You bring up some interesting points ... but you have to understand the flip side of that ..... the majority of college students graduating with a teaching degree are white females ..... therefore .... obviously they are more likely to teach ..... another thing ... the primary child care provider is usually the female in a relationship .... therefore ... most women choose this career... because in nyc they can take a leave of absence for several years after having a child .... and have to still
Have a position available for them when they return ...... not to mention when they go to work ... their work schedule is very similar to that of their children’s school schedule
Being a product of a NYC education .... and having had children in the school system .... I have to say that it’s NOT true that they do not learn about Black history .... I did as do my children ... for the younger children they may not go into too much detail of the horrendous things that took place but as they get older they do learn about slavery .... past political figures that have been honored and respected... but have had slaves and weren’t as honorable as expected .... My 12 year just finished a book The Mississippi trail ..
Morals and spirituality is a lesson for parents to teach not teachers ... It’s not my children’s teachers who should teach my child about being a spiritual being ... they shouldn’t impose their beliefs onto my children ... that is my job to inform my Children about the different beliefs and have them make an educated decision about which they want to follow and why . The last thing we need is a person who is a white supremacist ...someone who hates Muslims... or someone who hates minorities behind closedown doors telling my child which spiritual path to follow .
Unfortunately all over the world experience this ... either because of their race .... religion... beliefs ... appearance ... etc . I was a white, Muslim girl ...first generation American in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood ... and I was treated poorly as were plenty of others ... I was bullied .... having been physically developed before most of the other girls my age didn’t help ... as a woman in the real working world .... I have been bullied and treated poorly too ... if I complain about this in a predominately male industry ..... my business would suffer greatly .... this is a problem just for minorities .... it’s a problem for everyone !
Thank you for your response I respect your opinion. I'm glad that you only posted this 3 days ago. I will respond to this in the next day or so.