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RE: Have I experienced racism?

in #racism8 years ago

Not really well thought out all. You might want to consider why their are black TV shows, black colleges, etc...
did you even ask yourself why?

Did you ask your self why their are no white schools.

Look at the history of this country and then ask yourself why?

Because of racism...these things were created.

White racsism!

Why in the hell would their be a need for a white school when they were created for white people and the exclusion of black people. When black people went to these schools they exprienced racism in the form of harassment and violence.

You are acting like these black schools were created yesterday. they were created because of white racism ...sir.

I could go over on all of your comments and show you lack of knowledge about knowledge of why things are the way they are.

But honestly...It would be a further waste of my time.

Your argument hold no water because it assumes that we have all been treated fairly and so we should all have have the attitudes.
That's awfully white of you.
I will just leave you with this...Ask yourself why ?


I have already asked those things. Actually thought it our very far. I don't think most other people have.

Sure there was slavery, there was racism (go back far enough and there was white slavery, still is in some places, and there was racism white on white with Irish, just like Rwanda was black on black fairly recently). The racism was keeping the black people held down even when the racism was supposed to be illegal.

The idea was to create scholarships, schools, and shows so that they couldn't be stopped by the racist people who were keeping them down before.

That is typically how it starts. With good intentions.

Yet the end result of giving ANYONE special treatment no matter how good the intention is that over time that GROUP (doesn't have to be just skin color) will be receiving special treatment. You cannot define it any other way. If they get it and others do not then it is SPECIAL. This is not equality. Now the thing about equality is that the same opportunities should be available for anyone to attempt to seize on an equal foot. They may choose not to seize those opportunities.

Doing these actions promotes racism. It is emotional, sympathy, empathy, and reasons of this nature that make people believe these special treatments are a good thing.

We (all of us) should not be seeking special treatment. We should be seeking equal treatment.

We must also understand that despite any goals for equality there will be assholes who gain influence who are still racists (or other form of bigotry). When they are caught doing such actions they should be held accountable. It should not be a case of suddenly making laws that apply to everyone to try to stop someone from acting like that person again. This is criminalizing everyone for the actions of someone rather than holding that person accountable. It is also special treatment.

As long as people like you believe it is required then I wouldn't expect to see racism ever go away. It'll just shift around as to which group it is politically correct to bash, and which group it is not. Basically racism and bigotry alive and well.

If you are not white and you bash white people. You are a racist.
If you are white and you bash non-whites. You are a racist.

There is no dancing around that.

Oh and whether you wish to admit it or not. You are racist. Only you can decide you wish to be or not to be.

Why do I say this?

That's awfully white of you.

Pretty simple. Your own words condemn you.

Some food for thought. "That's awfully white of you" indicates there is a different way white people act from others. That actually sets back strides in racism quite a bit. People like you that say things like that make Nazis and white supremacists very happy as they think white people think different as well. They believe they think superior.

Hitler agreed with them.

I tend to see humans, and not color. I don't believe there is a way WHITE people act and a way BLACK people act and a way ASIAN people act. Yes, there are cultures people are raised in but that is a construct. It is not actually part of their genetics, or being human.

The smart people that strove to get "equal" rights... not "special" rights wanted such things as "A black man does X", and "that is so like a white man" to go away.

That is the seed of where it all starts. A group deciding they are different and that ALL others of another group are a certain way. It is very primitive thinking that has nothing to do with color, but simply a lack of our education system covering critical thinking worth a damn. They really don't. It is a shame too as if ALL of us had such education I don't think we'd be having such discussions and I believe racism and most other bigotry would be a non-issue. They don't really stand up to critical thinking. The problem is that critical thinking is not telepathy. You cannot force another person to internalize and know what generalizations are and why they are false, or why an appeal to authority is not proof.

There is no WHITE way of doing things, no BLACK way. There are simply different ways. People can be assholes and racist regardless of color. They can be bigots too.