Why are you telling me any of this, Do I care? Does it Concern me what you think about me?
It's cute that you think I am too emotionally attached and then you speak on things that you cannot guarantee, as an Idiot who can guarantee them.
Non Bias, Actual Facts. As if the studies that I posted were Biased? Hey guess what, you still haven't made one counter point to ANY of my arguments and seek to pawn off addressing the studies with your hilarious CAR-SALESMAN-GUARANTEE
You're trolling yourself you imbecile, I didn't post One video to insinuate that it somehow speaks for a whole group of people and in a moronic attempt to justify racism and neither did I disregard an entire Statement to attempt to cast doubt on a conclusive standpoint, which now that I've provided facts to back it up, is somehow challenged because you offer me a guarantee on demonstrating confirmation bias in lieu of actually demonstrating confirmation bias, which makes you an Idiot, and a troll.
Hey though, not everyone is here interested only in reducing Culture to Glue and Paper School Supplies, so yeah, confirmation bias is something you definitely suffer from simply because you refused to address any of the other points and demanded a source for something that was completely in line to all other statements before it and sought to discredit in turn the whole of the rest of the statement because there was no "source" for such a thing, as if I have to source that the World is not Flat.
Also for confirmation bias all I need to do is point at this:
Do you really think its just a coincidence that Africa is one of the most fertile environments on the planet and yet Africans never advanced past the stone age without the help of Europeans?
Do you really think (you don't you're an Idiot after all, I guarantee that, (like a bad men's warehouse ad) that you can pass off as unbiased when you reduce Africa to "the most fertile environments on the planet" and posit Africans as "stone age" next to the Europeans? I guess you really think that, otherwise what sense is there to ask me a loaded question, an informal fallacy, Complex Question, after Explicitly being cooed to do that. Either you realized you're committing the same error but was curious to my response, or didn't understand or clearly care to understand what I was saying and assumed I was speaking a foreign language when I was calling you out to do it, or you knew all that, didn't care about my response and sought simply to RE INSINUATE, what you were to chicken shit to say in plain speak: Africa is fertile and Africans would have been in the stone age if it wasn't for the Europeans, after your impeccable stupidity of guaranteeing Confirmation Bias right before clearly confirming your atrocious bias.
The real question left is how low are you going to stoop now. I already had called people IDIOTS in this thread when I was speaking about people Talking about things they clearly have a poor grasp of, I called you an Idiot for the nerve you had as well when I said that you must take me to be an Idiot, and Yes you take me to be an idiot, henceforth you are an Idiot, and as you are speaking about African Culture, and Africa with clear ignorance and prejudice you are an idiot x 2, and it's not an Ad Hominem, it's a Label that I bestow onto you directly from what I consider Actions of an Idiot (counterproductive much).
You can be down like an Idiot with Personal Attacks, Insults or ill will, but I am not, those labels I don't wish to Castrate you with, or Cut you down with, those are what I would tell anyone who has the nerve to rudely quote one thing I said and demand sources for something that is Verifiable Fact of life, and after presented with some experiments demonstrating that Racism is as I described it chooses instead to insinuate that I attacked Him, as if I cannot remark on the nerve one must have or the previous insinuation of justifying racism from the video attached to the complex question fallacy which I DARED you and which you happily obliged by asking me an equally inflammatory loaded question calling me an IDIOT in the exact manner as before, implying that I must be an idiot if I don't agree with you and this time you repeated the same formula of asking me if I'm an idiot.
I don't debate with Idiots.
You can bet your ass there are plenty of admitted Racists, both in word and deed, and many more who are in deed but will justify it not as racism but as Tribalism because it's Important, and many more who discriminate but will deny it, and it doesn't take any experiment to conclude this, only simple common sense: Ask a few black people if racism exists. The end, clearly you won't listen to the horses mouth and have no interest in doing that, you do not understand what black people (In General, not some, but Most) say about racism or why, then what whites say about racism and why, and you haven't contrasted and compared the two, but discarded them as opinion, and should you correct all that you'd have to derive your conclusion with the reality of your awful bias in place, because what you consider "Actual non bias facts" probably won't pass general scrutiny for such.