I agree that the race war is largely manufactured/engineered in order to create fear and panic - all the better to control the people by.
I also believe that the Republican/Democrat or liberal/conservative divides are also highly engineered for the same purpose - to divide and conquer. As long as we have an "us versus them" attitude, those in the upper echelons of our society and political world will remain in control. It also makes the setting ripe for another dictator. Remember, Hitler was LOVED by his people in the beginning.
Thanks for the great post.
Exactly, anything that can keep millions(billions) of humans focused on battling each other (whether literally or metaphorically), also keeps them from throwing off their shackles and remaking the world.
no hitler was not loved by the people in the beginning, no, he was like trump and was a minority candidate that only one because the media helped him divide his opposition.
btw the conscious resistance is cops, this entire project is fake and it endangers everyone who touches it that is not in on the psy-op.
just though you should know