
Posted using Partiko Android

in result at the end
i upvoted this post 102.5% wow ! 💙💙💙

Posted using Partiko Android

Using different apps might make them overwrite the initial vote. So the 100% upvote was canceled and then the post upvotes with 2.5%

It's like removing a vote and then voting again. The latest one is the real vote.

there's no log about unvote i.e upvote 0%
Ahhhhh understood !
Partiko (@partiko check it out to fix the bug plz !)API routine missed to check already voted and overwrite ! :(

my VP already reduced 102.5%

but ok !
i will unvote and re upvote for 100% full upvote again !

total reduce 202.5% ratio OMG !

thanks ! :) @qurator for replying comments to make it clear ! 💙

Posted using Partiko Android