Contending with People of a Different Race When White will Bring One to the Danger Zone of Being Labelled a Racist.
“You People,” that’s racist, right? No. No it’s not. Not really.
Calling a group of women you guys is a problem for multiple reasons. “You People” and the like in most cases should not be.
It was a Problem in the Video Below.
The Footage Above Made the News and was Labelled as Racist.
The footage above was labelled racist because a Black Woman was involved, one that may have been naturally defensive about her child and/or, high strung. That Black Woman and her husband were confronted by the woman in the video, a woman the news services identified as a “somebody.” That Ms. Somebody too was high strung.
Ms. Somebody was identified as a Ms. Neely and insinuated to be a racist by NBC News and condemned as a racist with the persistent shouts of “shame” and alternatively, “racist” by the Black Woman. Neely was only called a racist after she used a variant of that Pavlovian-like trigger phrase for some, “you people.”
NBC Reported the story as such:
The couple’s photographer approached Neely to try to defuse the situation, the baby’s mother said.
Neely allegedly told the photographer that she brought “these” people into “her” neighborhood.
Dear Reader, do you see the shit here? NBC quoted “these” and her.”
Is everybody going to watch the video on here or on NBC? No. No, they are not. NBC and the rest of the media is inflating and amplifying these types of incidents by seemingly willingly not looking at things logically.
We’re at the Point Where the Media can Create Klansman out of most of White Mankind
Those Who are Supposed to be Looking Out for the Public Good maybe Never Were.
This type of screw-job-play must be written down – or maybe not – in the (((MSM’s))) style-guide.
What business did the White Man and Black Wife have in some exclusive neighborhood that was not theirs anyway. Most of those kind of neighborhoods have super-local police around here and it’s for a reason.
How can one shout racist when only one of the two parties refereed to are Black without the “victims” reading a ton into things?
The media, in this case, NBC cannot justify themselves either.
As long as people are aware of the colour of their skin, which is mainly the issue with black people, no matter what is said or done it is always 'racism' or 'discrimination'.
By now it is very hot to shout it and blame others for your problems. With some luck you can even make a great income out of it.
Racism is not a typical human thing (animals have the same behaviour, dogs and horses for example) but it is something of all races. Black people do discriminate and are racists, Asian people do the same and so are white people. We simply like the ones who look like us the most and... those who think like we do (religion is a very good example of it).
Same it is with slavery. Long after it was forbidden Africans were still selling their neighbours as slaves, white people are sold as slaves too, so were Asian people. Actually slavery still exists mainly if it comes to white and Asian people, women and children.
For old men it is normal to buy a young Asian woman... they are more "kind" or willing...just like East European women (are you sure?).
How come we never see the other way around. Ever saw an Asian man with a white woman, providing her?
If I see black people in the media I always see them shouting, they seldom are educated. I learned: those who shout, raise their voices are being wrong.
I cannot say these people are a good example for what black people are like. They are not very picky if it comes to their choice of words. Clear to me is there is something seriously wrong with their selfesteem.
You think I am a racist? Well let me tell you I am not white and according to the new rules only white people are racists.
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Honey, let me get back to you. I have a comment slated for one of your articles too. Just suffice it to say that I'm so wignat that I'm inviting the Blacks and whoever. Choices about ppl are still pretty much binary.