My Personal Racial Struggle and How It Relates to the Blockchain

in #racialequality5 years ago

Memories are flooding back...

I remember in elementary school being called "mixed ice-cream" by one of my closest friends.

I remember moving to a small town in MD and being told because I was mixed I needed to pick a side, white or black.

I remember being a child and being told by my parents that I couldn't hang out with a certain friend anymore because his father did not approve of my race mingling with theirs. This happening just minutes after me asking if my mom can call his mom so we can hang out.

I remember growing up, my father telling me that the world is going to treat me different JUST because of my skin tone.

I remember dating a girl who couldn't tell her father what ethnicity I was because he would "kill me and her" if he found out and that I would end up wearing long sleeve shirts mid summer to keep myself from getting "too" dark.

I remember going to a roller skating rink in VA and being told "If you come back here one more time "sand nigger" WE WILL KILL YOU."

I remember in school my white friends or colleagues would make racist remarks towards blacks around me, obviously not knowing or caring what I was.

I remember feeling very nervous being in cars with my black friends because when being pulled over the experience was 100% different than had I been with a white friend.

I remember being asked over, and over, and over, and over again up until I was a young adult, "What are you?" AS IF THAT FUCKING MATTERS.

I am caucasian, African, middle eastern, AND native American. I have NEVER had a sense of true belonging (aside from the skate community) and have always had to do things my own way.

DESPITE ALL OF THAT, I have seen ignorance being spewed on ALL sides my ENTIRE life. Still as an adult I have hear racist remarks from white, black, asian, hispanic friends of mine who don't even realize they are speaking not from a place of love. Hell, not even a few months ago, a white friend of mine told me in private this his ex-african American partner only got to where he is BECAUSE of him.

That's just my racial story. It is what it is at this point. I am human as well. I have had and held my own prejudices and beliefs that I have had to adjust and evolve over time. How can we help what belief systems we were brought into? It is just our purpose and mission to find our flaws and work towards bettering them EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Belief systems are passed down generation after generation and never have we ever been THIS aware of who we were, who we are, and who we can be.

Whether someone was making fun of my height or my skin tone, believe me if you want. I never gave a DAMN what someone thought of me because I KNEW they were coming from a place of ignorance and misunderstanding. I hold ZERO hate for anyone. Call me the worst name you can think of and I will still give you a smile and offer you as much love as I can give.

I know the truth. And so do you. We are ONE race. This is not TRULY about race.

To me this ENTIRE situation is only about color to a degree. Look truly at who is out on the streets and how ANYONE whether you are a little white girl or an older Asian man, you are now victim of authoritarian practices.

(To me) This is about institutions and cultures that exist and do nothing truly to reprimand those who act out of law and order. Whether it is racial injustice amongst police and civilians, the American people being LOOTED by Big Brother and Wall Street with the most recent stimulus package or colleges putting families in debt just to give them a piece of paper which is loses more value every day just like the dollar. These are just symptoms of a much bigger problem. Things work in favor of a VERY VERY small group of individuals and have been for a long, long time.

This is a wake up call for many in so many ways and I hope we can take this time to not just understand whats going on but really get ideas as to WHAT we are going to do about it and HOW we are going to go about it. Ask yourself, why do these circumstances and ideologies still exist to this day? WHO is trying to keep us divided? What is their intent and WHY do we keep falling prey to the same repetitive situations?

This is about truly learning how we can take back CONTROL of our institutions by learning and educating ourselves on the proper tools and techniques.

The internet brought us so much information and given the world much greater freedom but it has become controlled and CENTRALIZED just like many of our institutions. We need to start utilizing DENCENTRALIZED platforms. Facebook is CENTRALIZED. HIVE is not. YouTube is CENTRALIZED. DTube is not. Steem is centralized. ULTRA is not.

I know a lot of you understand what’s going on with the crash of the dollar and the implementation of digital currencies, but it CAN be used to help get us back control, IF we understand and use what many are now offering us. The media will NOT cover these technologies or deals that being made. Google Cloud with THETA, Ubisoft with ULTRA. The Federal Reserve with RIPPLE. Nor will they promote them anytime soon. Goldman Sachs has recently told their investors that BTC is not an asset and worth having yet behind the scene they are buying up as much as possible.

If you want to know more about what the heck I am even talking about than please, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Everyone, keep up all the love I am seeing. The darkness is now completely out in the open and light can expose every nook and cranny. Things are truly changing and I promise you. Hate will NEVER win. LOVE is the ONLY answer and it WILL be our savior.


Love is trully the only way to get through a world which sometimes spreads hate. Thank you for sharing your story!

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You carry so much wisdom and inspiration. Thank you for sharing a part of your story, and spreading love throughout this decentralized space!