Good Quotes, Chapter 20

in #quotes7 years ago

Fed easing can strongly amplify existing speculative pressures but is often wholly ineffective when investors are inclined to risk-aversion.
Recall that the Fed eased aggressively and persistently throughout the 2000-2002 and 2007-2009 collapses.
In a speculative market, bad news is good news and good news is good news. In a risk-averse market, the opposite is true. – John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

At its core, investment is about valuation. It’s about purchasing a stream of expected future cash flows at a price that’s low enough to result in desirable total returns, at an acceptable level of risk, as those cash flows are delivered over time. The central tools of investment analysis include an understanding of market history, cash flow projection, the extent to which various measures of financial performance can be used as “sufficient statistics” for that very long-term stream of cash flows (which is crucial whenever valuation ratios are used as a shorthand for discounted cash flow analysis), and a command of the basic arithmetic that connects the current price, the future cash flows, and the long-term rate of return.
At its core, speculation is about psychology. It’s about waves of optimism and pessimism that drive fluctuations in price, regardless of valuation. The central tools of speculative analysis focus on the observable prices, trading volume, sentiment, and other objects that emerge as the expression of investor psychology. – John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

When investors are inclined to speculate, they tend to be indiscriminate about it.
When two securities diverge, the dispersion provides information about factors that they do not share in common. As a simple example, consider junk bonds versus high-grade bonds. Uniform market action conveys information or investor perceptions about interest rate pressures. Divergence conveys information or investor perceptions about oncoming credit risk and default. – John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

Recognizing that valuations matter profoundly over the long run, yet are nearly useless over the short run, is central to navigating complete market cycles. – John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

AS UNEMPLOYMENT DROPS, STOCKS DROP: "Any increase in wages as a share of GDP should be expected to diminish profit margins from the extremes they’ve enjoyed as a result of labor market slack" – John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

LIBOR RISING: "rising foreign deposit rates relative to domestic rates is often an indication of emerging stress in the global banking system" – John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

No one in America voted for abortion or sexual abominations like gay marriage. They were imposed upon America’s citizens by the Supreme Court, which, along with Hollywood, is an integral part of oligarchic rule in the United States. -- E Michael Jones

All flash memory suffers from wear, which occurs because erasing or programming a cell subjects it to wear due to the voltage applied. Each time this happens, a charge is trapped in the transistor’s gate dielectric and causes a permanent shift in the cell’s characteristics, which, after a number of cycles, manifests as a failed cell.
SLC uses a single cell to store one bit of data. MLC memory is more complex and can interpret four digital states from a signal stored in a single cell. This makes it denser for a given area and so cheaper to produce, but it wears out faster.
So, an MLC cell is typically rated at 10,000 erase/write cycles, while an SLC cell might last 10 times that before failing. Despite the endurance issues related to SSDs, they remain, say suppliers, more reliable than spinning media.

“The true followers of Christ were meant to be at odds with the world; The pure of heart will be laughed at by the Freudians; the meek will be scorned by the Marxists; the humble will be walked on by the go-getters. The liberal Sadducees will call them reactionaries, the reactionary Pharisees will call them liberals.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Seven Virtues)

The existence of God is not an article of Faith, it is an article of Reason. -- E Michael Jones

“We are living at the end of Christendom – not the end of Christianity. By Christendom is meant the political, economic and social order pervaded by the Gospel ethic. We no longer live in a Christian civilization. Christendom refers only to the world and its institutions; Christianity refers to Christ and His Mystical Body in its evident outreach to the world. The era of Faith was succeeded by the era of Reason, which, in turn, has given way to our Sensate Age. Christianity is considered off the reservation.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Those Mysterious Priests)

“Our Blessed Lord left the world without leaving any written message. His doctrine was Himself. Ideal and history were identified in Him. The truth that all other ethical teachers proclaimed, and the light that they gave to the world, was not in them, but outside them. Our Divine Lord, however, identified Divine Wisdom with Himself. It was the first time in history that it was ever done, and it has never been done since.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life of Christ)

According to Heinrich Graetz, the father of Jewish historiography, the net result of immersion in Talmudic studies was the moral corruption of the Jews who studied it: "A love of twisting, distorting, ingenious quibbling, and a foregone antipathy to what did not lie within their field of vision, constituted the character of the Polish Jews. Pride in their knowledge of the Talmud and a spirit of dogmatism attached even to the best rabbis, and undermined their moral sense. The Polish Jews of course were extraordinarily pious but even their piety rested on sophistry and boastfulness. . . . The vulgar acquired the quibbling method of the schools and employed it to outwit the less cunning. They found pleasure and a sort of triumphant delight in deception and cheating (p. 5-6)."

“The remotest analogies between signs and things were seized, till at last the Kaballah degenerated into an art of madness according to method, or a systematic science resting on fancy.” --Solomon Maimon

The Jewish nation is, apart from accidental modifications, a perpetual aristocracy under the guise of a theocracy. The learned men, who form the nobility in the nation, have been able, for many centuries, to maintain their position as the legislative body with so much authority among the common people, that they can do with them whatever they please. (p. 147). --Solomon Maimon

That's your peer review in a nutshell. Don't discover anything new or disagree with those in the field about anything, because if you do you will be silenced. If you don't tow the party line, you can't get the degree, and if you don't have the degree you aren't allowed to have an opinion. -- Miles Mathis

Killing art and science was bad enough, but killing the family is what is going to lead to the revolution. To keep people dormant, you have to keep them satisfied to a large extent. They admit that in The Matrix. The blue pill is about simple pleasures. So they can't kill all these things simultaneously for profit and hope to get away with it. -- Miles Mathis

Unfortunately, the number of countries that have shrinking working age populations is steadily growing. In the late 1980s there were nine such countries, today there are forty.

Businesses now use the college as a filter, a provider of credentials, not because young people learn anything in college that the businesses need them to know, but because completing high school no longer means that you can be trusted to show up for work on time, to write a letter that makes any sense, to do a little complicated arithmetic, to dress in a becoming way, to speak decent English, and to be able to maintain an interesting conversation for five minutes.

“The Church holds that it is impossible to have a religion without dogmas. To say that one must have a religion without a dogma is to assert a dogma, and a dogma that needs tremendously more justification than any dogma of the Church. What is a dogma? A dogma is an idea, and in the sense a man without a dogma may be said to be a man without an idea. Dogmas there must be, just as long as there is sound thinking.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Moods and Truths)

On September 2nd 1825, Major Mordecai M. Noah was in Buffalo to dedicate the cornerstone that was to mark a place on Grand Island as a Refuge for the Jews of the world, to be called "Ararat'. Being that not enough boats could be secured to transport the great throngs of spectators to Grand Island for the dedication, the ceremony was held in St. Paul's Episcopol Church, with the Rev. Addison Searle, presiding. Festivities opened Sept. 2nd, "at dawn of day a salute was fired in front of the court house, and from the Terrace facing the lake. At eleven o'clock a parade moved down Main Street from the Court House to St. Paul's with city officials, bands and members of the Masonic order in line." Center of all eyes was Noah himself, a gentleman of forty, proudly erect of carriage, florid of face, keen of eye, sandy-haired who strode just ahead of the rear guard of Royal Arch Masons and Knights Templar. Over his black costume, majestically austere, were thrown rich judicial robes of crimson silk, trimmed with the purity of ermine. From his neck depended a medal of gold glistening from high embossments." The major conducted the ceremony with all the solemnity benefitting the occasion.
"On arriving at the church door, the troops opened to the right and left and the procession entered the aisles, the band playing the Grand March from Judas Maccabeus... On the communion-table lay the cornerstone. "On the cornerstone lay the silver cups with wine, corn and oil. "The cornerstone, was consecrated during the ceremony in both Hebrew and Episcopal rights. Mr. Noah rose and pronounced a discourse, or rather delivered a speech, announcing the re-organization of the Jewish government, and going through a detailed Proclamation of many points of intense interest... He declared the Jewish nation reestablished under the protection of the laws of the United States.
Meanwhile hundreds of people lined Niagara's river bank, from Tonawanda down to Buffalo, hoping to catch a glimpse of the colorful ceremonial, which they thought was to be held on Grand Island. Many of them came up in carriages in time to hear the Inaugural speech. After the ceremony, the procession returned to the Lodge, and the Masonic brethren and the Military repaired to the Eagle Tavern and partook of refreshments. The church was filled with ladies, and the whole ceremony was impressive and unique. A grand salute of 24 guns was fired by the Artillery, and the band played a number of patriotic airs. A day or two later, everyone, including Noah, had left Buffalo and nothing further happened regarding the establishment of the Jewish City of Ararat.

In 1825 Samuel Leggett of New York City, acting in Major Noah's behalf but using his own money, purchased 2,555 acres of island property-one plot at the north end directly opposite mouth of the Erie Canal, which opened that year-and the other in the center. He had gotton and prepared a stone which was to be "the chief of the corner," with proper inscription and of ample dimensions for the occasion. The stone was obtained from the Cleveland sandstone quarries. The inscription, written by Major Noah, in Hebrew and English, inscribed by Seth Chapin of Buffalo is as follows:
"Hear, O' Israel, The Lord is our God-The Lord is One. ARARAT , a City of Refuge for the Jews, founded by Mordecai Manuel Noah, in the Month of Tizri, September 1825, and in the 50th year of American Independence."
"It was intended, pursuant to the public notice, to celebrate the event on the island; and a flagstaff was erected for the Grand Standard of Israel, and other arrangements made; but it was discovered that a sufficient number of boats could not be procured in time to convey all those to the island who were desirous of witnessing the ceremony..." So through the friendly offer of the Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rev. Addison Searle, the ceremonies were transferred to that building, in Buffalo.
Festivities opened on September 2nd; "at dawn of day a salute was fired in front of the court house, and from the Terrace facing the lake. At eleven o'clock a parade moved down Main Street from the Court House to St. Paul's with city officials, bands and members of the Masonic order in line." Center of all eyes was Noah himself, a gentleman of forty, proudly erect of carriage, florid of face, keen of eye, sandy-haired who strode just ahead of the rear guard of Royal Arch Masons and Knights Templar. Over his black costume, majestically austere, were thrown rich judicial robes of crimson silk, trimmed with the purity of ermine. From his neck depended a medal of gold glistening from high embossments." The major conducted the ceremony with all the solemnity benefitting the occasion.
"On arriving at the church door, the troops opened to the right and left and the procession entered the aisles, the band playing the Grand March from Judas Maccabeus... On the communion-table lay the cornerstone. "On the cornerstone lay the silver cups with wine, corn and oil. "The cornerstone, was consecrated during the ceremony in both Hebrew and Episcopal rights.
Mr. Noah rose and pronounced a discourse, or rather delivered a speech, announcing the re-organization of the Jewish government, and going through a detailed Proclamation of many points of intense interest... "Therefore I, Mordacai Manuel Noah, Citizen of the United States for the City and Kingdom of Tunis, High Sheriff of New York, Counselor at Law, and, by the Grace of God, Governor and Judge of Israel, have issued this proclamation, announcing to the Jews throughout the world, that an asylum is prepared and hereby offered to them, where they can enjoy that peace, comfort, and happiness, which have been denied them through the intolerance and misgovernment of the ages."
He declared the Jewish nation reestablished under the protection of the laws of the United States, he abolished polygamy among the Jews and he levied a capitalization tax of three Shekels(one dollar) in silver a year upon every Jew throughout the world, to be collected by the treasurers of different congregations, for the purpose of defraying the various expenses of re-organizing the government, of aiding emigrants in the purchase of agricultural implements, providing for their immediate wants and comforts, and assisting families in making their first settlements. The Proclamation continued at length outlining various ukases for the establishment of the Jewish refuge, The City of Ararat.

"All Masons Jews, all Jews Masons"

Masonry is the executive partner for the conduct of Jewish policy

“Heaven is a city on a hill, hence we cannot coast into it; we have to climb. Those who are too lazy to mount can miss its capture as well as the evil who refuse to seek it. Let no one think he can be totally indifferent to God in this life and suddenly develop a capacity for Him at the moment of death. Where will the capacity for heaven come from if we have neglected it on earth?” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Seven Capital Sins)

pri·or re·straint. noun. LAW. "judicial suppression of material that would be published or broadcast, on the grounds that it is libelous or harmful."

“History is not just a record of different things that have happened to ancient peoples; it is also a record of the same things happening to new people. He who knows history will not be a prey to the theory of ‘automatic progress,’ nor will he be without a standard to judge the ‘commentator-mentality,’ which identifies the later with the most important.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life is Worth Living)

How can we say that the Church wishes to bring us back into the Dark Ages? The Church was the only thing that ever brought us out of them. ~G.K. Chesterton Orthodoxy

The Jewish mode of support for a leader is a form of waterboarding: the leader is allowed to survive, but only just. The Jewish logic works like that: if we shall save him, he will forget about us and disregard our wishes. So he should be saved but left imperilled. -- Israel Shamir

If you are against Israel, you have to be against the US, the bigger Jewish state. -- Israel Shamir

“The Trinity is the answer to the questions of Plato. If there is only one God, what does He think about? He thinks an eternal thought, or about His Eternal Son. If there is only one God, whom does He love? He loves His Son, and that mutual love is the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that the great philosopher was fumbling about for the mystery of the Trinity, for his great mind seemed in some small way to suspect that an infinite being must have relations of thought and love, and that God cannot be conceived without thought and love. But it was not until the word became Incarnate that man knew the secret of those relations and the inner life of God.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Divine Romance)

The relativization of Christ's prohibition of divorce could only proceed by placing Moses on the same level as Christ. -- E Michael Jones

"Once God is denied as the Source of rights, the State sets itself up as an absolute.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Whence Come Wars)

Unsurprisingly, limiting population growth turns out to be bad economics

Two Cases of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis after Human Papillomavirus Vaccination
Dr. Ye Hu, MD, Dr. Leticia Tornes, MD and Dr. Roberto Lopez-Alberola, MD
University of Miami, Miami, FL
Objectives: To report two cases of MS in the pediatric population that developed after administration of HPV vaccination with Gardasil®.
These 2 cases and the others that have been previously reported, suggest a temporal association between HPV vaccination and onset of MS. Whether the vaccine increases the risk of the initial demyelinating event in an already predisposed population or triggers the onset of MS, by way of an immune response, remains to be studied.

The will can command the intellect to think, but the intellect cannot command the will to will, only inform it, as a navigator informs the captain. Yet the will cannot simply make you believe. It can't force the intellect to believe what appears to it to be false, or to disbelieve what seems to it to be true. Belief is what happens when you decide to be honest and put your mind in the service of truth. -- Kreeft

The very existence of a corporate entity known as “the Jewish People” (or, Jewry, or The Jews) is frequently denied. Some two hundred years ago Jewry existed as unambiguously as France or the Church. Our ancestors were subjects of this extra-territorial state, an authoritarian semi-criminal order, run by rich men and Rabbis. Its leadership, called Kahal (Hebrew for Community) made the important decisions, and ordinary Jews followed their directions. The leadership could dispose with life and property of Jews, just like any feudal ruler. There was no freedom of opinion within the walls of the ghetto. A rebellious Jew could be punished by death. Came Emancipation, and the power of the Kahal was broken from inside and outside. The Jews were set free and became citizens of their respective countries.
This freedom of the Jews didn’t last too long: now Jews are on the way to becoming subjects of Jewry, ruled by Jewish-American organisations. They want to retroactively turn all Jews into members of World Jewry, so that their property will remain in Jewish hands if they die intestate. This is a claim of a state, not of a church neither of a community or a diaspora.
Thus, above two Jewish polities, Israel and the US of A, a third polity rises, Jewry, a quasi-state, whose existence is often denied, but when it is a question of money, obfuscation is out of place. The US decided, by promulgating Act 447, that a Polish Jew has never been a citizen of Poland; he was a member of Jewry, and his property should revert to Jewry, not to the Goyish Polish state. This is quite an extraordinary claim; perhaps understandable in the Middle Ages, when Jewry formed a separate estate, but nowadays it is a recognition sign of the Jewish Messianic era.
This is the end of Enlightenment, and Jews, liberal or conservative, have been transformed from free persons and citizens of their countries into subjects of Jewry. This is done without Jewish consent. Ordinary or extraordinary Jews did not agree, didn’t vote, didn’t express their agreement in any way for this turn of events.
It didn’t begin today – Germany already recognized Jewry (or the world Jews) as a subject of international law: “The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, or Claims Conference, represents the World Jews in negotiating for compensation and restitution for victims of Nazi persecution and their heirs”. Now it has come to Poland, and afterwards, there is a list of forty countries they intend to flay, from Estonia to Morocco. They all will have to recognize that their Jewish citizens were, in effect, foreigners, members of a foreign body. Otherwise, they will find themselves on the black list of the US administration. -- Israel Shamir

Why do I speak of the Jewish Messiah? Who is he? I wrote about it at length in the book called Pardes. The Messiah for Jews is not a person, but a spiritual force. It is the spirit of Jewry. I called it Jewry – Yizrael, as opposed to Israel. Yizrael is his own Messiah, this is the view of Jewish Cabbalists. The Jewish Messiah, the spirit of Yisrael makes the world perfect for himself. And now we are entering the period of his dominion. When he will sit in the Temple on the Mount Moriah, his dominion will become perfect – not necessarily wonderful for individual Jews and even less so for individual Gentiles.
The prophecy says he will be overthrown and replaced by Christ, or the Christian Messiah, the True Saviour and God. For this reason the Jewish Messiah is called the Anti-Christ, or the Ante-Christ, the one who comes before (like in antipasti or ante meridiem) and against Christ. While the Jewish Messiah is the anti-Christ, Christ is anti-Semite. Meaning not only “against”, but “before” as well, for Christ is connected with Melchizedek, being “a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek” (Ps. 110:4), and Melchizedek preceded Israel, for he is a son of Adam.
This title, the Son of Adam, The Son of Man is a title of Christ, the True Messiah, while Jewish Messiah claims the title of the Son of Abraham and the Son of Israel. Jewry denies Christ, this is the existential meaning of its existence. While many Jews of Jesus’s days followed Him into Israel, that is the Church, another part, Yizrael, or Jewry, fought Him, caused His death, and continued the battle with Him after His resurrection.
I discussed elsewhere the Jewish claim that only they are Adam, i.e. fully human children of the First Man. This is a false claim and the source and reason of Yisrael’s rebellion against God and His Christ. All of us, not only Jews, are fully human children of the First Man and more than that by virtue of receiving communion of blood and body of Christ.
The Rise of the Jewish Anti-Christ had been foretold; still it is amazing that we witness this development. I thought that is an allegory, a parable, a fable; but it is as real as a cup of tea. -- Israel Shamir

  • God created everything from nothing.
  • Adam and Eve are (not were) real people.
  • Original sin is real. It is inherited. Because of it, there is a defect in human nature. It taints our souls and mars their beauty. It bars us from Heaven. This stain of death cannot be removed by human cleansing—not by education or being nice or living a good life. Only baptism can remove it from our souls. Thus, baptism is necessary for salvation.
  • The Catholic Church is the One True Church. All other religions are false, each falling somewhere on a continuum of error.
  • The Sacraments were given to us by Christ Himself to save us. No human being made them up; no human being can change them.
  • The Sacrifice of the Mass is a True Sacrifice. It is the offering of a Victim to God in reparation for sin. The Mass is the death of Christ mystically, miraculously, brought forward in time in an unbloody re-presentation of Calvary before our eyes. It is the Mystery of Faith.
  • The priest offers the Sacrifice. He alone has been given a power beyond our understanding. He alone calls down Jesus to the altar. When the priest murmurs the mystic words, Our Lord comes to save us. Lay people are not a necessary part of this Sacred Action.
  • Heaven is real. It is a Kingdom, a place -- palpable, visible beyond the veil, tangible. Our Lord and Our Lady reign there physically in their glorified bodies. Hell, Purgatory, and Limbo are also real. People go there.
  • The devil is not a myth or a metaphor. Lucifer and his army of fallen angels are real, and they hate you.
  • You will be judged when you die. At that moment, the time of Mercy is over. It is the Time of Judgment. Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and Earth, will pronounce the sentence. Heaven? Purgatory? Hell? You don’t get to decide where you go. The Lord sends you. You will have no choice in the matter.
  • Christ will return to Earth on the Last Day. You will see Him coming in the clouds of Heaven. It will be the General Judgment. Every soul who has ever lived will be there. Every last person will know who is beloved of God and who is damned by their own fault.
  • At that time, your body will rise from the grave and be reunited with your soul. Everybody will see what you look like—whether you are beautiful beyond words or hideous and deformed. You will go then to your appointed place. To be loved or hated forever.


  1. Our life on earth resembles a football game.
  2. We are playing against a powerful team: the world, the flesh, the devil.
  3. Our invisible Coach is Jesus Christ, our God and Savior; our visible coach is our Holy Father, the Pope.
  4. Our assistant coaches are: the bishops, the priests, the sisters, good parents, Catholic schools, Catholic
    books, Catholic newspapers, Catholic magazines.
  5. The invisible coach of our opponents is Lucifer, the prince of devils.
  6. His assistant coaches are: atheistic schools, bad men and women, bad movies, bad magazines, bad taverns, bad night clubs, bad environment, bad company.
  7. The referee is our conscience, which tells us whether we are right or wrong.
  8. Our cheerleaders are: the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and Saints, our priests, our sisters, our Guardian Angel, our parents, our sincere friends.
  9. The opposing cheerleaders are: all the devils of hell, our enemies of religion, the spirit of the world and of the flesh.
  10. The football field is the whole earth.
  11. Our goal is to the right, namely, heaven.
  12. The opposite goal is to the left, namely, hell.
  13. The kickoff begins when we are about 7 years of age. That’s when we begin to know the difference
    between the two goals. That’s when we begin to gain or lose (our purity).
  14. Our signals are: the Ten Commandments of God, the Six Commandments of the Church, the laws of our
    Country, the duties and obligations of our state of life.
  15. If we obey these signals, we are sure to win.
  16. Our quarterback is the bishop who relays to us the signals conceived by God and our Pope.
  17. The ball is sanctifying grace.
  18. Every time we do good, we gain yardage.
  19. Every time we commit sin, we lose yardage.
  20. When we commit a mortal sin, we lose the ball, and the other team takes over.
  21. By making a good confession, we regain the ball.
  22. The Sacraments refresh us during the game. They help us gain yardage.
  23. A retreat is time-out, a time to get our bearings again.
  24. Half-time resembles our summer vacation, when we rest up and come back rejuvenated and determined to do better.
  25. We play only one game.
  26. It lasts a lifetime.
  27. There is no clock to tell us how much time we have left.
  28. Death will mark the end of the game.
  29. There is no chance of a tie score; we either: win or lose.
  30. If we win, We Win forever. The whole court of heaven will rush to congratulate us. Our reward will be so great that no one has ever seen, heard, or conceived of anything to equal it.
  31. Our names will be inscribed in the Hall of Fame forever.
  32. If we lose the game we lose forever. All of hell Will be loosed, and all the evil spirits will rush to thrust us into the abode of the damned souls. The pains of loss will be immeasurable and everlasting.
  33. And our names will be inscribed in the Hall of Shame forever.
  34. Therefore, play the game: be alert, play hard, play with confidence.
  35. We have the best coaches: if we follow their advice, our victory is certain.
    —Rev. Msgr. Donato G. Valente.

Christian tradition generally recognizes that Adam and Eve are in heaven. Their memorial has been celebrated in the Church on December 24.

WWII combat statistics noted that infantry firing from a position of cover of a foxhole (prone) hit 6 times out of 6, kneeling 4 out of 6, and standing 3 for 6... when firing on the run that average is 1 hit for every 10 shots fired!
The best estimated accuracy rating in the world back in 2015 was the Israeli Sayeret Matkal unit at 26% accuracy... and that was based mostly around taking on lesser-trained enemies, using surprise tactics if they have an absolutely clear shot.

The hallmark of an economic Ponzi scheme is that the operation of the economy relies on the constant accumulation of low-grade debt in order to finance consumption and income shortfalls among some members of the economy, using the massive surpluses earned by other members of the economy. -- Hussman

Financial disaster is quickly forgotten. There can be few fields of human endeavor in which history counts for so little as in the world of finance. – John Kenneth Galbraith

Consumers work for employers to produce goods and services, but because of past labor market slack, weak bargaining power, and other factors, they are paid meaningfully less than they actually need to meet their consumption plans. The government also runs massive deficits, partly to supplement the income and medical needs of the public, partly to purchase goods and services from corporations, and partly to directly benefit corporations by cutting taxes on profits (despite being the only country in the OECD where corporations pay no value-added tax).
Meanwhile, lopsided corporate profits generate a great deal of saving for individuals at high incomes, who use these savings to finance government and household deficits through loans. This creation of new debt is required so the economy’s output can actually be absorbed. Businesses also use much of their profits to repurchase their own shares, and engage in what amounts, in aggregate, to a massive debt-for-equity swap with public shareholders: through a series of transactions, corporations issue debt to buy back their shares, and investors use the proceeds from selling those shares, directly or indirectly, but by necessity in equilibrium, to purchase the newly issued corporate debt. -- Hussman

The dysfunctional economic system provides the illusion of prosperity for some segments of the economy. But in the end, the underlying instability will, as always, be expressed in the form of mass defaults, which effectively re-align the enormous volume of debt with the ability to service those obligations over the long-term. -- Hussman

The heavy issuance of low-grade debt, and the progressive deterioration in credit quality, ultimately combine to produce a debt crisis, and losses follow that wipe out an enormous amount of accumulated saving and securities value. The strains on the income distribution are partially relieved by borrowers defaulting on their obligations, and bondholders receiving less than they expected. -- Hussman

On prayer: Sick, nervous, fearful individuals are made well by this communion of creature with Creator, this letting of God into the soul.

A good way to understand the relationship between wages and profits is to think in terms of unit labor costs. Consider a generic unit of output. The revenue of generic output is measured by the economy-wide GDP price deflator. The cost of employment embedded into that output is measured by unit labor cost (ULC). Accordingly, we would expect profit margins to increase when unit labor costs rise slower than the GDP deflator, and we would expect profit margins to fall when unit labor costs rise faster than the GDP deflator. That’s exactly what we observe in the data. -- Hussman

When U.S. corporate profits are unusually high, it’s typically an indication that households and the government are cutting their savings and going into debt. -- Hussman

As Miles has shown repeatedly, what’s better than creating a cover story for an event that never happened? Creating competing cover stories and conspiracy theories surrounding an event that never happened is the best way to disguise it.

The "paradox of anti-Semitism" which forms the title of Cohn-Sherbok's book is that "Jews need enemies in order to survive... in the absence of Jew-hatred, Judaism is undergoing a slow death." Without anti-Semitism, he writes, "we may be doomed to extinction."

"...the Zionists needed the persecution of the Jews to persuade Jews to become colonizers afar, and they needed the persecutors to sponsor the enterprise."

Ours, the scientists keep telling us, is a universe which is disposable. - Orson Welles

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its justice and all the rest shall be added unto you."

You wouldn't stop feeding your body for a week. Why would folks not feed their soul?

Both the plutocracy of the Capitalist state and totalitarianism of the Socialist state are particular manifestations of an oligarchy.

The saints have consistently said that one deliberate venial sin is worse than the complete destruction of the entire universe.

Modern liberty means that nobody is allowed to discuss it. -- GK Chesterton

Western Civilization is not just suffering from a famine of spiritual values; it is not even caring about them. It is now seeking to stuff itself with the husks of the secular, the economic, the political, the worldly. This new thing which no longer is concerned with the soul, but with the belly, is a philosophy of life which mobilizes souls for economic and secular ends... -- Archbishop Fulton Sheen

The Post-Truth World -- Bilderberg

Didn't the Romans and the Jews try to rebuild the temple at some point to undermine the growth of Christianity in the old empire? Yes, under Julian the Apostate. Read my chapter on him in The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Plastic and rubber shoes block charge, so you don’t get as energized from the charge field as you should. So you should hike barefoot if you can. Your feet will toughen up pretty fast. But those into yoga should also consider that yoga mats in the west are commonly plastic or rubber. This is counterproductive as well. Best to do your yoga in the grass with no mat, or just a blanket. There are other mats you can use in the winter inside, but avoid rubber and especially plastic. Plastic has no place in yoga. If you don’t do yoga, you can apply this same advice to whatever you do. Grounding is a real thing, though it doesn’t have much to do with electrons. It has to do with charge, which is photons. The body is a charge engine, like everything else in this universe. -- Miles Mathis

I don’t think anyone has even one nuke. The hysteria, like the nukes, is totally manufactured to keep the front pages off of any real news, to keep everyone scared, and to suck from the treasuries. -- Miles Mathis

You don’t want a circumcised weenie on the beaches. If it gets cold, you shrink up to nothing. Nobody likes that! If you are uncircumcised, he have your own little coat, so you get far less shrinkage. And yes, I am completely serious. -- Miles Mathis

I don’t think there are 7 billion people in the world. But of course it is very hard to prove. It looks like another scare tactic, on the face of it. However, some areas are definitely overpopulated, there is no question. But outside of the big cities, the US definitely is not. Even in the northeast, you fly into New York or something, and it just forest forever. Pollution is a greater problem than population, in most places. One big military base can pollute several counties. Or big factories can pollute the air and water for hundreds of square miles. -- Miles Mathis

Dammegard is a spook, in my opinion. -- Miles Mathis

There are definitely writing teams behind all the top bands, then and now. -- Miles Mathis

Tesla Motors is an obvious attempt to blackwash him by tying him to this fakery at SpaceX. -- Miles Mathis

Airplane tech stalled in about 1950. How does that make any sense? -- Miles Mathis

No one wants anarchy and they know that. It is like the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Do you think anyone was ever in favor of such a thing? -- Miles Mathis

Tesla Motors was bought by the oil companies, obviously. I agree battery powered cars are asinine, but big oil wants no competition. -- Miles Mathis

If bicycles started to catch on, Big Oil would buy all the bike companies and trash them in the same way. WHich they already do, in a way. Why do you think biking is so anemic here, while being bigger in Europe? Answer: the propaganda against biking is much larger here, including no bike lanes, constant fake letters to the editor about mad bikers, etc. -- Miles Mathis

Quantum mechanics actually has NO mechanics in it. By mechanics I just mean the ability to assign variables to real objects with real motions, and track them through the experiment or the lines of math. -- Miles Mathis

Just what we need, 18-wheelers with no one at the wheel. It will never work, unless they build separate highways for them, in which case they might as well call them trains -- Miles Mathis

Before people can do anything, they have to know what is going on. Before they can come together and talk and make plans, they have to know what is going on. No action is possible without knowledge. So this is the first step in any revolution. If you don’t know what you are up against, you have no chance of defeating it. You cannot organize or lead people who aren’t aware of what is going on around them, or what has happened in recent history. I have tried to talk to well-meaning people around town, but it is pointless. They have no idea how the world works. They want to talk about Trump or Congress or some article in the New York TImes or some show they saw on CNN. THese people have to be deprogrammed before you even think of asking them to act in any way. -- Miles Mathis

Rather than eternal recurrence, I believe each of our actions is etched in time somehow, and can’t be destroyed. That achieves the same thing, without the need to relive the same life over and over. The past can’t be destroyed, and always remains a part of the present. So you build on your past lives and past actions. Everything you do remains eternally important, without reoccurring eternally. -- Miles Mathis

People need to boycott the media from top to bottom. Don’t watch it on TV, don’t subscribe to any mags or newspapers, and don’t click on it online. Make the ad revenue go to zero. Use adblocker. -- Miles Mathis

It is easy to opt out of the scanners at the airport. Every time I travel I simply request an opt out. I would rather have a pat down than be zapped with rays. -- Miles Mathis

You don't need to worry about Schumann. Worry about manufactured radiation. Schumann isn't the same as my charge field, which peaks infrared and comes straight up out of the ground. It is your friend. You need to be sure you DON'T insulate it, which is counter old school, which teaches you to insulate from the cold rising out of the ground. The last thing you want to do is block heat rising out of the ground, since that is the same as charge. That is your oil and your gasoline. You are a charge engine, just like everything else. So don't insulate subfloor and don't wear shoes around the house, except leather soled. -- Miles Mathis

Concerning radiation, it isn’t just a matter of radiation levels or wavelengths, it is a matter of whether the body has a method of dealing with them. The newer forms, being new and unnatural, leave the body with no natural defenses. The body knows how to process and defend against sunlight (to an extent), but has no analogous ways to process or defend against focused wifi and other new forms. It may develop defenses, but who knows how long that will take. The human body is notoriously weak compared to other animals, and is weaker now than it has ever been in history. It has been weakened by purposely polluted air, water, and food, and heightened levels of unnatural radiation can only add to the toxic mix. So avoiding new radiation is a smart move, in my opinion. However, Jared is right that at the same time there is a lot of fear mongering. I don’t believe that radiation from Fukushima has irradiated the entire Pacific, or that it is threatening the West Coast of the US. Yes, ocean life is being killed, but it was being killed before Fukushima, mostly from “normal” pollution. That is, pesticides, plastics, and a million other chemicals and castoffs of human lack of civilization. -- Miles Mathis

O Villain! thou hast stolen both mine office and my name. Shakespeare.

"When a woman's love becomes venal, everything is lost. When it is kept noble, it brings to the world the balm of tenderness and devotion. The level of any civilization is thus the level of its womanhood." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Springer has recently been caught publishing fake papers and using fake peer review. This is admitted at Wikipedia. In 2015 alone, Springer had to retract 64 papers that had been passed by fraudulent peer review. We are not told how that is possible. What is fraudulent peer review? However, even this is misdirection, since in admitting to some small amount of fraudulent peer review they want you to think there is non-fraudulent peer review. There isn't. It is all fraudulent. Meaning, it is all rigged in favor of mainstream science, which is owned, controlled, and manufactured by the trillionaire investment groups like Blackstone... and more specifically by the individuals behind them. Peer review is nothing more than institutional protectionism and gate-keeping. -- Miles Mathis

So, in a nutshell, the same families have been ruling the West for more than 1500 years. The Rockefellers were kings in 400AD, and they are still kings. Nothing much changes except the form and extent of the con. -- Miles Mathis

"There is so much stress put upon work and activity that our economic system has almost degenerated to a point where we go to work to get cash, in order to buy food, in order to get the strength in order to go to work again." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“The closer a person approaches God, the less worthy he feels. A painting under candle light shows fewer defects than under the brilliance of the sun; so too the souls who are some distance from God feel more certain of their moral integrity than those who are very close to Him. In the presence of the holiest of creatures, the soul becomes self-accusing and broken-hearted with the weight of its defects. He who loves God is the most burdened with the sense of his own unworthiness.” Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life of Christ)

“’The Agency’s involvement with the Copley organization is so extensive that it’s almost impossible to sort out,”

"Conversions are not more difficult in our times than before; but the approach must be different. Today, people are looking for God, not because of the order they find in the universe, but because of the disorder they find in themselves. They are coming to God through an inner disgust.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Priest is not His Own)

In Humanae Vitae, Paul VI said that the widespread use of contraception would lead to sexual immorality, a lowering of standards of decency, a greater contempt for women, and the possibility of government forced family planning. It was too shocking for the Pope to propose, but others—at that time—also said that contraception would lead to the civil approval of same-sex relationships, or that it would lead to a demand for abortion. All of these consequences have followed, painfully and rapidly. And yet some still wish to question the wisdom of that great Encyclical. -- Catherine R. Pakaluk, Ph.D.

“Leonard Pozner” is the alias of a man named Reuben Vabner, and that pics of the 6-year-old Noah Pozner are actually the younger pics of now grown-up Michael Vabner. A search on two paid-subscription people-search engines, Spokeo and TruthFinder, indicates that there is no “Leonard Pozner” in Florida, Connecticut, or the entire U.S. of A. Nor is there a “Leonard Pozner” or a “Noah Pozner” among the family members of Leonard’s ex-wife and mother of Noah, Veronique Patricia Pozner, who is also known as Veronique Vabner. Interestingly, on September 11, 2012, three months before the SHES massacre, Veronique had filed for bankruptcy.

Chalk Hill Middle School opened in the fall of 1969 to about 900 students. Now it sits forlorn and locked up with no apparent plan for its future…. Ideas range from the wrecking ball to recasting it as a community center to using it as offices for various town agencies. It hasn’t been used by the Monroe school district since the end of the 2010-11 school year.
Though officially empty since June 2011, Chalk Hill Middle School curiously applied for broadband and Internet connectivity services from Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), as indicated in an USAC Application Form 471 on March 13, 2012. All U.S. public schools and libraries are required by the FCC to use USAC Form 471.

The proper method of scriptural exegesis is to look first at how the Church traditionally has interpreted a specific passage of scripture and see if one’s own reading is consonant with the Church’s tradition.

St. Thomas explains that in the Old Law only those nations that “had close relations with the Jews” were allowed to settle among the Hebrews, and, even then, those people had to wait for three years before being “admitted to the fellowship of the people” (S.T., I-II, q. 105, a. 3). Moreover, there were some tribes such as the Ammonites and Moabites who had “hostile relations” with the Hebrews” and thus “were never to be admitted to citizenship” (S.T., I-II, q. 105, a. 3). Finally, the Angelic Doctor explains that there are some people such as the Amalekites who “had no fellowship of kindred” with the Hebrews and “were to be held as foes in perpetuity” (S.T., I-II, q. 105, a. 3). Aquinas’s statements here could not be any clearer: There are some people, due to religious and even ethnic reasons, that cannot assimilate to another people’s culture or political community.

As The Remnant’s own Elizabeth Yore noted last year, and as talk show host Laura Ingraham recently tweeted, many Catholic organizations receive money--a lot of money--to welcome immigrants into the United States.
This petty love of mammon, in the end, leaves us with an interesting thought: Is it just a coincidence that Fr. James Martin is carted around national television to cheer on every George Soros-approved attack on the natural law and upon American national sovereignty?
Are there any other “tit for tat” arrangements Catholic leadership both in America and aboard has with governmental organizations or NGOs in which money (and perhaps blackmail) is exchanged for Catholic support for globalist policies?
Is there something else going on here?

Bernardin’s most successful coup was his “seamless garment” or “consistent ethic of life” argument, encapsulated in his famous 1983 Gannon Lecture at Fordham University. From the blueprint of his speech, in which he folded the horrific issue of abortion into a catalogue of other questionable “life issues,” Bernardin was simultaneously able to sabotage the prolife movement as well as ensure continued Catholic voting for prochoice Democrats who advocated for higher minimum wages, arms control, or universal health care.
One of the key issues in the seamless garment ethic that has grown in prominence, as Democrats have become less interested in being antiwar and have largely abandoned the ethnic Catholic working class, is immigration.

Cognitive dissonance
In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.[1][2]
In A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957), Leon Festinger proposed that human beings strive for internal psychological consistency in order to mentally function in the real world. A person who experiences internal inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and so is motivated to reduce the cognitive dissonance, by making changes to justify the stressful behavior, either by adding new parts to the cognition causing the psychological dissonance, or by actively avoiding social situations and contradictory information likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance.[1]

What is a post-truth world and what does Bilderberg mean by that? Well, mainstream sources are telling us Bilderberg is “concerned about” a post-truth world, but my guess is that is an inversion. They aren't concerned about a post-truth world, they are concerned about a world where more and more people have access to the truth. They are concerned about a post-lies world. What happens if people don't believe the lies anymore? I call it a post-Hawking world. The crash and burn of that project back in January obviously got these people's attention. -- Miles Mathis

They have been in crisis mode since 911, since nobody bought that one. Their response was not to back off the fakes for a while, it was to ramp up the fake events. If they couldn't create belief, at least they would create confusion. They have been trying to bury the truth under an avalanche of competing lies, surrounding every truth with a thousand lies. But even that isn't working, since the truth tends to shine out with its own light. It is like the Arkenstone hidden in a vast dark hall. -- Miles Mathis

if we have learned anything about the opposition in the past decade of engagement, it is that he is his own worst enemy. And that isn't just true at the POM level, it is true all the way up. The Bilderberg bozos are also their own worst enemies, since they seem to have the uncanny ability to do the wrong thing at all times. They haven't seemed to recognize that Project Chaos only works on a slow burn. It doesn't work as a 24-7 conflagration. The past decade has proved that. Yes, a lot of confusion has been created, but that has just made people more hungry for the truth and more hungry for normalcy. -- Miles Mathis

The governors seem to have forgotten how well the pre-911 project was working before they kicked it into overdrive and broke the mechanism. Just to remind them: were they losing money back in the 1950s? Not that I remember. Were we right on the cusp of a revolution? Not according to the history books. Things were pretty quiet, and it wasn't because of the recent war. It was because the levels of propaganda were so much lower then. Yes, everything was a lie even then, but it was a smaller, less noisy, more believable lie, so fewer people questioned it. The propaganda now is way too in-our-faces, and we are spitting it back out. The blue pill ingestion requires a subtle massaging of the throat, not a violent force-feeding.
For a somewhat humorous comparison to show my point, look at the difference between the Andy Griffith Show and the Family Guy. Or the difference between Bonanza and the Simpsons. Or the difference between Bewitched and Game of Thrones. TV was being used to create and control culture then as now, but just look at the difference in form and content. The older shows were infinitely subtle, quiet, and tasteful compared to the newer ones. All were and are intended to create an audience of complacent consumers, but there are many types and levels of complacent consumers, as we now see with hindsight. -- Miles Mathis

The governors themselves are the problem, since they have forgotten how to govern. They are creating their own problems with these overblown projects. If they wish for things to calm down, all they have to do is calm down themselves, and order Intel to calm down. If they want more stability, they can create it. All they have to do is quit creating instability on purpose. Insert people back into families, create some normalcy, and slow things down. -- Miles Mathis

Most of us now think these people are evil, which is not surprising since they make very little effort not to look evil. But since they have all the resources of the media, it seems like they could cleanse their image if they wished. Apparently they have forgotten how. -- Miles Mathis

The faction promoting the post-911 world needs to be purged.
As I have also said before, it is one pretty obvious faction that is creating all the problems from top to bottom, and it is because this faction thrills in the jackboot. They figure why massage your throat when they can ram it? They will lie even when they don't need to, because the lie tastes better to them. They prefer theater to reality, since their own private realities are so paltry and unsatisfying. But this faction is a new phenomenon, as we can see by the rapid changes of the past 60 years. Yes, the world has long been run on theater, but not the pseudo-Satanic theater that has completely taken over. It used to be that was a small part of the entertainment offered, but now it is pretty much the whole package. This indicates the worst faction was not in charge back then, and they are still only a part of the machine. They have been resisted and are still being resisted, but not forcibly enough. I would say the families must deal somehow with this faction if they are re-create any semblance of stability, not only for us but for themselves. It is time to reign Loki in. -- Miles Mathis

In my opinion, a successful revolution will be achieved by talking sense to everyone, them included. I am not just talking you off the ledge, I am talking them off the ledge. The world has gone underwater, and the governors are in the deepest part. They are full fathom five hundred and their brains are starved for oxygen. They have lost all sense of direction and don't remember where the surface is. If they would just drown themselves and we could be rid of them, that would suit me, but unfortunately these families continue to spawn at depth. There is always a newer generation arising, breaking the surface for a few moments of sunshine before they too dive down and head for the abyss. So I try to land and meet them at the surface in that brief space of sanity, while their eyes are still open to the light. I point out to them that there is no need for them to dive just because their fathers did. There is nothing down there but mud and bones. Why not stay up here in the clear air and swim for shore? Find some joyous island large or small and tend a garden, husband a flock of geese, and have some normal bright-eyed children who love the truth? If they do that, they may find their lives are not so paltry and unsatisfying after all, and they may not need to hide out in a dark theater, rolling their dice and spinning their webs. -- Miles Mathis

This is another creation of terror, you see. State-sponsored and state-administered terror. Yes, it is fake violence in this case, but for most people it will work just as well as the real thing. They won't want to get beat up by the cops for minor infractions like underage drinking (or talking), so they will police themselves. It is another psychological operation, you see. They want you policing yourself, due to fear of a beating. This keeps you in line without them having to do anything real. -- Miles Mathis

They have to have a certain number of fake promoted events each week, enough to fill up the front pages, so they don't have to report on important real events. -- Miles Mathis

Remember, when the police have to pay out these claims, where do you think the money comes from? It comes from city coffers, which are filled by taxdollars. -- Miles Mathis

What should be on the front page instead of this? The death of science, the death of art, the looting of worldwide treasuries by the rich, the falsification of history, and so on. As just one specific example, whatever happened to the LIBOR scandal and surrounding scandals, where we found out the banks have rigged pretty much everything and are stealing trillions in a wide variety of illegal schemes? Funny how we haven't gotten any updates on that. As usual, the trillionaire families got off by paying some small fines and it was all swept under the rug. No one went to jail and we may assume they are still doing it, simply rerouting the stolen money in slightly different paths.
What about 911? Why wasn't anyone ever prosecuted for that? It is now 17 years later, and nothing was ever done, except a faked killing of Osama bin Laden. Thousands of people should have been subpoenaed for that, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Silverstein, Guiliani, Rice, Bush, the Joint Chiefs, and about half the Intel agencies. What about TARP and PPIP and all those other scams, by which various big companies illegally dipped into the treasury? Did they do anything about that? Any updates on that? No, the only thing they did is raise the debt ceiling, so they could steal more.
What about the growing disparity between the rich and poor? Yes, we get the occasional weak-kneed reporting on that, admitting it exists, but nothing beyond that. No one is rash enough to suggest that it could be solved by preventing the rich from stealing so much so easily. All we would have to do is pass some laws and enforce them. Is that too complicated for you? Instead of using the military to harass the third world and the American middle class, we could use it to locate the illegal stashes of the billionaires and trillionaires, returning the stolen monies to the people. Is that too complicated for you? Instead of using Intel to manufacture the media and the news, we could hire it to crack down on real fraud of all kinds, forcibly relocating all the caught criminals onto organic farms, where they would be compelled to help us grow healthy and natural food without chemicals. They could start with the owners and upper management of GoldmanSachs, JPMorganChase, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, PhilipMorris, Dupont, Monsanto, Freeport McMoRan, Pfizer, Glaxo, Merck, Abbott, and so on. Is that too complicated for you?
It isn't complicated, but I honestly don't see it happening. Why? Because I don't see any strong honest people left. They simply don't exist, not in government, not in military, not in Intel, and not anywhere else. Yes, there are some relatively decent people left in the world, but they don't get into positions of power, and they aren't a majority. So the probability that Congress will somehow magically be repopulated by conscientious people, who will then pass sensible laws, is zero. It ain't gonna happen. But that doesn't mean I have lost all hope. I hope to continue to see the rich and powerful self-destruct in ever more fantastic ways, which they will. Although the most prominent destructions right now— like that of Harvey Weinstein—appear to be fake, behind the scenes the destructions are very real. Vice eats away at these people, with no help from you or me. We do not need to curse them, since they have cursed themselves. Nature takes these people down, and she is far more relentless and pitiless than any human could ever be. So do not lose faith. That is what they want you to do. Remember, the value of life is not judged on a worldwide scale, a nationwide scale, or a citywide scale. It is judged one soul at a time. The unjust may have fooled you into thinking they have prospered, but they never have—not even once. Although you should help others as widely as you can, you cannot right the world and are not responsible for its wrongs. You are responsible only for your own uprightness. See to that and all else will take care of itself. -- Miles Mathis

"The mass abandonment of the faith by young people is not so much a sign of their wickedness as an indictment of our own practical unbelief."

“Courtesy is affection and not affectation. It reaches a point where, in a true lowliness of mind, one esteems others better than self. We know the worst that is in us and of that we can be certain, but we can never know the worst that is in others; we can at best only suspect it. Conscious of this, our feelings toward others become delicate and sensitive; they may even become deeply religious when they reach a point where we forgive others their discourtesies.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (On Being Human)

“Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. And it is extraordinary to notice how few people in the modern world can argue. This is why there are so many quarrels, breaking out again and again, and never coming to any natural end." ~G. K. Chesterton: "Illustrated London News," March 9, 1929.

It is heart-renting to see a picture of small kids beyond the bars. But there is a childishly simple way to avoid separation and incarceration: do not cross the Rio Grande without a visa. -- Israel Shamir

The immigration issue split the German Left. Indeed support for free immigration is suicide for the Left. But this issue does split the whole Western world. On one side, believers in the world without borders, in the free movement of people. It sounds great, until you understand that this is a way to destroy the native working class, abolish the welfare state, ruin social structures and at the same time undermine donor countries, in short, to destroy the world as we know it. -- Israel Shamir

Israelis are divided about African migrants: the wealthy want more of it, the working classes want them out. -- Israel Shamir


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