in #racial7 years ago


    There was a man in the Confederate Army by the name of James Longstreet! He was Corp Commander under Robert E Lee. He was born 1-08-1821. He died 1-8-1904. 
     He was a graduate of THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY at WESTPOINT! He fought in the MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR.  During the 1850s he served his country in the American Southwest.  He was an amazing General. He won a lot of battles and lost some also. He is also known for being against General Lee's order at Gettysburg, but he carried out the order anyway. 
  But what very few people know is what he accomplished after the war. He became a part of the Republican Party. He was United States Minister to the Ottomon Empire from on  1880-1881. 
   So, what is so special about this man. Well, on Sept 14 1874 in New Orleans, there were a group of people called  the Cresent City White League that was against the Reconstruction Era. There were 8400 of the people in this group. 
   This group  decided to take over and held the state house, armory, and downtown for 3 days. The federal troops came in to take charge but they retreated. But before they retreated a fight broke out. General Longstreet led the Metropolitan Police and African American militia troops to face them. Generals Longstreet was snatched from his horse, shot and taken prisoner.
  He was considered a traitor by many of his peers for leading African American troops. He fled from New Orleans and went to Gainville Ga. where he spent out his life. One of his famous quotes was YOU CANT LEAD FROM BEHIND! 
    His Service in New Orleans helped the African Americans by fighting against the Cresent City Whites, who were trying to reclaim the Confederate way of life which included slavery. This man fought against that and was hated by most Southern people! ![IMG_1168.JPG](