special set of fears and anxieties for each.
So the word from governments and the parents controlled by them has been for many decades that young people should wait to get married. They shouldn't get married in high school or even college. Preferably they should wait until they are 30. Why is it a bad plan? Many reasons, including:

  1. younger women have much healthier children. Women who go through puberty at 12 or 14 aren't biologically intended to have children after 30. Every year after 30, the odds of Downs Syndrome and other deformities go way up. But they don't teach young women that, do they?
  2. People (not just women) are generally at their most attractive under 30. Americans don't take great care of themselves, and so most start to age noticeably in their 30s. Most of us rely on our looks to attract a mate, and if the looks start to go, finding a partner becomes a lot harder. That is just the way it is. It affects men, too, believe me.
  3. At age 30, a single woman will probably be hooked into a career, and it is harder to have children in that situation.
  4. Even if you are still very attractive in your 30s, it is harder to meet people. It will never be as easy as it was in college.
  5. By age 30, you will have lived as a hooker—I mean hooker-uper—for at least a decade, and it is hard to make the switch. You will have gotten used to living by yourself and having everything your own way, so a guy in the house may seem like a nuisance in many ways. You would have been better off not getting into that selfish rut to begin with.
    So this is why the hook-up culture is sold to you from an early age. The governors don't want you to get married and be happy. Preferably they want you to be a repressed virgin, working overtime for them since you have nothing else to do. If they can't manage that, the next best thing is that you have unsatifsifying condom sex with semi-strangers, wrapped in plastic, drugged to the gills, and in constant fear of pregnancy and disease. -- Miles Mathis

I am just an old-fashioned romantic, who thinks men and women were meant for each other. The Muses had someone lined up for you, and it is very sad you missed them. And you know what, if you are lucky they may still be out there. If you try very hard and act very nice, you may be able to find them. But the first step in finding them is to give up on all the propaganda you have swallowed in the past. Don't believe these harpies writing for the magazines. Don't follow their poisoned advice. Shut down the media and get on with your life. -- Miles Mathis

We are supposed to believe that the governors are now gay-friendly and pro-woman, but I see no evidence of that. They never were in the past, so why would you believe it now? What I see is women and gays targeted like never before, just in a more subtle and nefarious way. You can be sure that Intel is not gay-friendly or pro-woman: it is pro-conflict. Promoting gay and tranny culture helps drive this splitting of the sexes that is so important to the governors and merchants. Women are not being empowered by this splitting in any way, and will never be. Both men and women are being disempowered. -- Miles Mathis

These people weren't controlling art to combat decadence, as we are told the Nazis were. No, just the opposite. They were controlling art to promote decadence, and they were promoting decadence and confusion in order to spread chaos and misery. Chaos, like war, is wildly profitable. This, too, is now admitted. See Project Chaos and Project Cointelpro, which have been partially declassified. These were, and are, heavily funded premier projects of CIA and FBI, explicitly created to foment and spread chaos. Modernism has been a central stone in that architecture from the beginning. Art has been used as a frontline tool in Project Chaos back to the 19th century. -- Miles Mathis

Yes, the Victorians were also controlled by Intel and inundated with propaganda, but nothing like now. The mass media was in its infancy then, and the controllers didn't have the means for a 24-7 blitz like they have now. Today you are swimming in a high tide of propaganda and lies from the moment you open your eyes in the morning, and it continues non-stop until you collapse from exhaustion at the end of the day. -- Miles Mathis

The solution is easy and is what it always was: refusal. Tell the governors and their hired minions to fuck off. Don't believe what they tell you, don't buy what they sell you. Just say no to all the beribboned neuroses and psychoses. Pass on the chaos and confusion. Order your own world on simple principles of some sort and find a lover. Treat her well. Seek normalcy and truth and calm and subtlety and warmth and health. Shield your children from the vipers and monsters in the media. And get on with your life. Do not work for these people. Do something that needs to be done, even if it is just sweeping the streets. Make food, make clothing, repair things. And spread the truth. It is the most powerful weapon on earth, and the rulers rightly fear it. -- Miles Mathis