How you earn money in Rabona - and where it is spent

in #rabona5 years ago (edited)

We have a hot week behind us - not only because we have had the warmest week of the year in terms of temperature here in Germany. We have also decided on the last few conceptual aspects of the game, that were still open and we are very happy with the solutions which we found. Now we are busy implementing them. These include tactical formations, training and coaching stats for the user.

Once these features are implemented and properly tested, I think we are approaching the day when we can open the game for some tester users.


Today, I would like to explain you in a little bit more detail, how money is earned and spent in Rabona.

When I talk about money, I mean first and foremost the in-game currency RBN. There will be some other features that you can buy for Hive and there will most likely be rewards which are paid in Hive, but RBN is what keeps the stuff together. Let me explain why it is needed, and why we cannot base everything on Hive.

Rabona is a manager game, which means it is part of the fun to invest and earn, but also to have recurring expenses. These expenses include for example player salaries. You cannot simply buy a great player and then use it for free forever - you will incur salary costs for every player and the salary will most likely be significantly higher for a top player then for an average Joe.

This means, that we need to deduct some costs automatically from you your account, as they do not result from any imminent action you take in the game - but instead because of something you did in the past. As we obviously cannot do that with your Hive, we need an in-game currency - which is called RBN.

So how can you earn and spend RBN? Let me walk you quickly through the different income and expense streams:

Visitor income:

Visitor income is generated whenever you have a home game from the ticket prices your visitors pay. It is thus a function of the number of visitors and your ticket price, which you can set freely. The number of visitors is depending on your fan base, current sporting success and the ticket price. Also, it is capped by the capacity of your stadium - so if you regularly come to the capacity limits of your stadium it might be wise to increase its capacity. This investment will be made in RBN as well.

Stadium operating costs

This is the contrary position to visitor income. Stadium operating costs are a fixed amount, which depends on the size of your stadium. So playing in a stadium which is far too large for the number of visitors might be a costly experience.

Advertising income

You will have the opportunity to sign one (current state) or more advertising contracts. As long as you do not have a contract, you will be offered different contracts throughout the game, with the amount depending on the number of fans, your league level and your recent sporting success. So if you plan to advance a lot in the near future, better go for a short term contract, as it will give you the opportunity to change for a higher contract earlier. Advertising income is paid at the end of the season.

Income from TV contracts

TV contracts are managed centrally and you will get your share based on your league level and the position you reach in the league at the end of the season. Only the three highest league levels will get TV contract income, with the total amount being multiplied by four if you advance one level. This means that the league of champions will get a four times higher TV-income than League 1 and 16 times higher than League 2. The number one in the league will get a roughly three times higher income than number 20. The total budget might change over time.

Income from player sales

If you sell a player on the transfer market, you will generate income from it. This is also done in RBN.

Merchandising income

Merchandising income is generated in two different ways: Firstly, every player automatically generates income from licenses on their shirts and fan scarfs. The margin you earn on every product which is sold is based on the selling price you select minus the fixed costs you pay for the product. Additionally, you can earn money from operating your own shops. Shops will allow you a higher margin as you do not have to pay a fee to the seller, but they need to be acquired first and they also come with a fixed operating cost. These costs will be shown as merchandising expenses and shop costs.

Catering income

Catering income is generated during home games as you sell beer and sausages ("Bratwurst") to visitors in the stadium. Similar to visitor income, catering income is calculated by the number of products sold multiplied by the price you set. The more visitor who attend the match the more products sold. The higher the price, the less the volume. The state of your catering infrastructure also influences your sales and it will cap sales once the capacity limit is reached. Running your catering infrastructure results in fixed costs, which are shown under Catering expenses, together with the costs to buy your beer and sausages.

The following short video shows you, how the process to set prices and invest in better infrastructure works:

Player salaries

Player salaries will most likely be your biggest cost item. In reality, player salaries account for roughly 50% of revenue, so be cautious when adding more and expensive players to your payroll.

Scouting costs

Scouting new players costs RBN. It is one of the two ways to bring new players to your team - the other being buying players on the transfer market. Given that players age and that contracts expire if you do not renew them, at some point you will need to get new players, but you can clearly do this earlier or later depending on your financial situation.

Youth academy costs

The youth academy is an integral part of your scouting process. The more advanced your Youth Academy, the better the average players you scout. But this comes at a cost as the youth academy has fixed operating costs.

I hope this gives you a few more details to understand the mechanics how Rabona works.
We can't wait to finally get this out to the public...
Best regards,


So there's actually two components to the game, it's not just the football team that is managed, but also the club and its business.

Exactly, you are managing the whole club as well as the team itself. And their might also be roles to play for players, which only want to trade players, develop players and sell them etc.

Cool, I see :)

How have I not heard about this game before. It sounds like an amazing plan. Obviously it would take years of development and work to bring it up to the level of football manager but think of the scope for a fully monetized version of it.

One that you can actually earn by being successful in the game and buying or selling players. Become successful and have a full revenue system form your team. There are so many possibilities if this is put together well and marketed to the right people. As you have seen with splinterlands a successful project gets build form the ground up and continues to add more and create a community to work with. There would however be a huge market for a game like this and i can see it in my head already how the system would work.

I will be following eagerly and watching the updates. Can't wait to play it once the first version get released.

Buy a starter pack.
Name club / stadium
Buy RB with hive/crypto
Once your account is loaded up you can operate as a proper club manager and try to improve players, facilities, revenue.
Purchase skill points for RBN
Become profitable by winning and expanding.
Be able to cash out RBN in the market.
Prizes for league position. RBN/youth players/skill points.

So many possibilities in this game. Keep up the good work. There are a lot of logistics in organizing so many variables of club, players, business, economy, matches....

I think your comment hits it right on the point. A lot of the aspects you mentioned above have already been implemented and we are continuing to add more features, while trying not to over-complicate things. I think we are only a couple of weeks away from launching, but the idea is to launch with a game that is fun from day 1.

Can't wait. I'm definitely interested and if the game is build well i know a lot of my non crypto friends that could be persuaded to give it a try. They have no interest in coins or web3 but this could grab their attention.

Football manager with real money and a real economy. Whats not to love.

I playing Soccer Manager 2020 which is at the Beta stage at the moment & uses Xaya: Soccer Manager Elite

I did not know they have a blockchain version to be honest. Is everything recorded on the blockchain or is it just some states of the game which are written to it?

I believe it's a blockchain version as you can buy shares in clubs and when you get 5% or more you can vote to change manager of the club

It's going to make the game really interesting... like in the real world, it's going to take a vision for the club... Cool

This is really the idea - you can play this in different styles I hope. You can play it like an Oligarch by investing a money to buy the greatest players, the biggest stadium etc. Or you can can try to develop young players, never reach for the highest stars but play a good role... Both should be able to be successful if played well, its is just different styles and visions of you club.

That's exactly what I was thinking, a club like Paris-SG or more formation like Barcelona.

I know what I would chose...

Now maybe not Barcelona 😀

But I would never chose to be like Bayern Munich either ;-)

Me too 😋

Uhh, jesss.
Lets test it !!

It will take a few more weeks, but we are relatively far I would say.

Cool. I haven't heard about the game before

Will try to check it out later. Hope I don't forget

It is not yet launched yet, this is probably why. If you have any questions please let me know.

Klingt alles Super und ich freue mich schon wenn es los geht. Als Beta-Tester stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

I became a member and started playing. My first experiences are very positive.

Funny, how did you manage to find the website? Did we show the test website address somewhere?

My friend(@papowich )has already followed your game and suggested me I wanted to try it.

It is, but would you mind taking it out of your comment? This is still in testing and we will reset everything in a week or two.

I removed it from comment. I hope the test is completed successfully. I am waiting impatiently.

As you might have seen we are relatively far. The backend is pretty much finished for Alpha release, there is one or two more frontend pages which need a little tweaking, but overall it is progressing very well.

I am glad for that.Thanks for information

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