A Close Look at Racism in America

in #racism6 years ago

What is Racism?

Racism is the result of White supremacy.
The Invention of the White race
White Supremacy is a social contro construct create by the powers in control during the era of Bacon's rebellion.

It was used to divide the common people (Black and White indentured servants) of the time in order to maintain control of the society. The plan was to give non-Blacks special privileges while taking away those same privilege from the Blacks(Africans) . this social construct has been in place ever since.

So I classify the majority of so-called White people as racist. When the subject is brought up in the media, the White host never digs deep into the history and facts of the race issue. They put up a disclaimer: " I love every body whether they're Black, White, Asian, gay, etc". Slavery is not discussed. Historical discrimination is never discussed. The history of the Black/African American is never discussed when the issue of racism is mentioned.


[ Source: Google]

What could be the reason that racism is mentioned everyday on many shows, in Congress, and in the news, but the Black people and their particular issues are not addressed in depth or at any length. They may mention a few facts, but only as a means to demonize their enemies and each other. Soon afterward, these mentioners of racism ,move on, unaware of their racist inaction, demonizing the Black race by calling everything bad "Black" and everything good and pure as "White"

Black hats White hats click

black market click

black sheep click

black pilled click

black listed click

Every time "Black" is used to describe the evil going on in the world, racism is being promoted against the Black American descendants of slaves. It is pointed out how these Blacks are killing each other. How many of us are on welfare , or in jail, or how many dropped out of school, etc.

President Trump brags about how many Blacks are working now while the so-called White truth tellers amplify this statement. None of these influencers get to the underlying reasons for these facts that are based on race. There is no talk about racial discrimination in employment, education,housing or criminal justice. The demise of the family began with the destruction of the Black family. Slavery was propagated in this country on the basis of White privilege and Black neglect.

The slave master reversed the roles of the man and woman in order to effectively control them both.

These slaves were prohibited from educating themselves. The thirteenth amendment freed the slaves at that time except for those who in the future were duly convicted of a crime.

Since then, a population that represents less than 13% of the U.S. population accounts for close to 40% of all U.S. inmates. [ Source](link to your image source)
For the Black community(if that's what you want to call it), we are dis-proportionally represented in everything negative in this country. What's going on in the Black community today was not the case before the 1970's Source

True, there were still more Blacks in jail, but we were united in the cause of freedom. The Black leaders at that time stood up in the face of White supremacy to demand freedom, justice, equality, and reparations. Fifty years later, we still are not free. We just get to choose our slave master, if we are smart. The dopeman, the preacher, the phone company, the politician, etc. For the last fifty years, the Black citizen of America has no one to speak on our behalf who can cut through the propaganda, who will not be demonized and silenced. The work of the 1960's can be characterized by the fruit that it beared. What would those Civil Rights leaders think about the State of Black America today? All of their work for naught.

Every issue in Black America has been minimized and virtually ignored. These same issues are now being faced America as a whole and the world. Prisons good enough for Blacks-now good for all. Abortions for the Black unwed mothers- now you don't have to abort the baby, just wait til it's born. Then kill it. Not just the Blacks to dumb down. Everybody dumbed down. Blacks, Whites. Reds, yellows -- any color , fighting wars based on lies,losing their homes to greedy banksters.

The first Black president is hated by Whites for managing the criminal corporation set up by his White predecessors. The present White(or orange) president is hated by anyone hooked on mainstream propaganda.

Alex Jones ,

one of the White patriots that helped open my eyes to many geo-political topics, knows that Flint Michigan Blacks were poisoned, on purpose through their water system. He bashed those responsible. However, he did not think to send those people water filtration systems. He jut gave his well-off customers 50% off. The people in Flint are still drinking the super poisonous water according to Jones. Why?! Every one of his shows that he has brings up the race issue. He too is guilty of not diving deep into the subject that W.E.B. Dubois calls "the problem of the color line". Our issues have no relevance to the global destruction taking place today.

Everybody's water is poisoned. The bottled water is poisoned. The tap water is poisoned. The Oceans are radioactive. The Gulf of Mexico has oil in it. Man!
The racism in America today no longer hurts just Blacks. The world is now Black. we are all fighting for our lives and the future of our species. We must all travel back in time to the Sixties so that we can rediscover the fighting spirit that was extinguished by the White Supremacist Nazis of Amerikkka


Hitler was an angel compared to the Bush Family and the Clintons. Obama was just a great slave of the Global Cabal for a New World Order. He ignored his own Black family in the same manner as Amerikka's most racist White supremacist.

Trump has to be a racist. He is allowing Fifth Generation Millimeter wave active denial full spectrum destructive electromagnetic untested technology to genocide Amerikkka, beginning with it's historical test dummies the Black folk of Amerikkka. he's touting fake, phony, ad false corporate government statistics to make himself look good while acting as if his so-called Black predecessor had not a bit of anything to do with it.

He is using all the power given to him by his evil predecessors while using none of it to stop censorship . When he shuts down the government(company), does he consider how it affects the poor and disadvantaged and unfortunate. When he talks about immigration, is there any mention of how it hurts the Black community. Does he even know. How much thought has he put into it.

White America wants to keep its memorials to the Confederate states while sending Kanye West to speak for us. What does Kanye say? " why we gotta keep bringing up slavery?"

Blacks are stuck in the past when it comes to our history. In the present we are a non-factor. In the future, the first group genocided. From a global perspective, all races are ignorant of true history. None of us matter to the 0.0001%. We, the Human race, are in the cross hairs of the Elite killing Machine. Wake up White folks. We are all Black now. the constitution and the Bill of Rights are dead. Humanity follows soon if we continue our slumber. https://www.iheart.com/content/2018-05-02-kanye-wests-interview-with-charlamagne-tha-god-read-the-full-transcript/