I've been in on meetings where they were forced to hire a minority. I don't know that it every happened to me. I have been a very vocal person trying to get a black person I worked with promoted to a position above me because I respected him and his work. Eventually we succeeded. I would rather people get the job due to their abilities, not due to race or gender.
I realize there are still bigots that are biased, yet I believe most of that died off a couple of decades ago. Though this resurgence of racism is NOT helping. It is setting things back. It is actually making some people racist who were not because they get caught up in one or more sides of the emotional journeys and groups going on. It is not a positive thing for ANYONE.
I truly try to treat everyone equal. I don't really see a person based upon skill, colors, etc unless it is forced upon me.
I've had black people I really respected, and friends that were black that I had these discussions with. I haven't seen any of them for many years and that was all before the BLM and media blitz... so I don't know if they are changed, but I kind of doubt they had... they were smart people that spent time thinking rather than getting sucked into emotional tornadoes.
EDIT: As to better finances. I've never lived anywhere that helped me. I grew up in a very poor white family. Lived in trailors, used out houses some times, on food stamps most of my life as a child, etc.
I am not on assistance now, but I just barely scrape by because I am taking care of 7 people on just my income.