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RE: Qurator's Tasty Tuesday #17 - Food competition! (Nomination rules changed, please read!)

in #qurator7 years ago (edited)

Wow, that's great) Photo of my delicious muffins got here) Come, treat yourself!


the muffin was delicious

Мне кажется, в этот комментарий хорошо бы картинку вставить.

сделала, спасибо)

Please remember to include the picture of your muffins in this comment. (link can be found at the top of this post) =)

Good luck!

Thank You) Excited!))

Oh, YUM! Im a sucker for a lemon muffin!! These look wonderful!

Thank you very much) I was prepared for the first time, was usually chocolate. Lemon muffins are delicious! So fragrant and tender)

Wow! Delicious!

Mmmm, mouth-watering muffins!

I want it! Yep-Yep!

Lemon muffins on a lemon themed plate with a lemon in the background?! We don't think you love lemon enough! Hahaha 😜


"Why are you so happy? Go eat the lemon!"Yes, it's not about me, I love lemons) Thank you!

You're welcomed and hopefully you get the prize 😊 🍋


I love cooking with 🍋 lemons @notannov and this recipe looks delicious. You have my vote. Good luck!

Ммм... как аппетитно выглядит!:))

Они и на вкус такие, что одним не отделаешься)

ох! какие вкусняшки! хочу такие кексики!!!

Спасибо) Они чудные, на самом деле)