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RE: Does 'Reverse Discrimination' Exist?

in #racism8 years ago

Regarding the title: NO.
Racism is racism, differentiating it into predudice-light and predudice-heavy based on a person's skin color is RACIST nonsense.
Racism is a human problem, not a caucasian one. In Japan, the heavily hated on people are from Korean descent. Nobody cares one bit about white vs black there. Its not their hatred. Not their racism.
Only here. That's about how universal this subject really is, all about the U.S. Not about Caucasoid vs Negroid , not about race AT ALL.
We need to get a grip on ourselves and DEAL WITH IT.
If we really claim we want a color blind society, we need to shut the hell up about RACE. A few years ago, its all I heard "colorblind world".
Nobody ever cared about that, not really.
We need division among the population in order to remain powerless, and few of us realize we're feeding the slavemaster oligarchs their power by fixating on this pointless garbage.
On a side note: how do you feel about "LA RAZA"?
An organization specifically named "The Race" all geared toward returning the southwest States to hispanic rule, or dictates, or ownership?
Its really quite fuzzy. But would you consider these people racists?
Meet and talk with one of their members, watch their videos, listen to the rhetoric... tell me.
They're not white, they're not black??? Sound pretty much filled with racist hatred though.... hmmm.@veralynn