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RE: Does 'Reverse Discrimination' Exist?

in #racism8 years ago (edited)

vera, where is this "every day" racism you refer to? Yes, you can find racism in history, but EVERY race/culture had/has feelings that they are superior to others (some just had more success at enforcing these claims of superiority). If America is SO racist against blacks, surely you can point to some major things, discriminatory laws, widespread violence against blacks, blacks unable to get elected to office, be hired, get into college, etc? Seems to me like people generally bend over backwards (to a fault IMO) to NOT insult blacks--but THEY can say racist shit, even throw around the word "nigger", all they want and no one says "boo" about it.

From my perspective as a mixed-race person (white-latino) in my early 40's who has had racial insults hurled at me from BOTH sides (but more from other latino's) and have lived in SoCal as well as the South, I have a little experience in this matter.

To hear some people like you talk, you'd think Jim Crow if not outright slavery and lynching still existed...