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RE: Students offered extra credit to determine their level of ‘white privilege’

in #racism7 years ago

completely outrageous, and perhaps the greatest irony is those "high-brow" intellectuals who wrote this pile of crock couldn't even be bothered to correct their writing:

Racial privilege is only one forms of privilege.
I can easily by posters ...

This garbage must be written by the "White Man", cuz only white privileged dudes would not be "expected" to grammar and spellcheck their work...

NO I can arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

probably not... I really don't have any friends left since the election. Guess that's what I get for supporting STOFFEL the HoneyBadger for President! lol

Link: STOFFEL for President 2016!

I can be late to a meeting without having the lateness reflect on my race.

I used to have a bunch of Indian friends way back who used to always show up two hours late nearly every time we were supposed to meet up (the other time was maybe only one hour late). They themselves used to joke they were all on "Indian Time". We all laughed, and I didn't argue. We just learned to "accept it" and work around it.

I now understand it must have been attributable to my white privilege that they felt the need to "justify" themselves, and I was being racist for not challenging their self-deprecating remarks... lol


Damn, didn't realize I was culturally appropriating Indian time for all the times I was late for something. I better check my white privilege.