Qurator's Photo Quest | Wires

in #qurator2 years ago


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Welcome to Photo Quest!

Welcome to Photo Quest! The scene is set and hope you are armed with your favorite camera. Are you ready for your quest? Sure you are! This will be a weekly competition where we have a photography quest and you have to take a picture of something specific. Sometimes it will be easy, sometimes not so easy. We will try and keep it interesting as always! Below are the rules and details to set you out on your quest!

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Photo Quest for this week: Wires

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  • Only photography-related posts.

  • Only the first image of your post will be considered as your entry

  • Use the #qurator tag.

  • Mention the Photo Quest competition in your post title or somewhere in your post.

  • Post your link as a comment in this post to officially enter.

  • Posts cannot be older than this post.

  • Your entry will not count if you aren't following the above-mentioned rules.

  • All entries will be reviewed by the Qurator team.

  • Only one entry per week.

  • Deadline: 12 hours before this post reaches payout.

Disclaimer: To all our members and contestants. We need to be open and honest about something. The Friday Qurator 'Photo Quest' is not about just submitting a photo, any photo about the topic, it needs to be a photo that is of high quality. It needs to fight for our attention! Many of our moderators are photographers themselves and when we pick the winners, we take many photographic aspects into consideration. We do appreciate all the entries we get, and we always look over each & every entry carefully, but a blurry picture taken with a phone camera will rarely make the cut. So with all that being said, this is and will always be a photography competition and we want to judge great photography. Challenge yourself, make yourself proud and submit something you would like to see (and admire) in a photo competition, not just any photo you have.

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Don't want to complete Quests alone?

Tag a friend and let them join in, adventures are always best with a friend. A little friendly competition can't hurt, right? ;)

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1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
50% upvote
30% upvote
15% upvote

Upvotes will be sent to most recent post/comment without a @qurator upvote.

Photo Quest #140 - Asymmetry Photography - Winners!

1st Prize - 50% Upvote



Photo Quest: Asymmetry Photography

2nd Prize - 30% Upvote


Asymmetry Photography

3rd Prize - 15% Upvote



Qurator's Photo Quest | Asymmetry Photography. Капли в туманный день - Drops on a foggy day.

Honorable mentions 5% upvote!



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Congrats to the winners!

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest

Cover graphics by: @cheer-up - Images by freepik.com

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 64


Congratulations to the winners, I will participate this time

@pavelsku Gratuluji k první ceně

Vlastně na tom máš taky zásluhu🍀, žes mi to připomněl 👍

Uvažuji, jestli se zapojit do dalšího... Dráty... Jak to pojmout

Za městem mám rozvodnu vvn, to jsou tři hektary plné drátů. Ve fabrice kontejner z odpadem plný drátů. Za barákem elektrifikovanou trať. A když fotím exteriéry, nejčastěji mi překáží všelijaké dráty. Takže s "materiální stránkou" zadání nemám problém. Nejtěžší bude najít nějaký neotřelý "point of view" a "angle of view". Uvidíme.

Tak lovu zdar!

Ještě mě napadlo pojmout ty dráty jinak než ryze technicky. Dívka s drátěným šperkem, přívěskem nebo s náušnicemi. Dívka s rovnátkama. Ale kde vzít ochotnou dívku?

Thanks for the award, I appreciate it.

S jídlem roste chuť :)
My enter for this quest:

Thank you!!!
Congratulations to all the winners!