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RE: Enjoy Some Pink Flower Photography/Disfruta de la fotografía de flores rosadas

in #r2cornell2 years ago

Sorry about your wife. However, I must acknowledge that your mention of those 3 loving decades (almost four) seems very beautiful and inspiring to me; because people don't love like that anymore.

Your pictures are beautiful. I'm imagining now that you live in a paradise. Do you have a big garden?

I am taking now a Masterclass of gardening. I'd love to have someday my own garden, next to a humble adobe house.


Thank you very much.

My garden is not as large as it used to be, but I maintain a flower garden and a small patch for a vegetable garden. I have been switching over to container gardening and build elevated garden beds to grow both vegetables and flowers. I also have an indoor room where I grow under lights, mostly during the cold winter months.

When I retire I will have the time to build more elevated grow beds and a few other experimental garden beds.

Growing plants under lights is one of the things I want to learn, because for the moment I have to live in a very enclosed space. I dream about turning even the most dull spaces into something more "human", now that we're building the most cyberpunk societies 😑

Have you published any post about your indoor gardening system?

I did a number of years ago. I currently only have few plants growing in my plant room. I plan to expand it this fall into winter. Winter months is when I crave fresh greens. Right now I have most of my plants growing in containers outside and in a small greenhouse. I will start taking photographs of what I am growing, and then when fall/winter arrives I will get more photos. I know I have some photographs from a few years ago that I took during the winter but then I stopped posting for awhile. I will try and find some.